Man, just get Rein and Zarya out of meta, please

Semi? He’s a full on DPS because of that hook. Picking just one of them means one less shield for your teammates.

Not when Sombra has that broken hack that breaks the whole game. Besides, one else makes DF defenseless. Not even Mei.

I ran into a Rein near diamond who was turning his back to us… they do not get better until like master. Rofl.

Dude you’re in gold,

I’d like to remind you that theres a Bastion one trick in GM.

You can play anything and win. I can guarantee even if they removed Rine and Zayar you’ll complain about something else preventing you from ranking up.

Rein has a much larger skill curve than Moira. I don’t think you would find silver Moiras that different than gold ones. Usually she’s pretty much figured out by silver.

I think Rein is a whole lot easier than everyone’s always given him credit for. Probably because Rein always has a mirror match.

I would normally agree with you, but when I try to play Rein and everyone starts crying about how I am throwing… I realize that you need some degree of finesse to play him.

Personally I think I just can’t play him very well because I absolutely loathe the experience. I probably wouldn’t mind if I didn’t feel completely forced into it, but I do. I have like 16-18 hours on Rein and of those I wanted to play exactly zero of them.

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I really just think you should stop, mang. I bet you will get way better results playing a tank you actually enjoy.

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I think you’re grand standing at this point, there is no way Roadhog is unplayable vs Doomfist over Zarya just because you “must have” the Reinhardt and Zarya combo. I am just as tired of Reinwatch, but there’s no need to exaggerate the point.

Not right now! Because Reinhardt is SO MUCH BETTER that he’s better than any other option regardless of skill or willingness to play the hero.

Okay, but then why not just derank and play what you want? You will enjoy the game more playing a less boring tank even if you lose more in the beginning.

Realistically I just try not to play tank, but sometimes I think I’d enjoy a nice game on Zarya and… Nope! Other tank’s Roadhog. So I have to pick either Rein or getting steamrolled.

That’s actually a lot of why I won’t play Roadhog anymore. I know how the other tank feels when they see a Roadhog. Let me say, NOBODY wants Roadhog on their team now that Orisa Hog is a hard throw.

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There ya go. Rein is the problem. Not rein/zar, or rein/dva, or even Rein/orisa. It’s JUST rein.

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Meta doesn’t equal low skill. Both Rein and Zarya take tons of skill.

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Why do you constantly keep shouting about wanting Rein nerfed?

You’ve made like anti-rein threads in the past few weeks.
I give you statistics every time, and you ignore it, every single time.

You are GOLD
You do not have a META.

You’re just too bad to counter it, so people run it because it’s EZ value.
That’s literally all there is to it.
Orisa has a 40%+ pickrate to Rein’s 19%.

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Don’t you think a tank that contributes so much EZ value that it’s basically the only good choice in gold is a problem?

Imagine if Moira was the top tank in GM (yeah, not OWL, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t give even the tiniest amount of care for what OWL does) and was basically at 100% pickrate in every lesser rank. And you couldn’t get supports to play because nobody wants to play Moira and a Moira player will just effortlessly squash you if you play Ana or Mercy.

The stat you give for OWL don’t have any relevance for me in ladder. Overbuff is a better source because that has actual relevance to any rank I’ll ever play at.

It’s not about Meta. It’s about the easiest tank to play also being much stronger than the others. That crushes lower ranks worse than high ones.

And I mean, stop complaining about my skill. The game is supposed to be fun for average players. I’m pretty old, I have some latency, it is basically impossible for me to every be that good at the game.


where did this number come from, i barely ever see orisa anymore

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I believe it’s from OWL, which is why I don’t like it, there’s no relevance between ladder and OWL and I think OWL should have separate balance.

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yes there is and no they shouldnt

it shows that heroes are still viable if you are personally getting enough value out of their kit

Someone got shattered and slapped.