Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why


2 - “No” - Geoff Goodman

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3 - “We have no plans at the moment, but we’re not going to say it will never happen.” - Jeff / Geoff

This is fun! :blush:

Uhhh… Not exactly. :slight_smile: I would propose bringing mass rez back with a 1.25s cast time, LOS, Vulnerable to CC and cancelled if she’s killed before the res (so, she can’t just walk out from spawn and rez again if she was killed on a prior unsuccessful res), half it’s original range & 30% damage reduction instead of invincibility.

These fixes will allow her to be engaged in the fight, allow counter-play opportunities, while still rewarding good Mercies with the potential for big plays, without being too unengaging or unimpactful at any point in the game. If it’s too underpowered, this platform being more modular with it’s various checks and counterplay, can be adjusted properly (Too weak? Increase damage reduction. Too quick? Increase cast time. Etc.) which hasn’t existed back in 1.0.

Also for Valk and TF2, I think the difference there though is that if I’m not mistaken, Uber provides healing / overheal at a much faster rate, and provides enough healing to sustain a push under heavy fire, something Valk isn’t able to do. I kind of see Valk as more of an initiation, made to negate kills from poke damage, which is fine if the enemy is unable to output any noticeable damage, but is incredibly ineffective against focus fire - which would happen most often in crucial moments like Overtime or 2CP. I think it would be more suitable to have it as a more powerful single beam at 70hp/s, get rid of the chain heals, and put it on a 25second cool-down on E, with an 8 second duration. This way, Mercy players who like Valkyrie still get their ability, and can still use it as intended, with even more opportunities to use it, and Mercy players who like Mass res can use it in her Ultimate form. A win-win in my opinion :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Tee-hee! What a blast!

4 - “We have no plans to revert Mercy…But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.” - Jeff Kaplan


5- Once again, um, no

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here you go


Only way to ballance mass rez is to give it a cast time

Man you people really need to give this up, it’s over and for good reason.

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Thanks, I can’t link anymore because I like innuendos :frowning:

Can we start flagging these threads as spam? And ban this gimmick account while we’re at it?

Signed, a Mercy player

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Signed, a Bastion player who enjoyed mercy as a hero.

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This thread alone is over a month old, and there are countless other threads that spring up daily. Some people a responding to posts by creating entire threads. The general forum is difficult to navigate now due to the Mercy/DF/Brig thread spam. Either give heroes their own subforums (quarantine zones) or start some bans.

To make it worse, none of these are real feedback threads. They’re just delusional demands.

Not to mention the account name is indicative that it’s a throwaway account made for spamming the forum, which is exactly what it’s doing.

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I could make these same accusations about your posts here, and the account linked to them.

No points have been made, thus Chibi must return to his people now.


Nice attempt at a response, but no, you couldn’t.

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Only 74-ish posts, nonsense name, and random obviously intentionally inflammatory posts meant only to poke fun at the dedicated users here.

10/10 would troll again.

See? That was easy to accuse you of.

I’m off to main Bastion in deathmatch. :v:

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Amazing post <3
Sadly Blizz won’t read… rip

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You checked my posy count and got me to reply.

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Only five topics made, three of which actually saw replies.

One of which is literally empty… “For the lols”

And under 200 likes given.

You aren’t a very active forum user, thus… by your very own logic:

I’d lay off the name calling if you yourself fit the description.

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This poor RevertMercy guy and these incessant posts… making a mockery of Mercy mains worldwide… if she ever_did_ get it back the same people would find some other reason to create these kinds of posts for attention.

I’ll say it again, it’s just bad for the game, Blizzard sees it and no one wants this blonde cheerleader overturning hardfought OWL games at the last second except a fraction of her mains; it ain’t coming back folks.

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Nice. Stalking my forum history to tell me I’m not active enough to have an opinion.

I’m gonna unfollow this thread now. I don’t care to get harassed any more. I hope stalking and harassment isn’t typical of the rest of the Mercy community.

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