Man, just get Rein and Zarya out of meta, please

Well, Rein is the real problem, you can substitute stuff for the Zarya.

This is just super unpleasant. I want to try to have a nice night of this, but how can I when I either have to play a hero I absolutely loathe or just get my crap ruined by someone playing them instead?

Also, shouldn’t Rein players want balance? Rein is supposedly all about honor and stuff, but there isn’t any honor in just taking free wins over heroes half your strength.

The problem with Competitive discussions in a nutshell. People always talk about GM, meanwhile only about 1% of the playerbase is actually in it.

I’d say the problem is that when a low skill hero is really strong in GM, they own the entire ladder. And, as much as people HATE to admit it, Rein is a low skill hero. Zarya, too.

But who even cares about GM? You can play whatever you want on the ladder. I am doing just fine as a Hog one trick.


You aren’t getting as high rank as you deserve. And some tanks are just completely worthless, like Orisa.

I wouldn’t call them low-skill.

What makes a hero seem low-skill is that they’re simply easier to get the hang of when the ranks go up. Zarya is one of the hardest heroes to play in Bronze. Back when I was there, she was that one hero you hardly saw and people got excited if there was a good one. Most Zarya’s were trash who switched after the first round.

In Plat, however, people have been playing for far longer and they’re better, which means there are going to be far more people who can actually play those heroes decently. Just because you and people of your skill level generally find it easier to play those heroes doesn’t make them low-skill, easy heroes.

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I honestly think I am cheesing the hell out of my rank, I should not be plat at all as a tank and I am already 2800. Like, what the actual?

I could never get this high as Rein/Zarya and I might just prove it during anniversary. I am going to try to learn Zarya once I get her Archive skin and see if I hella derank and/or if I get back up once I learn her.

orisa rein, sig rein, orisa sig, ball orisa
all really strong, they just take more skill to pull off.

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Having Hog or Hammond, or worse both instead or no real Tanks, leads to losses. A DPS teammate should be handling the DF by going Sombra.

Hog and Ball are probably better than Orisa, though.

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No they’re not, because they are not & never were defenders. They’re DPS.

Yeah, but taking along Hog as a semi-functional DPS is better than taking Orisa as a completely garbage tank.

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The problem is, Rein is the only well designed Main Tank.
You can’t buff the other Main Tanks without making double shield a thing because Off Tanks are in an insanely pathetic state right now.
Make having 2 Off Tanks viable and then you’ll see your other Main Tanks get buffed.

You’re mid gold. There is no “meta” down there. You can win with any 2 tanks that aren’t both zarya/hog/

Why does everyone think Rein’s well designed?

He’s got tons of CC.
He’s got an instant kill that’s almost luck based due to latency.
He’s got a push Q to win ult.
Most of his playtime is spent sitting around with a shield up and doing nothing else.

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Sombra is a liability, though. You are statistically more likely to lose with her on your team than just about any tank.

Meta isn’t exactly a thing, but overpowered heroes are almost more of a big deal, especially when the lowest skill hero is the one that’s overpowered.

He can only do 1 thing at a time.
In order to do damage you have to put down your shield and risk you and your team becoming vulnerable. In order to even use the ult there has to be no barrier in the way and it’s painfully obvious when a Rein has shatter.
Rein can only do what he wants right now because literally every other Tank besides him is drowning. Tanks feel like Garbage to play against, Shields feel like Garbage to play against, having fat HP pools in your face who’s kits are all stuffed with CC feels like Garbage to play against. And ontop of all of this, Playing Tank feels like Garbage to play as because you’re a punching bag CC magnet.
The development team has come out saying they don’t know what to do with Tanks for obvious reasons. They said they don’t even know if Shields should be in the game, and that they’re doing dramatic internal testing of Tank reworks.

I don’t know. I just fell 400 SR to mid gold and the Reins down here are pretty bad and easily exploitable. He takes awareness, positioning, and decision making as opposed to technical skill. That doesn’t make him “easy” when half the world’s population is below average IQ.

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I mean, he’s easier than the other tanks. I’m sure that I’d find a silver Moira to be pretty bad, too.