Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

Mercy is fairly predoctible and easy to kill imo. But I also hate the woman and focus her immensely.
I suppose bubble could be limited to others.
Additionally, she no longer has Rez. I think repent is fine.

Except for .

No cleanse
Only one
No buff to Mercy for it.

Mass rezz was balanced in the game where everyone was new and could get team wipe with just about any dps ults. And I m sorry that Valk is ez lazy button to you, while I could have fun shoot down any of their dps or unsuspected healer

…why? You still can move and retreat and you had to be in her melee range for it to even work…

With her having the best mobility I agree she shouldn’t have personal shields. The idea to remove rez and give a burst healing or shield teammates isn’t a bad suggestion however.

Single target. Thats not a bad suggestion imo. Zen heals every member for 300hps.
Maybe tweak it lower to 90?

Because you cannot defend yourself. Thats why Sombra’s hack only takes away abilites.
That would be way too harsh, especially to melee range heroes.

I love valk??? That’s not relevant.
I find shooting people in it ez. That’s not relevant.

Yeah…and the game changes. Just as Mercy should.

You can still do all the other things to move or heal or ability.
Sleep dart doesn’t injure
Stun doesn’t injure
Slam doesn’t injure
That’s all.

Its still too powerful of an ability, especially at 8 sec cooldown.
Teamfights for the most part are all going to be in Melee range. If youre on cp and Mercy takes your ability to attack away suddenly you’re surrounded by 6 enemies and cannot defend yourself. Moving does not save you.
That ability practically garuntees a lost teamfight.

I wouldn’t mind it. I am surprised how many people find this mercy op when she literally has lost what I see in so many threads as “the best ability in the game” Rez. I literally made the cooldowns and numbers around compensation of perception around that.

90 is fine. I think after 80, healing isn’t noticable solo target tbh. It’s just a very very large Nerf from the current chain beam output.

I was fine with the 120hps since its single target, the 90 was just a suggestion tweak or even 100hps.

Team fights are not melee range inherently. Snipers, mid distance etc.

It definitely does. Thus why people view hack as ‘oppressive’

You can still stun, heal and move. Just not shoot.

And if it’s a cooldowns issue. Up the cooldowns. 10 sec seems fine. I just figured no one would want such a long cooldowns on a basic ability with one target focus on melee range

She was changed while still staying true to her core concepts, it was just not the chance you want.

Actually, your ideal is very novel, worthy of being an entirely new hero concept. While not leave Mercy as is, a viable and optional tool for us who like the current Mercy’s iternation; and propose to Blizz your new hero, named Ruthless? That way both sides can be happy, we get to keep Mercy and her rezz, and you get to have your new hero with all new shiny abilities?

Yeah… Any hero suggestion including balance is not what was done. If I make a new post saying" what if we changed reaper lifesteal to 50%"… I’m not really presenting anything new? It’s already done.

For the same reason old mercy had to go. Things changed.

Additionally, a hero with
Solo target heal beam
Strong mobility based on other hero positioning
No aim heal beam

Reads as Mercy Imo