Make the bomb hackable

big and helpless pile of juicy ult charge

LUL true… as a support main, my tanks are often this for both me and the enemy team.

To be fair, I think an Ult like D.Va’s should have more of a counter than just “Hide behind the environment”. Especially, when many of the Cature Points in this game are in wide open spaces and/or have minimal cover.

I mean, Rein Barrier and Zarya Bubble are fair to push the “D.Va bomb had a counter” point. But. I don’t feel they are all that reliable. You have to time Zarya’s Bubble just right or your dead. As for Rein’s Barrier, well, if they already took a bunch of damage from the other 5 enemies, they will have no barrier (because they were doing their job) and his barrier takes time to “charge up” when it takes damage.

So, I don’t know. I think you can argue D.Va Bomb has counters, but one could argue they aren’t all that reliable and to rely on a decent amount of lucky and near flawless execution. It’s a bit in the grey area is all I’m saying.

And, for the record, I say this as someone who does play D Va. She’s one of my most used Tanks. But, even I have to agree, the D.Va Bomb is a bit nuts. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve killed 3 to 5 enemies with minimal effort with that Ult.

As a Sombra main, no thanks. Dva Ult is already pretty bad, and only really works as a zoning move or combined with another CC Ult.

However, I’d love for the bomb and a dead mech to no longer be a valid hack target though. Once Dva mech goes into death state or she Ults it should no longer be hackable and should stop any hack in progress on the mech. Nothing worse then trying to hack a Lucio, then he crosses in front of a dying mech and it swaps and finishes on it.

Not really, you just have to listen to the explosion sound and press a button. You don’t even need to see the ulti to get free charge, seeing as how the bubble lasts for 2 seconds and dva bomb detonation is 3.

Also, dodging behind a wall is the easiest kind of counter. Quite many ultimates can still kill you in between juking behind walls, but dva bomb won’t. Walls are very reliable counter.

Only way dva bomb is nutty is how awful it is at killing things compared to almost every other ulti besides primal rage. Catching multiple people sometimes doesn’t make it super good ultimate.

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It’s super easy to avoid and play around, sombra is fine, ALSO, not all ults are hackable.

It could be hilarious

Hack the mech so it doesn’t go off, but only temporarily. As soon as the hack wears off though, spontaneous nuke!

Screaming “nerf this” is not an indication enough? That gives you enough time to just stand behind a pole.

Plus, if you’ve played OW long enough, you should, by now, have an idea when an enemy is about to ult. That’s general game sense.

“Dva ult”
“Pharah ult”
“Reaper ult”

All those lines you can tell your team if you get a feel that either enemy has collected enough ult charge to use it.

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Remember when Dva used to be able to be killed by her own ult? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

lol, the worst damage focused ult in the game does not need a nerf.

You should be hacking Baby D.Va when she ults anyway, your team have plenty of time and plenty of places to hide if they’re not complete bots. D.Va is a free pick if you hack her before she can get back in mech. Do it during the remech animation if you really want to stick it to them, as that deletes the ult charge as well.

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what? how would that even work