Maps missing in OW2?

Did I miss something about maps outside of 2CP being removed? Cause I played for like, 8 hours yesterday and never saw Havana, Rialto, or Numbani*. Pretty sure I saw everything else at least once but maybe I missed another one.

Incredibly bad luck or something else going on?

*also no Blizzard World


I don’t know about Havana or Rialto, but I do know numbani was temporarily disabled for launch


Yeah some maps are missing for some issues


Did they say why?

And I hope I was just unlucky or the maps come back because I really like those. And more than that, it just feels like I’m playing the same maps more than usual with potentially 3 missing plus all 2CP removed :confused:


Now that you say it… I haven’t gotten those maps at all and though how unlucky I was to constantly get the same maps


I played Busan and Eichenwalde way too much. Ugh, at least give me (ugly) King’s Row! But I guess some things never change.

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2CP is completely gone (thank god!) and some maps are just maybe not updates yet. There where some maps with light issues like Dorado or Numbani. Its also very possible that they missing a bit more cover like Gibraltar got. Just give it a few weeks and they will surely be back.

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Played a lot of games. Numbani and rialto are indeed missing. I had every other OG map including kings row, eichen, oasis, ilios, dorado etc


I’m not looking forward to playing Havana on 5v5.


I don’t know whats the problem with Havana, but I can imagine that Rialto second point might be in the reworks because of that wall you can jump over and land straight on the finish line - Kiriko is also insanely Op on that part.

Numbani - could use a rework, nobody ever holds part 2 and part 3 is a paaaaaaaain.

Havana is alright, sucks in quickplay but never gets stalled out in comp so I dunno…


Blizzard World too?

Also, I’m glad they’re taking their time with Rialto, as bridge choke after 1 point was always so painful to play, would’ve been even worse with 1 tank


People on the forums were complaining about 2CP so they wiped it out completely.


Yes! I knew I forgot one.

So that makes 4.

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The new new york map is missing aswell in comp atleast.




I’m sure that the one car they put in Havana will allay all concerns about snipers.

I think I’m having bad luck on top of certain maps being absent. I’ve only just now had the new Push map pop up, for example, with a couple of games on Rio. On the other hand, Junkertown crops up like a bad penny.


They mentioned some maps have been disabled because they were causing issues.


Finally, I won’t have to play this hated map for awhile.

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Played 6-7 hours so far my missing maps are:
Horizon, Hanamura, Nepal, Paris and Anubis (which i think is normal), plus Rialto, Blizzard world, Havana and Numbani.
Edit: also Junkertown is gone. I miss the wawawawa during the screen loading lol.

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Also also disabled was hollywood halloween, anubis and some others.

Also these maps seems to have an possible weather param on custom games so maybe we will be able to test this on future

Junkertown in internal game files have now a halloween variation (but actually disabled) my guess is for junkestein revenge