Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

'cause the b* is boring AF right now my dude.
We want her to be fun and engaging again not – this mess.

Her healing upkeep compared to how it was is bad. She went from a main healer to not having enough utility to be considered an off-healer. She can’t outheal Winston’s Tesla Cannon, the lowest damage weapon in the game. She needs a buff to her healing. If not back to 60 (where it belongs) then up to 55 HPS would be fine, too.
Valkyrie is unimpactful and bad. It’s basically you flying around and letting your ult do your heal-juggling for you. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if they’d kept single-res on instant cast with 2 charges. But, she’s just- ew.
Res on E makes her a sitting duck, and is bad/clunky with her kit. The cast time is fine but she should have full mobility if they’re going to keep her this way.

She’s not fun, not impacting enough and not useful.
At best, she’s a niche pick right now. Her winrate is awful.

Blizzard doesn’t know how to fix her and they refuse to take constructive criticism and ideas from the community; the people who play the game more than likely than they do, ever have or ever will.


i hope they never bring it back, elsewise people gonna cry that i wont play mercy. I feel insulted when mercy mains outcry about the usabillity, while putting hundreds of hours into other heros, just to be a ok ana or lucio and zen, at some degree even moira. This is comparable to a genji or hanzo and so on mains. Yet i don’t want a no-brainer hero like mercy nor bridgette, we just need to adjust her skill level, bringing for instance an ability which does requier at least two synapses, would make her a way better hero in General. I like that nowdays theres more Players enjoying playing supports, since i remember the days where it was hard to get even one player to play support or tank.

Quoting myself from another thread.

I’ve got the heal beam that heals at a paltry 50hps
It’s Little Nerfy just for meeee!!!

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I just want to remind people that this post was mass flagged too, and they were removed… meaning the “false flagging” is happening to everyone and isn’t the result of Mercy mains “disliking something”.

They really need a better system to counter this.

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No it’s not when MY fun is what matters!!!1

Blizzard should had never reworked Mercy because players found her unfun


Blizzard is obliged to revert Mercy because players find her unfun!

Don’t you see? They did the wrong thing by balancing around fun, now they have to do the good thing by balancing around fun.

Sometimes i wish people could hear how biased they sound when they demonize Blizzard for the rework while also demanding Blizzard for a revert for the same thing.


It’d be nice if Mercy gets back her rez.

I’ve been thinking about a TEMPORARY REZ with a countdown which becomes PERMANENT if the rez hero(s) kills/assists 2 heroes during that time.

Oh so u’re still around here. It could be I didn’t see u because I haven’t really checked that many Mercy posts anymore but still as I said before I will say it again now. That entire phrase it’s subjective. You can love something for being “true fair and fun balance” but that’s entirely subjective simply because what u consider fair and fun could be unfair and unfun for others. I know that’s ur signature but it’s just like so cliché.
Why not go with something that explains more ur thoughts and stuff like “A lover of Mass Resurrect Ultimate” Sure that doesn’t sound as great but I’m sure it can be phrased in a better way that shows how u feel about this subject.


it won’t trust me it wont

mass Rez will come back when torbs able to wall ride


Mass ress won’t return because of 1 simple point:

  1. Blizzard is not going to revert Mercy because this would mean they agree they made a mistake and the rework was a failure.

Not going to happen, sorry.

I also wish back the old Mercy and would have tweaked her ress (LoS check, no invulnerability but dmg reduction for a short time, short cast time…), but Blizzard took the hammer way instead.

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Your original assertion is still wrong and the assertion you made just now is also wrong.

Sorry, I completely disagree. If we’re going by that theory, Mass res will most definitely return:

  1. Blizzard has already reverted Mercy multiple times in the past. Her healing was reverted from 60hp back to 50hp, and her voiceline, for starters.

So by your rules, they have already made the mistake and the rework has already failed. If it wasn’t a failure, it wouldn’t have needed all the sledgehammer nerfs and reverts.

It’s then time, Mercy needs to be brought back to where she truly was fun, fair and balanced. It’s time for a revert, yet again. This time, a revert of Mass rez, plus the modern tweaks. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s not as much of a revert as it is a balancing issue, playing around the numbers isn’t reverting playstyle.

You keep saying that, but you’re clearly biased on the subject. On the other hand, she is currently balanced but not fun, or at least it’s what you hear people claiming with their fist up in the air. Let me ask…What even changed in the kit for her not to be fun anymore? Mass-Res wasn’t “fun” to use, it was a “press a button for immediate effect” Valkyrie allows variety of playstyle which is why I prefer it to mass-res. (Note I understand mercy isn’t in a good spot and needs to be looked at, I just explain why I don’t believe mass res should happen)
The only reason mass-res was “fun” is because it had the biggest impact in the game


if they bring Mass Rez back, I know Mercy mains will be overjoyed, but damn is this game not gonna be as fun after.

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return to (a previous state, practice, topic, etc.).

Mercy’s healing was 60hp and returned to a previous state - 50hps.

Is that not the definition of a revert? Yes or No? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Mercy does not need to hide she needs to take cover, which is quite different than litterally waiting in spawn on some maps.

Mercy OP-ness cannot be summarized by ult alone. Giving Mass rez Ult to the current Mercy kit would make her OP again.

Yes and she is now finally balanced…

Toxicity came from the never ending billions of Mercy threads on the forum, because of that Mercy mains are now known as “whiners”. Giving back mass rez would probably increase that toxicity.

The rework was made after several failled atempt to balance mass rez, so no it is not safer.

Specific counterplay exist for every single mechanic in the game, which is common sense. However main healers such as Mercy, Ana and Moira needs an offensive Ult, to create a defensive-ult free window. So that the attacking team actually has a chance to push through.

Those are needed adjustment not revert.

Are you trying to get to 10…?

Ressurect has always been a problem on E or on Q.

This is the Mercy mains “general consensus” not the community as a whole. Also you are not convincing anybody with the whole “Mercy is unfun to play, but we still play her because we are tru fans”…
A character cannot be sum up by Ult alone. Stip Genji / Monkey / Zen their Ultimate. They will probably miss it, but will still be plenty fun to play. 90% of the gameplay is Ult-free… So noone is buying that Mercy is all of a sudden “not fun” because her Ult has been modify.


Since you cannot apparently read but like to explain people like they were 6y old, let me do the same

They claim not plan to have a revert to her previous playstyle
They never mentionned they wouldn’t revert her stats

Let’s have a civil discussion without the insults please. There is no need for remarks like this. Thanks for your cooperation! :wink:

They have? Where have they said those words?

“not plan to have a revert to her previous playstyle

Did Jeff say this? I don’t believe he has. Do you have the quote where they make that exact specification? Or are you putting words in his mouth? I’d love to see the source link where he says those exact words. :slight_smile:

Also you haven’t answered my question. So please allow me to repeat it:

Is Mercy’s healing being brought back to 50hp a revert? Yes or No? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Well it was fun back when Mercy had mass rez dude.

It was so enjoyable for the Mercy to rez, and wipe them out again with your ult.

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