Mass res was good for flow

I’ve had similar experiences with them as well regarding that (and many others). Usually it’s from the same group of folks, but it’s so predictable the responses when mass res is discussed, that it’s almost humorous. :blush:

Subject A: “Mass Res won’t come back, devs say so.”

Subject B: “Well they said Deathmatch won’t happen, yet they brought it to the game anyway.”

Subject A: “It’s a gamemode so it’s different!”

Subject B: “Well they reverted her normal healing and in her ultimate, which is a game mechanic like Mass Res, so that is proof of them going back on their word, even from a balance standpoint.”

Subject A: “No no no, they said Mass res specifically isn’t coming back! It’s different than just numbers! Cuz it’s an ultimate!”

Subject B: “Well do you have proof of it? Show me a link of a dev saying that Mass Res is not coming back.”

Subject A: “I don’t need to provide a link, it’s common sense! They said they have no plans to revert Mercy so this OBVIOUSLY means Mass res!”

Subject B: “Well, if you can’t provide evidence, how do I know you’re not making all of this up and putting words in their mouth?”

Subject A: “Well Goodman says it was unfun to play against, so that means it won’t come back! Also Jeff said it in the dev update!”

Subject B: “Are you sure? The vid with Goodman shows the streamer doing most of the talking about how much they hate it, and the dev merely nodding with how unfun it was to play against. I don’t see him saying it won’t return. Jeff also announced the rework, but never officially stated that this ability was never coming back. Do you have a source of them saying this specific statement?”

Subject A: “No, but you KNOW what they meant! You’re just being daft! Also I hate your signature / name / [insert resorting to personal insult here]”

From what I’ve seen, most arguments regarding mass res, what the devs “actually said” and the twisting of words and misinformation tend to fall in line with this particular scenario between the party that says it won’t come back and the party that believes it will. It happens so often this phenomenon, that I even made a thread that touches on this very thing in my Interview, Dichotomy & The False Narrative thread. :smile:

What Subject A fails to realize is that the point of said argument in the first place, is that it proves that the devs change their word all the time - so there’s still a possibility of them going back on it when it comes to changes (including mass res). I guess this reality scares some people, and of course, I suppose admitting to this would also mean proving Subject B’s reasoning as correct, so they instead resort to the double standards route and in turn, also change the argument to suit their agenda. I suppose doing that makes sense when you have no actual proof, but still want to sound like you know what you’re talking about. After all, It’s a lot easier to deflect an argument with facts by saying “That’s different so it doesn’t count” and muddling up the specifics and / or being purposely vague and making assumptions, right? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.