Make Symm support again!

TP was a shell if what it COULD be. This version of TP opens the door for unique plays and strategies unlike anything old tp could even dream of.

“Sym is not garbage, but she does need some fine-tuning.” - person that actually plays her and doesn’t see 2.0 through rose-tinted glasses


Wait… What?

So you don’t like “Symm mains” speaking for everyone, yet you just gave your opinion on what you think of Symmetra, and gave the impression that your opinion was more valid than theirs.

Now, honestly, I’m not sure who you’re replying to. I guess I didn’t see the post that merited the response you gave.

Symm main, or no, I would think that all opinions would be valued, even if they’re misplaced or incorrect. There’s nothing keeping us from setting them straight if they’re wrong, or giving our opinion if we don’t agree with their stance.

In the post I quoted, you put yourself on a pedestal to make it seem as if you had more clout than anyone else in the forum, simply because you’ve played builder classes in different games. Those different games don’t matter, the only ones we’re speaking of in this forum is Overwatch. That having been said, I appreciate your input, we’ve had many discussions in other posts previously to great effect. Don’t take my calling you out as being hostile, that’s not my intent :smiley:

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Ironically, now she is more a support than before


My absolute FAVORITE part of her TP?

It takes longer to set up and use than to just walk there.

Yes, such mobility. So wow.

Ah yes I too love the “Guys, TP on the left, guys, guys GUYS! LEFT!” and then it disappears as soon as people finally consider looking at it let alone using it playstyle. It really brings a lot of fun and enjoyment to the game for me.

My other favorite part about new Symmetra is how you just die instantly when you get dove unless you’re being pocket healed, because you have no burst damage ability and no shield anymore, so you’re about as useful as a wooden duck. I mean, sure you could try and use your TP to escape, but it’s already on cooldown from when you were trying to use it before and it got instantaneously destroyed by the environment and or enemies, haha!

Yep, she’s a blast.


I actually do think she is a blast though…

Your opinion seems heavily skewed towards any negative experience you have had with the new sym. Sure your team won’t always listen to you or you will get dove, but that’s definitely not always the case.

I always communicate with my team where my TP is and only rely on Tp strats if I have confirmed my team is on board in voice. Otherwise I use Tp for myself and if someone else finds it useful, they can use it or I will call it out “TP goes high ground”.

Yay, more gimmicks that are ineffective during an actual game…

If TP was like Torb’s turret and stayed up until destroyed, yeah I wouldn’t complain, but it neither can be used to escape in a pinch or will vanish when you need it most…I can’t get behind it.

And I never said 2.0 was all that better, but at least it was reliable and it could be tweaked(for instance, I’d transfer the current Alt-Fire and Turrets to 2.0), but at least in 2.0 she could duel someone with lock-on and Photon Barrier.

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The old sym was cancer. Her ults were too game breaking.

Wow, this is the first time I have ever seen someone say her ult is OP…Is this even real?

Making her a support again implies she was one originally.


I have used TP to escape plenty of times. You need to preemptively deploy it before you need it which takes some time to learn and yes is not always reliable.

She can duel and flank arguably better than 2.0 now. She just requires more aim to be able to do so. I personally wouldn’t call holding primary and running in circles around a genji a “duel”.

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Before her beam was so fun to use against genji’s jumping around and dva’s being so scared and always backed off, the beam now is just good against barriers or big hitbox targets… I miss the old sym…

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My problem with Symmetra is that they gutted a character that was viable and gave us an entirely different character that is now entirely reliant on her team AND communication in order to be even remotely effective. That’s not OK in my book.

When I’m looking at balance in the game I try very hard to be as objective as possible. Looking at things and figuring out if they work or not is part of my day to day living, and objectively criticizing things and finding out how to improve them is a large part of what I do. New Symmetra DOES have some viable options in the pro scene and in more coordinated teams, or in situations where people are willing to communicate, but that does not inherently make her balanced.

Overwatch is not a game that requires team communication, so if you balance a character around them needing that in order to be successful you are automatically putting them at a disadvantage to all the other characters who DON’T have that.

Symmetra is currently extremely limited in what she can accomplish as a character on her own. She is very diveable, she can’t defend herself well, her cooldowns take too long, her utility is too small, and she herself cannot go toe to toe with any DPS character alone and win that battle even somewhat reliably. Every DPS character should have some other character on the DPS roster that they are at least ‘good’ at killing, or don’t struggle to kill. Without already having a nest of turrets up (which you cannot factor in to her main DPS because of their limited number, long cooldown, new long setup time and can be destroyed at any given time, so they are not reliable sources of damage.) there is no one on the Roster I’d bet would lose that fight to Symmetra as long as she didn’t just manage to sneak up on them and put an orb at their feet, which still takes two orbs for most characters, and good luck with that.

Her old ultimate as well provided a lot of utility for the team, and while I don’t hate the wall as much as I once did, it’s still an ultimate that is spent and gone whereas her old ultimates would stay indefinitely until the game was up or their use was done/they were destroyed. So even in that area she is now providing even LESS long term utility to her team because the wall, while functional for certain team battles and events, is very situational and temporary. It also can often be misplaced either through accident or just not knowing where the best place to put it would be, and then it’s effectively useless, because you only get the one chance to set it up and then it’s spent. A shield gen by comparison was guaranteed to help your team, no matter where you placed it.

Overall new Sym does have potential, but her limited range, limited time TP is the most ridiculous thing ever, and outside of seeing Pros and teams who have practiced strats and know where to go in order to use it before it dies, it’s absolutely useless for the majority of players.


Isn’t a wooden duck used for a decoy?

A decoy is useful!

Give her more damage from the off. 60dps is absurd when other heroes have so much DPS without the need to charge. The ramp mechanic is an archaic throwback to her old gun.

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I noticed this too. But last time I checked her pick rate still beats out Reaper and Bastion in the higher tiers. Even when you consider the private profiles.

Id be down for them tweaking her teleporter but they really need to look at reapers shadow step. It takes them both roughly the same ammount of time to use these abilities

I do agree with this! No other dps hero has to charge their damage for it to be good.

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common ground amongst Diamond Sym mains. Finally. :gem:

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haha finally!

Truthfully I know her current iteration is not without its faults, I just find it more enjoyable than her previous in many ways.


Why would that matter when symmetra was a dps in the support section anyways.

I agree she needs changes and buffs but she never belonged in the support section to begin with, if somebody says we need a support then i don’t think you or anyone else would pick symmetra unless you’re trolling, sym before the rework took up a dps slot and not a support slot.