Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

The left side entrance for second pt for Anubis

And what made it defense friendly? Isn’t that just…niche? Both teams play both sides.

It comes from hero flexibility and viability.

Feel free to respond when you finish reading comprehension classes.

Considering im a GM support player i can tell ya you should reconsider you comment :slight_smile: , mercy is viable, you could still get to top 500 one tricking her if you tried.

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Your ability to post a comment to the nature of a thread is irrelevant to your rank. I don’t care about balance. This is about design.

It is when you want to start talking about the game.

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Design is not balance. Reading. Skills.

You made a post talking about a rework for mercy which implies your talking about how she isn’t good, i responded saying she is still good and that your incorrect. The first thing you respond with is that i need to learn how to read. Yikes if anything you sound like a mercy one trick in denial

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It s kind of relevant since high rank players generally understand the game better, and didn’t blatantly ask for balanced, viable hero to be rework into a monstrousity.

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You didn’t read a full thread post before you commented. Yikes.

I didn’t ask for valk on release either. GM’s and owl players did. I was fine with old niche ow. Mercy was niche. Ana should have stayed niche. Symm torb should have been standard etc

I dont need to, if someone made a post talking about a rework for tracer i would say that tracer is fine as she is. Reworks aren’t good for the game, changing a hero completely is not healthy. You force people that played a hero to relearn essentially a new hero for no reason when all you need to do is change numbers.

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Not being able to shoot is far too powerful of an ability.

Well that’s just not Mercy anymore T this point

GM saw mass rezz as unhealthy for the game, I agreed with them. Valk was decided by the devs, and I can still like it as an ult, it has its use. People say Valk is unfun, but do you think Ana press Q is fun too? Ana can’t even press Q to save herself from flankers or dragon blade

That’s a valid response :tipping_hand_woman:t5:‍♀️relates to the nature of the thread and the purpose of the topic.

I agree that reworks can be difficult. However, cohesive design is what matters more imo. Symm rework plays differently than old symm and I miss her. Same with sombra. But I see where the changes more align with current overwatch. Mercy imo doesn’t fit either. These changes imo put her to help make the game more cohesive.

After reading this post i can confirm that this is a mercy one trick in denial just because of one line

120 hps beam LOL

Mercy is already hard enough to track down to kill with her current mobility and OP wants Mercy to have another 2 abilities to protect herself, best pray we got a widow god on our team to consistently threaten her.

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So which is it? Balance or design? I say design. Mass Rez was balanced. But not functional design. Neither is current mercy

Thus why I never use fun for my arguments on any change I suggest.

I love valk. Ez lazy button is great… I just don’t think that’s good design.

…it’s a single target beam in her ult… Zen has 300 for anyone… It’s a net heal Nerf to her current valk output… What?

But also! You just put zaryas entire kit in a ability! That you get back when you ult! Yikes again