Mass Rez is never coming back

just because they prefer it it dosen’t mean its the best choice the rest of the community will just want a change again

I think most of us just want the current Mercy to be gone and never come back.

Rez needs to be her ultimate again, in whatever form. There have been countless suggestions in between single and mass rez, why not be adults and meet somewhere in the middle?

Those are two different statements. Not to mention you’re still missing my point. But anyway, I’m not an advocate for any side.

i don’t get it why do people think she’s worse now look at her before the rework all she had to do was just press a button and suddenly the enemy team has a second chance thats not balanced and i can assure you that before the rework it was most of the player base that wanted a change not the mercy mains that liked your post

That isn’t a balance problem, it’s a gameplay issue. A highly subjective one at that.

Mass rez is inherently flawed how it was, even before the immunity change

all you have to do to earn her ultimate is to heal your team mates and she used to become invincible when he ulted so hiding was pretty easy and made rez really strong and unballanced considering how easy it is to use and how it gives the enemy team a second chance so i think its pretty obvious that isn’t how blizzard wanted mercy to be so they changed her maybe not for the better but she’s easier to balance now than she would’ve been before the rework

well by annoying i meant unfair and didn’t feel like it was deserved by the enemy team

rez is too powerful and its why everyone thinks mercy is too powerful…i know…lets bring back a 5 man version!!!

forum logic

You were in discussions before being completely against mass rez, right?

Just goes to show everyone that both sides of the mass rez debate think the reworked version is a disaster.

New mercy is terrible but hey different opinions

Blizzard has a nasty habit of trying to force players into a very specific playstyle. They don’t do it with just this game either. They’ve pigeonholed so many aspects of their games, and I’d say that’s not a good thing.


That’s still not an actual balance problem.

The devs themselves explicitly said that they reworked Mercy because they didn’t like her playstyle, not because she was too powerful. Stop conflating the 2 and claim there was some balance issue, there wasn’t.

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Rez is too powerful AS A REGULAR ABILITY. That is what people are saying.

There are plenty of people (loons) saying bring it back… hence the thread I would imagine … and why the mercy mains are laughed at now

You are comparing two completely different things. And no, the people who want mass rez are not being illogical. Mercy was reworked because of the supposed playstyle people developed. NOT because mass rez was OP.

If anyone is being laughed at, it’s Blizz for being forewarned almost a year ago about something and it STILL being a huge issue.

And the mega thread is not just about mass rez. But that would require people to actually read the suggestions that they say don’t exist.

Im with OP.

Valk is far better

I don’t want mass res back, always hated it, using it and playing against it.

But some change that people have suggested sounds too notch.

Only time will tell👌

I could also say blizzard forewarned everyone…but clearly it doesn’t work both ways

Pray, tell me, what exactly did Blizzard warn us would happen? What issue did they say would be forever an issue if it wasn’t changed or removed? And what issue still persists?