Making Valkyrie more of a burst ult?

I just hate how her kit contradicts what she supposed to be. She is suppose to be a strong 1 target healer, but has 50HPS and her ultimate is an AoE. Amazing mobility, but has a 2 second stun on her rez…


Been suggesting that, with other numbers, for a long time.

No one cares, not Blizz, not this forum. They rather keep Valk poorly designed because of their own mistake, which was the Valk 1.0 that scares them to this day.

Once bitten, twice shy.


Just make it so the beam doesn’t break on activation and it will be great.


I wonder why? :thinking:

I think you forget how terrible most dps ults are, Mercy’s ult is among the best in the game because there isn’t much competition.


I like Megadodo’s big main little chains idea. I honestly don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t do it.

I just feel like if they added some power to the main beam it would make mercy players feel waaaay more impactful in valk


I think you would like these proposed changes I created on the workshop, give it a try!

Code is: YSMAR

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Because by having chain beams it inherently runs into zens ult, and orisas. Flat. And better because mercy can switch between it as needed, and use her other abilities like Rez and pistol which Zen can’t while ulting and orisa cannot heal .

Valk can never be buffed higher than now

would be so kind as to try the changes I proposed a post above yours? I also think like you but this felt like a middle ground for most parties involved and I would love some feedback from all sources!

Would also give back the need to prioritize in Valk, and actually make it feel like there can be times to use it rather than the “eeehhh whenever’s fine” attitude it currently has.


Factually, none of Mercys abilities stun her.

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The only buff she needs is the release of a bikini skin

Factually, none of Mercys abilities freeze her


Mercy’s E ability locks her into a small radius at a relatively slow speed compared to the likes of the normal speed for the duration of approximately 2 seconds

There, is that better?


There are other ways to add limitations to powerfull abilities without discouraging the person to use them so much. Example, rez takes 1.75 from mercy and 2.25 seconds for the ally to be able to move and use abilities again. They could take away some of the cast time from Mercy herself and add it to the time it takes for her ally to be able to move again while keeping the overall rez time the same.

I cant agree with this. Dragon blade is amazing, BOB has very good clean up and stalling power, Sombra has the best initiation ult in the game, Widows is insane utility, Hanzos zones out an entire area, Symmetra creates so much space with that wall, Junkrat guarantees at least 1 kill on the enemy supports. Lots of good and versitile ults to work with.

Well these ideas have been around since back in the old forums. Yeah I agree with that as well, giving more power to the main beams but less to the aoe ones.

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I didn’t word my post very well; I really meant most of the damage-dealing dps ults aren’t very good. Dragon blade and strike are good but ults like pulse bomb, dead eye, tac visor and meteor strike are some of the worst in the game.

The supportive ults like EMP, Infra sight and Photon barrier are far better. Soz for the confusion.

Some of these ults have aged pretty poorly. Tac visor used to be good. Deadeye is mostly a quick play ult in general. But point still stands though. Theres pretty good variety for dps heroes. Mercy ult just feels meh and pointless at best when it comes to counter pushing. At least when Soldier ults he zones people out as well, Mercy pops ult to get a push started and then enemies storm your team with their ults and it just has no value.


No, Mercy not meant to be a good tank healer or have anything akin to a def ult

95 on a beam would make her able to save people from things such as blade, visor, reaper ult, etc., that’s a no-no

mercy should be weak to teamwipe ults and she should be entirely dependant on an off-support to not be weak towards those

hopefully that will encourage mercy otps to quit the game

Exactly! It would make it way less of a “spectator mode” as people like to call it lol

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Not the greatest idea, but can help. Since success of the push usually relies on one specific player, that you have to keep alive.

she was statistically in a healthy spot when they reworked her.

you can’t base game decisions purely on statistics. games are about fun. and statistics, in a competitive environment, don’t determine fun.