Making Valkyrie more of a burst ult?

Factually, none of Mercys abilities stun her.

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The only buff she needs is the release of a bikini skin

Factually, none of Mercys abilities freeze her


Mercy’s E ability locks her into a small radius at a relatively slow speed compared to the likes of the normal speed for the duration of approximately 2 seconds

There, is that better?


There are other ways to add limitations to powerfull abilities without discouraging the person to use them so much. Example, rez takes 1.75 from mercy and 2.25 seconds for the ally to be able to move and use abilities again. They could take away some of the cast time from Mercy herself and add it to the time it takes for her ally to be able to move again while keeping the overall rez time the same.

I cant agree with this. Dragon blade is amazing, BOB has very good clean up and stalling power, Sombra has the best initiation ult in the game, Widows is insane utility, Hanzos zones out an entire area, Symmetra creates so much space with that wall, Junkrat guarantees at least 1 kill on the enemy supports. Lots of good and versitile ults to work with.

Well these ideas have been around since back in the old forums. Yeah I agree with that as well, giving more power to the main beams but less to the aoe ones.

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I didn’t word my post very well; I really meant most of the damage-dealing dps ults aren’t very good. Dragon blade and strike are good but ults like pulse bomb, dead eye, tac visor and meteor strike are some of the worst in the game.

The supportive ults like EMP, Infra sight and Photon barrier are far better. Soz for the confusion.

Some of these ults have aged pretty poorly. Tac visor used to be good. Deadeye is mostly a quick play ult in general. But point still stands though. Theres pretty good variety for dps heroes. Mercy ult just feels meh and pointless at best when it comes to counter pushing. At least when Soldier ults he zones people out as well, Mercy pops ult to get a push started and then enemies storm your team with their ults and it just has no value.


No, Mercy not meant to be a good tank healer or have anything akin to a def ult

95 on a beam would make her able to save people from things such as blade, visor, reaper ult, etc., that’s a no-no

mercy should be weak to teamwipe ults and she should be entirely dependant on an off-support to not be weak towards those

hopefully that will encourage mercy otps to quit the game

Exactly! It would make it way less of a “spectator mode” as people like to call it lol

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Not the greatest idea, but can help. Since success of the push usually relies on one specific player, that you have to keep alive.

she was statistically in a healthy spot when they reworked her.

you can’t base game decisions purely on statistics. games are about fun. and statistics, in a competitive environment, don’t determine fun.


Fun should come second to balancing imo, because fun is, and always will be, subjective.

The main goal should always be to make the hero balanced and viable, which Mercy 1.0 wasn’t btw.


Fun is subjective… but so is the entirety of game design.

Fact of the matter is, if the game isn’t engaging through fun or some other subjective human desire… they will lose most of their players.

Ignoring player feedback because it is subjective would be incredibly silly.


I mean, she was, and the stats showed that.

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Statistically…How’s her on fire rate? Does she ever get POTG?

And compare her usage stats to pre-rework.

One of the reasons Mercy maintains relatively good stats (compared to other heroes) is because she was by far and away the most picked support despite being the weakest support.

Relatively speaking (compared to herself), her present stats are pretty terrible.


An ultimate that removes weaknesses and skill ceiling on an already low mechanical skilled hero, is already broken balancing.

An ultimate that does the same thing you are already doing, except it also makes it easier is not engaging and ruins player agency.

E Rez needing to not only be the most punishing REGULAR ability in the game whilst also having to reduce her kits power that was already considered extremely weak in the past, is a sign of broken balancing.

Mercy isn’t okay.


That is too black and white.

Fun and Balance often go hand in hand.

A player will not play a hero if that hero is not fun and while of course there will be many times where someone will absolutely not find a hero appealing, there will be many more who love them.

Fun must come first for the heroes design when being played.
Balance must be what people fighting against them experience.

Making Mercy’s ultimate Valkyrie was a big mistake for the players using her, because chain beams is a huge steal from player agency and the amount at which it lowers her skill ceiling by making easier the things she was already able to do at a fairly easy level is just unsatisfying for a player. With Valkyrie doing so much for the player with minimal effort on their part for it’s duration or leading up to its usage, it is dull compared to the effort you would put in on Mercy’s core kit.

Fun must be considered, otherwise it isn’t a game anymore.

Yeah, but again, fun is subjective.

You may not like it, but others might.
To whose fun should we balance Mercy?

Maybe not fully ignore, but definitely not prioritise it. Viability should be the highest priority, but fun should definitely play a part.

Then I would like to see those stats, because as far as I know was she not viable.

That’s irrelevant.

Fire gain is a useless metric that may or may not be tied to SR gain, but even this is different with each characters. Other than that is it just a feel good system that is tied to POTG.

This has nothing to do with a hero’s viability and current state.

Even in OWL is her stats good.


If she has a healthy pickrate, a good average winrate and the second highest average healing in the game, how is she balanced wrong? If her stats are good, then I would say she is pretty balanced.

Mercy is okay.

Statistically she is.
She just doesn’t feel that way, but this is just mere feelings that differs with each person.

I don’t disagree, but to whose fun?

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

I think it’s selfish to ask for changes when a hero is already doing fine and is not in need of changes, just because you don’t like her anymore, even though others might do.

I’m fine with giving mercy buffs, but I won’t ignore the fact that Mercy is in a good spot right now.

I am however not okay with another rework.


I vote for Valkyrie Mercy being able to dual-wield lololol

Really though, I like the idea of a shorter Valkyrie with more potential to it. (Should be proportional and maybe not give more extra damage because of what Geoff said about the breakpoints though).

An idea to buff the boost without adding raw damage would be to reduce CC on the target. (Although it might seem little, 30% less stun/freeze time is huge)

At what ranks are you talking about?

At low ranks I would expect she has a healthy pick rate because there is no other hero who comes even remotely close to her playstyle. Not everyone likes to be extremely shooting focused considering this games design and desire to be inclusive to everyone who has typically never enjoyed the FPS genre.
When I play a support, I like to be reliable when it matters which is why I like her beams and I like them single target because it feels like part of her intended challenge along with surviving that makes her feel like she isn’t just this cheap and “EZ” hero.

Playing her at low ranks currently is like the biggest damn chore because she is so weak compared to every other support, I’d rather just play Baptiste and Moira and at least stand a chance at reaching 20-26k heals with very minimal issue because people just be taking that much damage at low ranks and well they hardly need damage boosts because they don’t aim well enough to make use of it and they really don’t tend to do anything amazing after a Rez, keeping a person alive and in the fight longer increases chance of success.

The only time where Rez actually felt like it did anything good, was with Mass Rez because at low ranks the quantity of players often meant more than quality, because there is no quality, no one can aim, we all suck.

Mercy is better utilized at high levels because she actually has the communication and teams work there to not be a useless pile of trash and most of the time she ends up as a pocket B, which explains an average win rate there.

There is so many times where another character is just better.
There is so many times where she has zero impact when it should mean something.

Her healing damage that didn’t matter because she is consistent doesn’t really mean anything and that is the part stats don’t tell you.

Your stats can’t tell you that you had 3 players damage boosted and it took them 6 seconds to kill one Zarya because low ranks suck.
That comes from play experience.