Maps missing in OW2?

What’s more confusing is a complete lack of communication about Havana, Rialto, and Blizzard World. Not even in last night’s patch notes. I remember how they forgot to turn on some maps for the first OW2 beta - did the same happen now?


Did they say something about Numbani and Junkertown? Those two are missing too.

U can play havana in custom it looks like they made map extension similar to king’s row. with 1 building in the center and couple bridges. + it’s day different from what we saw pro players playing last year it was a night time.

Junkertown is active, I’ve played it.

Other people said Numbani specifically had issues they were working on. It’s Rialto, Havana, and Blizzard World that seems like there’s no info on.

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Maybe in competetitive, I did more than 40 games in qp and didn’t get junkertown once.

I’ve definitely played junkertown in qp

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Ok, just unlucky maybe.

I only play QP so definitely there

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Yes I love both Rialto and Havana… miss them.


No, its there, played on it at least four or five times now including this morning ET.


The current map pool is listed under the info by right clicking on the role queue selection box.

Hybrid: Eichenwalde, Hollywood, King’s Row
Escort: Dorado, Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Control: Busan, Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Oasis
Push: Colosseo, Esperanca

The list is missing Junkertown but its def. in the competitive rotation as well.

So it was a deliberate decision not to include those maps without any remarks whatsoever … Really weird

Theres alot more that I didnt mention here after looking into I posted it on the bug report. there is currently 18 maps in rotation for comp. only 11 of them listed in info section on the comp. info block

As excepted by OW2 quality control. In jeff kaplan era, all game content was tested before released, now we can see the big joke without him

Hope you’re trolling, LOL, Jeff Kaplan leaving the OW team was the best thing that could happen for the game. He was one of those guys that have “Their Vision” of the game and nothing will sway them from even if the player base hates it.

Just look at Path of Exile and Chris Wilson. He been pounding his “Vision” down the throats of everyone for awhile now and people are getting fed up with his BS.

Ok so, From what I know I seen people see why they are missing 2 pointer maps. They will never come back from what I heard. But what I’m confused on is that Rialto and Blizzard world is bugging and we can’t use them?