Make Sym's Primary Fire 30M

Yeah but was thinking how much the disabled community like Sym because of that. Real shame

Her Primary fire has such low damage right now, even Stevo thinks so. I want to see a buff to her primary damage

My eyes have a problem with this. You thought moiras ult was hard to see through? Wait until sym burns your retinas and your health

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It doesnt… so say u get max damage and hen a mercy damage boosts you. Your going to be a killing machine. However, because the reward is so high there needs to be a catch for example its hard to aim or she is easy to kill

Stevo isnt among the best sym players

I understand the take on the disabled community. I’ve read a long post of a disabled player and it’s a shame that they lost that. But IMO that can be done in other ways, for example, like allowing a bit of an aim assist like with consoles, making them able to play most of the heroes instead of relying on a single one.
Some people might think this might be a bad idea but considering how that aim works and how people who use keyboard and mouse on consoles still can easily dominate joypad users, I think this shouldn’t be a real problem.

30m is 1.5x longer than the grassy area on Illios Well.

That’s kinda insane.

Look you have to ask big to get at least a chunk.

Asking for 30m expecting at least 20m to 25m.

Imagine Symmetra with Moira’s range, nope…

Keep in mind Moira only deals 50 dps, while Symmetra can deal 180…

Moira also has auto locking and can heal herself

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She doesn’t, she has a large hit box for her secondary fire.

I don’t mind increasing Symmetra’s beam hitbox by a little tho.

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Sym’s shouldn’t at least be confused with Zarya… Even Torb is not confused with other Shotgun users

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Yes, I agree.

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Reaper has almost 3x Syms damage, less aim requirement, and great survivability with his passive and WF, so your argument doesn’t make any sense.

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Yep, first thing I keep thinking about

How so? She’d still have to aim you know and aiming from 30m away is harder than from idk whatever her range is now.

Just imagine picking Sym and getting the “Too Many Snipers” alert.

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I think 20 meters and 225/250 health (125/150 of it is shields) is good. And fix the tick rate but prevent symmetra from spamming primary fire by limiting to using it 4/5 times a second?

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Honestly still bet this was a thing somewhere in Development

Upvoted because it would be hilarious.

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long range beam sniper

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