Marvel rivals is 2016 OW, for better and for worse

Just to give you an idea, this is the kit of the newest support hero, Adam Warlock

  • Left click - shoots a generic projectile from his staff (One of my bigger complaints with marvel rivals is how samey most of the primary fires feel)
  • Right click - Charge up 5 shots of your staff to unleash at the same time
  • E - Target an ally or yourself and do a strong burst heal (enough to bring any non-tank to full), this heal bounces to all nearby allies including yourself. Has 2 charges
  • Shift - Links together all nearby teammates. If a linked teammate takes damage, that damage is instead evenly distributed among all teammates in the link, except you cannot receive fatal damage through linked teammates. Linked teammates also gain some passive healing
  • Ult - revives all dead nearby teammates after a long animation
  • Passive - upon death he turns into a ghost and can fly anywhere and form a cocoon, reviving himself. Has a 2 minute cooldown
  • Team up - if Starlord or Mantis is on the team, they gain his passive ability, and he gains +15% healing

Yes it is as bonkers as it sounds. Yes you can get teamwiped, revive yourself, and then use your ult to revive all of your teammates. Yes the link mechanic can completely screw over teammates without them agreeing to it. The character does have weaknesses, mainly lack of mobility and easily running out of healing, but the kit overall is pretty unhinged, and every kit in marvel rivals is like that.

If you miss the days of running through hanamura gate with 4 dps and getting teamwiped 5 times in a row while the enemy reinhardt stands there with his shield until finally you break rein’s shield and cassidy lands a clutch high noon because people were too bad at the game to realize it’s the easiest ult to avoid, and then your team passes through, only for the dead torbjorn to activate his ult and the level 3 turret wipes some of you, but not to fear mercy is still alive and gets the mass rez off and you capture the point. If you miss that kind of pure chaos match, then you’ll love marvel rivals, I don’t think it’s just that a meta hasn’t formed yet, the game honestly feels designed for this type of chaos.

But on the converse side all the downsides of that old school Overwatch are there too. If you remember queuing for 5 matches in a row and in all of them you had to chose between playing support or throwing, that’s back. If you remember press Q to win matches, those are back, and it’s not just that people are worse at ult economy or avoiding ults, the ults are stronger in this game, imagine if tactical visor granted free flight or dragonstrike was a burst damage laser, however powerful ults used to feel when you were new and bad at Overwatch, that’s how powerful they actually are in this game. If you remember some truly braindead kits, much worse than modern mauga, overpowering high skill ones, that’s back. If you’re looking for a tight fair competitive experience like modern Overwatch, you’re just not going to get that here.

Marvel Rivals I don’t think will replace OW for many people, but it is a nice supplement. Like it’s cool having a casual shooter to play right now while OW is in the slump phase of it’s current season, I recommend playing the beta if you can get in. And it’s good finally having another hero shooter where the focus is actually on having hero’s with unique abilities and good designs, but this is definitely not the new “OW killer”


The tank heroes in the game just feel lame. I do not see it happening. Thor needs some weight behind his hammer swings or I am Dr. Doomed.


The teamup feature is really good IMO.

I am kinda maining Racoon and I can provide infinite armor and speed up fire rate of my fellow Punisher.

Also sitting on Groot is so freakin fun!

But then the comp is a messy hell just like the current OW :rofl:


Do you know what the team up does for MAGNETIC and Scarlet Witch? I am not sure what changes or how essential it is.

Looks like she can powerup Magneto’s greatsword but I am not sure how powerful the buff is too :stuck_out_tongue:

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I expect it’ll likely go the same as every other game in existence. It’ll peak a few months after its release. 90% of launch will disappear to play the next new thing. The long term players will complain about heavy imbalance, then rivals will either attempt to balance it or do it poorly and it’ll likely remain a niche game like everything else in the world.


the game was better when we didnt care about balance


Where can i join the team?


I’m sure people will be totally cool with this, just like they were when Mercy could do the same thing.

This will definitely never be changed.


The game will eventually follow the same rabbit hole as ow1 did because it has all the same ‘issues’ as ow1 did

They are already looking to add some sort of Role Queue because people have already been complaining en masse about not having a tank/support in matches or having too many unkillable tanks (sound familiar)

Abilities like strange’s portal will eventually have limits placed on them so you cant yeet your team off the map as symms TP had to have put on it where they literally prevented you from putting it in certain places on the map

Everyone is having fun rn because its new, but give it a year and let the pain points surface and the devs will buckle and start heavily balancing the game or realise that people will start to leave.

It may be fun for the first few months to have all these crazy broken abilities/heroes and teamups, but eventually there will be a meta and people will hate it and the devs will have their hands forced


Wild thing to say, but I think as soon as people get good at the game and the magic of something new falls off, this will be one of the first things to complain about and the thing that should be removed.

Just imagine if Junkrats damage would be 150 if you played with roadhog. Or Meis health 350 if you played with Juno. How about shorter cooldowns when Pharah plays with Mercy or Echo?

You kind of force others to pick a hero, when a “team up feature” is strong enough and people will hate it soon enough. Even just the health one could break breakpoints or have other effects.

I know Rivals is in a current finding phase, but thats just my 50 cents and I am glad we don have that in OW.


No not every kit is like that. Some heroes are really fun and well balanced, but yeah as expected a significant amount of heroes need work. No different from ow launch.

So did overwatch when it launched. Everyone is new and nobody has a clue what they’re doing. The devs are also new and have little feedback to go off of so things are bound to be chaotic for a whole. That is only natural.

In no way does that mean that’s the game the devs are intentionally trying to make. The game will grow and change along with the community and things will become much more balanced.

That is the natural flow of competitive shooters.

Maybe it’s better to form an opinion on that matter after the game releases? And not judge it’s first beta like it’s a finished game?

Once again, nobody knows what a beta is. It’s absurd how common this is.

Marvel Rivals has a lot of potential. The game is still a year out from launch if not more. They have plenty of time to work on the game and improve things.

I thought that in the first beta but I’m really liking venom
Magneto is fun if you get the teamup
Hulk is fun but some matches you can’t do anything as him
Penny is kinda confusing but it is satisfying getting random mine kills
Dr strange is just kinda boring
Groot is incredibly boring

it’s really good you activate the ability and you get a very long range melee attack for a few seconds. You can test the team ups in the practice range btw

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You’re 100% right. As soon as people start taking the game seriously enough for a meta to form, the team-up mechanic is going to be problematic.

It’s everything people hated about Tank synergies in Overwatch 1, dialled to 11.

It’s a great casual idea though. It would be kinda cool if Overwatch did have something like that in QP. You could have bonuses for stacking Talon, Junker, Omnic heroes. Maybe something they could try for a future Quick Play Hacked.


I would say its a nice PvE idea. They could have a passive for groups of heroes that are played together and something like that could even work in OW, but I have no idea how to balance this.

Like if you have one tank, the tank gains 150 health and 20% shorter cooldowns. If you have two tanks, you have no benefit. If you play with three tanks or more you have 150 less health and 20% longer cooldowns.

Too many DPS players make matches messy? Where do I have seen that before…

Reminds me of a certain hero with a teleport or life grip ability… where have I seen that before?

Its all repeating itself xD

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I have been having a lot of fun on Rivals. It reminds me of early OW but with hero limits. Most matches default to 222 because that’s how the majority plays games like these. Even frustrating characters to play against don’t feel that bad, even team rez doesn’t feel that bad.

I really hope the game will do well but I fear its monetization will also be a problem when it’s finally shown.

Any time I watch, seems like half the roster just shoots a generic projectile

Not bad actually. :thinking:

Not enough to get me to play. Also adam warlock as a support wtf?

Whats the standard for these roles? Why not add elixir instead. Would make waaay more sense. :man_facepalming:t6:

I guarantee you it was. Zero Hour had interlocking Rein/Brig shields and Tracer used a cryo pulse bomb with Mei’s tech and the second I saw that I was convinced pairing certain heroes would unlock combo abilities

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Marvel is a gg but they really need to do something with support. It is way to easy to get into the backline with multiple characters. Support either need more damage or better CC for escape.