Maps & Heroes, connections

In their moment in crime video there’s a scene with Roadhog tearing the door off an omnic’s truck, looks to be an ice cream or gelato(?) Truck in am area that resembles Paris, I think that’s their connection to the map.

You’re confusing hanamura and Anubis , on the anubis map junkrat will sometimes say “think there’s anything worth stealing in that temple”?

Symmetra has not worked in Oasis - her Oasis skin is non-canon.

The museum heist from the Cinematic Trailer was not in Numbani - it was a different museum in an unknown location (probably in America, based on there being two American boys, the stereotypical American security guard, and the presentations all being in English)

This also wasn’t in Numbani. Based on the languages used on the signage in the background, it’s most likely Malaysia/Singapore.

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