Mass Rez is never coming back

Personally I’m glad mass rez is gone. That being said, Mercy is a mess right now.


And you’re a licensed psychiatrist?

It’s not ‘your hero’, it’s Blizzard’s hero, and they decided that she was not functioning the way they wanted her to, based on their ‘triangle of balance’; their perceptions, user feedback and data. In the same way, Lucio was not being played as intended, and they reworked him as well.

She won’t come back. She shouldn’t come back. She isn’t balanced now, but they’re working on finding balance.


The people you are talking about are a very vocal minority. Very vocal. People who are unhappy are typically more inclined to rush to the forums to vent their frustrations than people who are satisfied, or unaware there is even an issue, are likely to gush about how great they think Mercy is. I imagine there is more to her pickrate than just “Rez is so OP”. I imagine happy Mercy players are just… you know… playing Mercy.

Personally, I enjoy Mercy the way she is now more than I did when she had Mass Rez. I understand some people don’t. But the people on the forums do not equal most people. Remember that.


Strange how she wasn’t a mess until the rework. :thinking:

People can deny it all they wish, but Mercy was balanced before the rework. if hiding was such an issue, there were smarter ways of preventing idiot players from throwing games to pad their SR (which they couldn’t do anymore since Performance SR is removed for Diamond+…).

Having an OP, no soul, and no skill rework is NOT healthy for this game. Mercy has remained a must-pick ever since Rez sat on a static cooldown. She’ll ALWAYS be a must-pick as long as this is true. Resurrect is balanced as an ult because it needs to be earned, and once it’s used up it can’t be used until the player earns it again.


And look where it left him for so long. Whether or not these buffs will even lift him out of his grave is still a question.

See, but I have a great feeling they don’t actually look at any feedback.

Goodman literally said he was surprised people didn’t like new Sombra, but that never factored in.


There are around 100K users on the forums. Even that is a small section of the forums users.

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I don’t see many posts getting more than 100 likes, so I’m going to guess the vast majority of them don’t actually visit.


Thats wrong. They said they would bring her back if things dont go they way the want them too. Eventually they stated they arent considering a revert at the moment.

Be mindful that they also said they would never add a Deathmatch or Free-for-all mode because the game is not balanced around 1v1’s or 1vAll’s. Thats why you see some characters excel where they otherwise wouldnt. Even so, they eventually caved and added it.

On another note, the developers also stated in a video interview that reverts are never off the table only they would rather progress on what they have rather than move back and as such arent considering it at the moment.

In this case they did something they said they would never do (adding DM and FFA). A revert on the other hand is something they said is something they are not considering. As such, its not off the table.


It won’t because Blizzard is stubborn about admitting mistakes, but if they did it the right way like keep cast time, max 3 per rez, los, and a longer charge.

Get rid of the E completely if you have to, but this is just boring to play now.

Your ‘feeling’ is irrelevant though. I’ve had Blizzard devs personally listen to my feedback for the Lucio rework. I’ve felt very listened to by the devs, because it was a situation where they felt the voices the Lucio players were using were in line with what they felt as well.

And Lucio’s rework worked fine for months and months. It was far after that that he started falling out of favor, partially because of Mercy, and partially because of general powercreep. It had nothing to do with his successful rework.

Oh, so basically, if their thoughts aren’t what your thoughts are, then they are useless. Look at how listened to you were!

Imagine if your feedback wasn’t the same as their’s, lol. They most likely wouldn’t have listened at all.

I too felt listened to at one point, the devs swore that they read feedback, but they literally don’t and you can tell by the posts read overall on their forum accounts.

Gee, why would Mercy get more popular than him… God do I wonder…

But no. What held Lucio up was his good heals, they even stated it on the dev comments of his rework. Once they removed that, Ana too fell because she didn’t have a Lucio to back her up consistently, and then it all came crashing down.


I did not defend the rework though? I just hated the mass rez as a Mercy. I mean, most teams wanted me to immediately stop healing and just hide somewhere until I could pull this potg 5 man rez which almost never happened because they would get staggered. So I would either keep healing and get yelled at for not hiding, hide, see them get stagger killed and then get yelled at for not using the ult or hide, use the ult and get yelled at for wasting it “on 2 or 3 people”.
Playing Mercy was just not fun…I enjoy her a lot more now that I don’t have to play around team rez.


Off topic. Every team will still run a Zenyatta. He’s been the goto off healer since forever. :slight_smile:

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Fixed it for you.

20 char

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Hope is a powerful weapon. A weapon that can create actions if used correctly and for the right reasons.

Blizzard did say some time ago that they have no plans of reverting mercy to her mass Rez state. But then again, they said they would never bring death match to overwatch but look at arcade now.

Personally I didn’t like mass Rez because it didn’t make sense for a main healer to have an ult that is better than both Transcendence and Sound barrier combined. And that ult was on Mercy, the main healer with the lowest skill floor to play. The ult was also easier to build up compared to Trans and Sound barrier with much impact. It made no sense to me for a healer with a higher impact kit to have a higher impact ult. Compare this to an off-healer which has a lower impact kit with a higher impact ult.

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No he’s not, current Mercy is way more fun than old Mercy.


This forum has a lot of Mercy mains.


That’s because most of the people who enjoy her aren’t making threads about her. We have no real way of knowing. Look at what happened with Dva. When she had a powerful DM everyone was saying nerf dm and give her more damage. They did exactly that. When that happened, all of a sudden the forums were being spammed with noo dva is a tank! Don’t give her damage!!