Mass Rez is never coming back

You don’t have to be a doctor to know that drinking bleach is bad for you.

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And posting on a forum is not the same thing as drinking bleach.

Instead of concern trolling, just realize that people aren’t going to stop wanting a revert or something to change about her because she is both boring to play and one of the best healers in the game to a lot of people.

If someone is obsessive about it, that is one thing. But maintaining an opinion and talking about every now again isn’t some unhealthy thing that you need to save them from. And I think you know that, I think you’re just tired of reading it.

So, maybe you should take your own advice and stop going into those threads. They aren’t going to stop being posted.


I like current mercy as well…buff the other characters

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Sorry for the confusion, it was directed at the thread title.

I also prefer new mercy.


You’re making a very big “freedom of speech” deal out of this. I have no power to silence anybody and I clearly just asked for alternatives. You seem to be living in a world of absolutes, but I don’t know you, so whatever.

Compromises can be made for her rez. Heck, they HAVE been made. Half of these forums want mass rez back and the other half want rez gone completely. The devs went with the single rez middle ground.

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They aren’t. I like Mercy how she is now, but I can still understand the frustrations that many other people are experiencing with her :confused:

Rez CD isn’t a middle ground. That’s like the worst thing they could’ve done. I’m going to say Rez CD has been the lowest point of balanced Resurrect and Ult Resurrect was the highest point but couldn’t be countered which was a problem.

There you go. Valkyrie users keep Valkyrie cause I do enjoy the flight I just think it needs to be more interactive but available to use more often and more situationally. Then Resurrect moving to her ultimate but much more versatile and counter able.

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Agreed, I prefer new Mercy’s playstyle compared to the old. I’m afraid of a revert just because mostly the only people who express feedback about Mercy are just people who are mad and want a revert.

However, I do not like how much they have had to nerf her one bit. I do think that a little second ‘rework’ might be in order, but I don’t want to go back to mass rez. I want to move forward rather than backwards.

I feel like old mercy would not fit the current update, with shield bashes and land mines around. I feel like it would make her way harder then it should.

Good? People always complained about counter play so if they’re actually adding some now…

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He is not alone mate.

But wait… waaaait…

Heroes never die.

They’re really not going to revert. It would absolutely shred their credibility updating the game from then on in, and everyone would fight every update forever tooth and nail in hopes of having that reverted. It ain’t gonna happen.

Look how 2minutes+ of the game this guy stopped healing his team and started doing absolutely nothing. Some allies died for no reason and to no use.

The devs wanted to eliminate this type of behaviour, were a healer just stopped healing.

Keep preaching that it was just a myth, it was a real thing that was happening frequently.

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I contributed and healed my team, and so did many others…


So? He threw the game effectively, real Mercy players never did this. I never encountered it and I very much doubt many other did. It only became apparent when youtubers/streamers started doing it and the “pros” cried for a nerf.

This rework effectively killed the game for me, not because of “she was OP”; no. Mercy lost her impact for me, she has almost no huge play potential anymore. It;s just “press Q to spectate and eat 3 enemy ults”.

With that my faith in this game is slowly dying.


That is no argument and a ridicolous way to discredit any example of “hide n rez”

I was actually fed up with how many times it was happening. I had to resort to the same tactics when i found myself playing Mercy.

When stupid tactics get popular they should be adressed.

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I liked mass Rez. It was a lot more impactful and rewarding, which is what ults are supposed to be, unlike Valk, which is literally just a bunch of slight buffs to her regular abilities.

Sure, hide-and-Rez was a bit of an issue, but that could have been fixed by LOS checks. Swooping in for a Rez would have still been powerful, but again, ults are supposed to be. And for the fact that it had no counters, that could be easily fixed by giving Reaper back the Soul Orbs, and making it so that if he ate someone’s orb, they could not be rezzed.

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proceeds to shoot the enemy Widow in the face