Maps & Heroes, connections

Hi, I’m looking for clues for the next hero so I decided to check on the maps for which maps are connected to which hero to determine what do we need to extend the lore.
Don’t know if I’m clear, but I try to guess the next hero with the clues I can find on the maps where no heroes are connected.

So here a detail for each map


Hanamura: Hanzo, Genji
Horizon Lunar Colony: Winston, Wrecking Ball
Paris: Roadhog, Junkrat
Temple of Anubis: Pharah
Volskaya Industries: Zarya, Sombra, Widowmaker, Reaper


Dorado: Sombra, Soldier76
Junkertown: Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, Junkrat
Rialto: Reaper, McCree, Genji, Moira
Route 66: McCree, Ashe
Watchpoint: Gibraltar: Winston, Reaper


Blizzard World: none, but I think it’s normal, the map does not seem to be canon in the lore
Eichenwalde: Reinhardt, Orisa, Bastion, Brigitte
Hollywood: none
King’s Row: Reinhardt, Roadhog, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, McCree, Junkrat, Mercy
Numbani: Orisa, Doomfist


Ilios: none
Lijiang Tower: none
Nepal: Genji, Zenyatta
Oasis: Moira


Ayutthaya: none
Black Forest: Bastion
Castillo: Sombra
Château Guillard: Widowmaker
Ecopoint: Antartica: Mei
Necropolis: Ana
Petra: none

So to sum up, every hero is connected to a map at least EXCEPT for Symmetra and Lucio.

There are 6 maps without any connections: Blizzard World, Hollywood, Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Ayutthaya and Petra.

As I said, I think Blizzard World is non-canon.
Also, I don’t really find any clue for Hollywood and Lijiang Tower but I found something for the last three.

Talon is the link between Ilios, Ayutthaya and Petra.

On Petra, I’ve found:

By the tent on the outside of the map, there is a tablet which reads “started excavation of the hidden treasure chamber from our recent imaging survey. If there was another method of access in the past, we have not yet discovered it. Thank you for your continued funding of our Petra explorations, on-going work in Ilios, and the new project in Thailand. Dr. Nachareon is eager to begin! With so many sites under threat, your contributions make it possible for us to continue this important work. -H. FAISAL”. This email refers to the Ilios and Ayutthaya maps.

For Ilios

Talon activity has been seen in the area, and Athena believes they are interested in the artifacts

And nothing on Ayutthaya.

I don’t know what to imagine from these informations, but I think with a new hero connected to Talon, we could have some explanation on these researchs.

There’s also no one currently connected to Rialto, and guess what? Talon is also prominent in that map.

In the lore, Blackwatch is connected to it with Retribution, so Moira, Genji, McCree and Reaper. But yeah also a map connected to Talon!

I just don’t want the next hero to be french and connected to Paris.

I thought you meant people from the country the map represents - neither of the Blackwatch characters represent Italy. Also we have Widow from Paris, France, so we’re unlikely to get another french character so soon when we haven’t had an italian for example.


Yeah, no, I was talking about the lore connection between maps & heroes, that’s why you can see Roadhog & Junkrat on Paris and King’s Row (because they went there)

symmetra has a connection to oasis too.
oasis gardens to be exact I think.

she is a scientist just like moira and they both worked in oasis.

Not all the time do maps = new heroes. It seems that the connection between lore, hints and other variables that help contribute to the “teasing” of the new hero can extend very far back. So far, imo, the one with the most evidence is Junker Queen of most of the people.

She has been teased for a while now, with having a VA for the new map, artwork from her poster in JT seen, Jeff saying a long while back on her before that “She is sooo not nice” as if knowing her lore. Michael even said her story is very interesting so it shows he was working on her story. Hammond having her haircut in his Junker as well as her also appearing in his sprays and in his origin story is quite lot of cameos imo. And iirc, some dev from a con last year I think or the year before asked the fans if they wanted Junker Queen to be a Support or Tank. With 6 heroes in production (So they say…) she is a very, very likely candidate, especially considering we need a tank, with all of these hints not only from lore and game, but with comments about her also said by the devs themselves. I think she has some of the most evidence pointing towards her. Not to mention the fans want her. Junkrat and Roadhog are constantly talking about “The Queen” on map dialogue as well.

Of course, we could just get an Orisa or Ashe out of the blue lmao I think it’s very strange sometimes how they do this out of random but again, we will get further pieces of evidence soon possibly in about a week for more speculation on the situation of “Hero 30” since we are very close to a “Hero 30 lore hint” I feel.

Nice, I’ve found nothing about that.
I thought we only knew that she was with Vishkar in Lucio’s town.

True, I just really want to find hints about the potential next hero, that’s why I searched for this. The clues on Petra are interesting (for the global lore).

And, honestly, I hope she’ll be the next hero. I really really really want to see her ig. I think she’ll be in our next heroes, 30, 31 or 32 (a BlizzCon release could be awesome with the JQ)

That’s what I expect. A talon tank or sup we once saw before or something like that if we don’t have the JQ

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I think I can add to this a little :slight_smile:

Hollywood - I would say that D.Va is connected to this map, isn’t she in some of the film posters? It’s possible she’s filmed at the studios

I think I’ve missed the Paris connection with Roadhog and Junkrat, was it in their cinematic? They’re also strongly connected with Kings Row (I think it’s in the cinematic), Dorado (they’re responsible for breaking into the vault) and possibly even Hanamura (I think they exchange some voice lines with Hanzo about stealing something of his).

Temple of Anubis - Ana and Soldier now have lore in Egypt from the recent story

Eichenwalde - I wouldn’t necessarily agree that Orisa was featured here, but I see what you mean as she has the skin. I would say she’s only Numbani centred.

Numbani - I would add Tracer, Winston, Reaper, and Widowmaker here because of the museum heist.

Lijiang - I think we could link Winston and Wrecking ball to this map because of the connection between the control centre and Horizon lunar colony (I think it’s a Lijiang facility?). There’s also a picture of Dr Winston in one of the offices, as well as space suits.

Not sure if this holds any significance, but I thought I could build on this a little!

I almost forgot about her film posters, thanks!

Nope, if you go in the police station in Paris, they are wanted. So I suppose they did some bad stuff there!

Didn’t know about Dorado and Hanamura, thanks!

Are we sure it happened near/in the temple of Anubis?

Yeah I know, it was a OR15 but I’ve also listed Bastion in Eichenwalde, I’m not sure he was there.

True! I think we can also add Genji for the sort animation where Tracer, Genji and Winston are fighting against Doom.

True too, the person in charge of the colony was in Lijiang but I’m not sure Winston or Hammond already went there :thinking:

Thanks for all this informations!

my pleasure! I love lore so it’s great to discuss it!

I forgot about the wanted posters in the Paris map! I think it’s really interesting how they’re the only humans listed there - the rest are Omnic.

I think the Ana/Soldier story is pretty central to Cairo because of the way it’s described. Either way I’d deffo count it as significant that both Ana and Soldier are there - especially as Solder was on one of his vigilante missions there.

I think Bastion is deffo relevant to Eichenwalde as he was seen near the outstkirts of the city, same with Black Forest being nearby too. Would be cool to see Orisa get some lore of her own post-being built!

Do you think Ilios could be linked with Emri Sarioglu (i can’t remember how it’s spelled!) who was mentioned in build up to Brigitte’s release?

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Yes, it’s strange! I want to learn more about Paris’ lore and what happened in this city (or what will happen)

I think Emre has the potential to be the next hero but I’m not sure if he will be connected to Ilios. I see no connection between Overwatch and Ilios and Emre seems to be a Turkish name.
Ilios is wanted by coveted by Talon (same for Ayutthaya and Petra), maybe Emre can be connected to those stuff. I really hope to learn more about those researches!

Else it would be great to learn who is Emre, and same for the 2 characters who are on this picture http:// i.imgur .com/19eUfpP.jpg, I really want to know who they are (and I really want to play as them, they seems so cool!)

The bit about Symmetra and Oasis isn’t true.

As far as we currently know, Symmetra only has a non-canon voice line on Oasis about admiring it. We have no canon confirmation that she has physically been there yet, let alone that she works there. She is currently firmly a Vishkar employee (their seat is in Utopaea in India).

She also, for example, has a voice line on Dorado and how it would be “the perfect place for a Vishkar development” but there’s no confirmation that such a thing is planned or in progress or that Symmetra has been to Dorado in canon.

The voice line is Hanzo asking about Junkrat’s treasure. There’s no implication whatsoever that this treasure is in any way related to Hanzo. As a matter of fact, we know that Junkrat found something in the remains of the Australian omnium. It’s assumed that’s the “treasure” they’re talking about (or perhaps simply the treasure Junkrat and Roadhog stole in their crime spree). The voice line would have a completely different tone if Junkrat stole something from Hanamura.

That’s why I found nothing I guess.
I’ve read something about Utopaea, I would love to see this city in a cinematic.
I remember the Dorado voiceline! I would love to know more about Sym and Lucio’s lores.

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Same, I’d like a full Utopaea map also. It would probably be really interesting to see a full hard-light city.

It’s possible this is planned for some future map, especially if we get more Sym/Lucio lore and they get a short, comic or a story.

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I’m craving some lore (and a map) of the destroyed Switzerland HQ personally!

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A full hard-light city would be really awesome, the devs could do so many could stuff and use some exclusive stuff (similar to teleporters).

Never thought about that, it would be so cool! But I don’t really see for which game mode they could do this, except for FFA

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I think it could be FFA, but I really hate that mode so I wouldn’t like it!

It could work as a 2CP with one point being the courtyard with the flags/destroyed Overewatch symbol and the other could be like a control centre kind of thing. It would be really cool to centre this around some lore which really sets the scene.

The spawns could be like a locker room for one team (I like how Tracer refers to her locker in Gibraltar) and the other could be like a relief centre outside of the complex where rescue teams have set up to search the rubble

I hate FFA too. It could also be a Control map but I don’t see how they can make 3 maps out of Switzerland’s headquarters.

Could be really cool! I can also see a potential Archives event where you can replay the day the headquarters was destroyed and have a before/after map.
Damn, I would love a story mode.

Totally, as soon as I heard Tracer’s voice line, I tried to find the lockers and read the name on each of them to learn stuffs about the lore.
It would be really cool, I would love to hear Mercy’s voicelines about this event and about her home country.

I think control could work too, the Devs have far more creativity than me and I think they could easily come up with 3 really key points to fight for!

We’ve had control and 2CP with Busan and Paris though, so I think the next map will probably be Assault/Capture considering Rialto was Escort.

i would love story mode and I’m SO looking forward to the next archives event!

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