Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

Similarly enough.

It’s why playing Phoenix is so much fun, ie the medic that can self-revive…when people forget to do the last blow you can pop right back up


Good idea, it’s not worth the trouble. Trust me. :blush:

Actually that’s an interesting idea. It actually reminds me. What are your thoughts on there not being a rez mechanic, but a revive mechanic, similar to the FPS games?

I don’t know how I’d personally feel about this being implemented in the game, but I do think it’s interesting to consider. Essentially if you are “killed” you are downed, similar to archives where a team mate needs someone to stand over them to revive them. Has there been any instance of this in a PVP setting? I believe this has only occurred in pve modes of Overwatch if I’m not mistaken.

Anyway, the idea would be that you down someone, and they have a timer before respawn. The enemy can finish off the kill to make them respawn faster, which would prevent one from bringing them back. Everyone is able to revive a downed player. However, Mercy can revive multiple team mates within her LOS, rather than just one at a time.

Thoughts anyone? Like I said, I don’t feel any way towards something like this, but do find it interesting to think about. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


That makes sense… That’s a pretty big circumstantial factor when it comes to rezzing and such. Very big. Once truly “dead” is there any way to bring a player back?

By “downed”, do you mean something similar to BO2 Zombies where the player is immobilised on the floor, awaiting revival?

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Same to you, love. Your name is legit RevertMercy. Expecting any kind of quality conversation that doesn’t revolve around “OMFG MASS REZ IS THE BESTEST” when it comes to you is naive af isn’t it? :blush: God I love emojis :blush: They make me seem like such a good person :blush: Same with cute pet names :blush:

God damn keep forgetting my sig.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Chatting up a cutie over coffee.
Quest :blue_heart:

Pretty much. I suppose they can still shoot as well (or maybe with OW it would be more balanced to just allow them to quick melee instead), but obviously they won’t be able to move around all that freely - if at all.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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To quote Hellsqueen.

(I need to get my new PC looked at cause all this talk about DB makes me wanna play it again and it just keeps crashing. :persevere:)


Well, there are multiple rez mechanics.

Sparks, revive rifle. Charged up ranged revives. It makes her very quick to save people and a huge threat.
Guardian, [UPDATED], Yes she has an AOE revive. The longer it is charged, the more health players return with. In 1.5s she can get them up with 100 hp so that doesn’t mean a tanky character will have full health. The range is 250 units. Can;t say what that means comparatively to OW. However, having more people on a team and how much more fast paced this game can be, the revive mechanics being consistent and fast is pretty important. There isn’t really a concept of team fight unless you are playing Eliminations mode, people play what they know and are usually very good at it.
Phoenix, Aura and Sawbones, have defibs. They need to be close and run and save the targets, risky but they do have kits intended to be able to deal with that.

The defibs and Revive rifle, have a charge up time so that the longer you charge the more health they get back up with, however the risk is if you wait the can be finished. If they haven’t finished getting up properly, they can still be finished off.

As I said, not sure if Guardian provides a mass rez concept and how frequent it can be done.
But the defibs and Revive rifle can be use as frequently as you want pretty much.
The rifle one has a charge mechanic where if you charge until the battery runs out, you can’t use it again until the battery has fully charged. Where if you use it in smaller burst, you can let it charge slightly but keep spamming revive shots but they will come back slightly low on health.

Every character can heal over time in Dirty Bomb, the supports just do it faster and more significantly.

Dirty Bomb feels like it has bigger maps, more objectives to complete in a single match, characters are even designed to be better to play the objective (eg, planting bombs is faster on Objective Specialists) and targets often feel a lot smaller. Small characters are fast but squishy, big characters are slower but tankier, often with very dangerous abilities when use well too.

I would say that Mass Rez was fairly risky to use but it wasn’t a bad thing. I don’t think it had much of a place at high ranks, but I think that is okay. It is okay to have characters that don’t exceed everywhere. Sometimes they just aren’t supposed too, but I think it is something that can be counteracted by more characters at varying skill degrees that have similar playstyles.

Like, a Mercy player doesn’t mind giving up offensive capabilities so long as they can protect their team reliably so if there was a slightly more complex hero that worked with buffs/debuffs and healed reliably, but required more skill on their part, then maybe they can move off Mercy more often.
There is no where else for Mercy players to really turn too for skillful but defensive characters or characters that sacrifice to be more for bettering the team.

EDIT: I’ll research Guardian and update what I said up there :slight_smile:


True let’s not trouble ourselves. Also, the idea is a bit weird. Not sure if it would work well, but who knows. Mabye a support in the future could do that

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Thanks, my friend :slight_smile: Imma look into DB and their whole approach to Rez.

Like I’d like to understand the mechanic of Mass Rez more, and I hope that by looking into other games it will further develop my understanding.

Thank you and hellsqueen both for aiding me in that.


I believe they do have bigger maps and like 3x the length of the objective time.

I agree, Mass Rez wasn’t a bad thing; but I think OW’s biggest flaw was that there was no clear “we’re taking this game in this direction” until about 2 years after its release.

Again I just wished there were chances and versions of Rez that we could have tried.


Thank you! Respond to me or something when you do so I can get the notification. I really appreciate your perspective on all this and your knowledge on say DB rez as it’s the closest I’ve come to to what we’ve experienced in OW.

I have much to think about thanks to the two of you :slight_smile: It’s a nice break from the repetitiveness of these forums haha xD

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I’m seriously getting Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde vibes. Lol, wth…

You get what you give.

It is literally that simple.

god no. no. anything but valk or mass rez.


but if it does i don’t mind, still prefer Mercy 2.0…much more fun

I’m sure devs can give Mercy a completely rework like changing her entire kit and make her more challenging to play like Ana or Lucio Perhaps?

I don’t actually think that Valk is a bad ultimate at all but is poorly implemented because is a transform ultimate like Genji but when Mercy use valk feels like " Meh" who cares? she provides nothing really useful for her team, in fact a single Moira healing orb does better than Valkyrie.

The only good thing that Mercy can do with Valkryie is to contest Overtime due to how “hard” is to take her down by just normal damage.

My honest opinion I think Mercy needs damage boost removed and replaced by something else because Orisa supercharge does the same and of course Valkyrie needs something else to be more valuable for Mercy team.

Resurrect on E feels balanced right now you can still resurrect a key teammate and turn the tables but doesn’t feel actually overpowered because now it has counter play.

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I respect your opinion.


Come to think of it… Another support with the ability to “prevent a kill” through some sort of slowed death effect “That basically causes the person to be downed” would be an awesome compliment to Mercy’s resurrect ability :smiley:

Like, one hero could specialize in pro-actively preventing kills, and the other can specialize in reversing it. Hmmm, interesting!

Maybe the new hero could be called Grace as well, since you know… There would then be “Grace and Mercy.” Oh apologies, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself at the moment, ha :wink:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Theres this idea. Mabye it would be more to your liking?