Easy there man. People like things in a game, and hate things. This person hates them. Just let them say their opinion
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Easy there man. People like things in a game, and hate things. This person hates them. Just let them say their opinion
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Well Jeff said he wanted to put to rest the idea of a revert. And clearly a revert has nothing to do with Mass Rez. Stuff changes right? Why does it matter what they said before she was nerfed? You don’t care about what was said in other situations, so why care about that?
Or… Selectiveness? Just choosing to acknowledge what supports your agenda?
See that seems likely but clearly you’re right, right? We don’t know why, but you’re right. So… I unno.
That quote you posted is old, and funny thing is that they nerfed Mercy 1 week after that comment
But, WoW would have more variety of skills across the board, right?
You have over dozens of skills and access to far more healing skills on one character that effect a huge party of people which means greater chance of survival and less often need for a resurrect compared to Overwatch that is extremely fast paced where you are not as often locked in place for casting abilities.
If Mercy had access to 12 healing spells of different kinds then of course having resurrect be a rare resource would make sense.
Mercy has a gliding to team mate ability, a pistol, a damage boost beam, a healing beam and a resurrect, her ultimate ability is doing her normal stuff but “better”. For the msot part she has a 50hp/s beam for healing and that’s it. So it is kind of tough to compared WoW with Overwatch for resurrect because of
Resurrect being difficult and really rare to use in Overwatch could only be done on an ultimate where it is earned, especially if they don’t intend to give her a bunch of extra healing skills to make it worthwhile on a E where it needs ult punishments and you could still add a greater cooldown to it and still have it need to have an ult punishment.
Ikr. So funny. It’s nice that we can hold them to what they said regarding a nerf prior to that nerf. It’s also nice we can ignore everything else they said if it doesn’t fit our agenda.
I love picking and choosing what the dev’s have said to actually care about. So fun.
Edit: Ooops, my bad, almost forgot.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Crispy Bacon.
Me comparing to WoW is supposed to emphasize that comparing to MMORPGs isn’t really viable. People have tried “other video games” and “MOBAs and MMORPGS” as vague instances of mass rezzes.
Not to mention that battle rez isn’t even allowed in PvP content like arenas. It’s mostly a PvE thing.
Hey all you kids. Please.
Give me another game that has a mechanic like Mass Rez. Dm what kind of game. Just list them off. Let’s see what other games, and if they are “FPS” “MOBA” “MMORPG” or whatever they all are.
List em off.
What other games have a Mass Rez type mechanic?
Darth brought up what they did in regards to me asking basically this question. If you gonna respond to what they said on it, at least provide towards what caused them to say that.
Man you need to chill. You are getting a tad bit passive aggressive for a simple chat on some forums
Bionic Pulse. Dirty Bomb. FPS game.
(All but one medic can revive, the later can self revive.)
Do i get a cookie?
There’s reasons for why I am expressing myself how I am. Those reasons have been explained at length.
You saying “chill bruh” achieves nothing. This isn’t even me tilted. This is me just memeing on fools. Want me to meme on you?
Nice thank you.
How did that work in Dirty Bomb? I haven’t played it myself, but I have heard about it. Could you expound?
That basically sums up the past hours in this thread.
Ikr? Because you NEED me to be salty and stuff right now, otherwise, you have literally nothing to support your position.
It’s okay, you can think of me as salty as you want.
Tbh, this is just mild entertainment for me. I’m not salty at all. But it’s important for your ego to believe what helps you out, so yes, for you, please continue to assume I am somehow mad or upset. You achieved something. Be proud, child.
What? I’m saying that most of us, not just you, have been passive aggressive in this thread for the past few hours?
You need to charge it, the longer it charges the more health you restore to your team. It’s not an instant 100% revive.
It works in Dirty Bomb for the main fact that Revive is a common mechanic, the matches are longer, and the teams are bigger.
There are other games line Battle Field and CoD that have revive mechanics too, however Battle Field as the similar things going for it like Dirty Bomb, ie the larger teams and longer matches.
While in CoD it’s a perk you have to have equipped, meaning you’re giving up the slot so it’s a risk of taking that slot up.
Mass Rez when OW was still directionless worked; however as it is now with the small teams and fast matches it contradicts itself.
I just wished we had a chance to see other iterations and methods to use Rez than what we have now and what we had then.
Hopefully, deleting Res is an option if Res really can’t be balanced by the devs. XO
Hmm I see. What are the team sizes in dirty bombs just for reference?
I guess like I’m specifically interested in mechanics that are 1 button press results in 1-X amount of people being revived. Not 1 button press, 1 person rezzed, selective individual targetting.
What you presented as far as Dirty Bomb goes does def show that 1:Many type of rez mechanic. So I’m curious what the team size is compared to OW.It makes sense the higher the team size, the less problematic a mechanic like Mass Rez becomes.
Huh uh I hope never comeback it had to little counter play besides killing Mercy all the game because she was the highest impact hero on every match.
The game never felt more refreshing than before with the exception of so many CC abilities.
Sure, there are a ton of people picking and choosing arguments, but a whole with the rework you can deduce what the Dev’s set out to achieve has not been done.
I think after 13-14 nerfs, you can clearly see that a rework is not a success.
With complete unrest about a character, I can’t see how they say it is a success.
Mercy players didn’t want nor ask for her to be Meta or relevant, many of them were content with their hero and just want an E ability to perhaps provide her with a little complexity and learning curve. Nothing too extreme. Pro-players demanded changes because people were abusing a bug and hiding and sabotaging them, something that line of sight and an SR bug fix would have returned her back to nothing to them. It was because of their demands that they got her turned to an OP monster with 100% pick rate in GM according to Omnic Meta’s stats where in season 4, she had a lower pick rate than Ana in GM and was only just a bit higher than the other characters which made sense because she had a huge community behind her and that was likely why she had such a high pick rate and if there was more variety of supports with similar playstyles at varying skill degrees, we would see more spread pick rates anyway.
All the supports except Mercy have high damage numbers throughout a game because they can fluidly switch to doing so and many of their kits allow them to deal damage.
Mercy’s damage and damage boost stats combined do not even reach the other supports damage numbers. She is purely a team based defensive main support.
There is no one more or less skillful who sacrifices much of their own ability to deal damage to support the team a whole bunch.
How about you actually contribute to the conversation politely instead of…memeing…We are all adults here
Many hate mass rez. Many like it. I dont care for it, and would rather have a diffrent ult all together, but the 10 points OP made were decent enough that mabye it could happen.