Make Symm support again!

Most Symm mains hate the rework and she is somehow even more unpopular. All anybody wanted was for Symm to be a respectable support pick and instead we get this gimped Symm who by all rights is nearly a strict downgrade from her already struggling previous form.

Her turrets do less damage collectively and they are quicker to take down because there are less of them. Her teleporter doesn’t go far enough to get you where you need, it is glitchy as hell and won’t drop on any platform with railings plus is slow as hell to deploy. Her primary does far less damage unless you have perfect accuracy which nobody has. Her secondary while better in some ways doesn’t pierce barriers anymore taking away one of her niche strengths and leaving her useless against barriers where she was strong before. Lastly her Ult while not horrible is super hard to make work well since it requires the team to utilize properly which they likely won’t.

Please Please PLEASE just revert her or at least make her the support she was always meant to be!!!


No…leave her be.

As a main tank I’ve never been happier to have her on my team.


Kaplan, give me back my shield gen!


She does need to become a support again, she was a unique OW character and that’s what made me love her.


Sym’s pickrate is higher than before. The character is not “somehow even more unpopular.”


For you, not for Symmetra players…


I’ve also picked up Sym lately as well.

So yeah, for me too.


“lately” if you played her before you would know that this rework didn’t help her.


At first, I hated her like this. After playing her for significantly more time, I actually don’t mind the rework as much as I did initially. There are definitely pros to her new kit.

The problem is, there’s also a lot of cons.

Agreed, but they do far more damage when someone is attempting to take them out than the previous ones.

Agreed. Teleporter placement needs to be tweaked, and I wouldn’t mind seeing a range increase on it to be comparable to Reaper’s shadowstep.

On paper it does more damage. In practice, it does considerably less, unless you’re focused on a large unarmored target like Wrecking Ball, Roadhog or Dva.

Agreed. I like the new alt fire though, but mainly because it’s the only option I really have to do DPS. Trying to do DPS with her alt fire previously was difficult, as its travel time was so slow. Now, you have to lead targets but it’s your mainstay of offensive damage against other players. If you reverted it, she’d be danged near useless.

Her ult is great, and lackluster at the same time. Since there is no penalty for stepping through it, it’s best used to deny snipers and long ranged characters. McCree, Widow, Soldier, Junkrat, etc… They have to walk through in order to do their damage.

Here’s the kicker though, all they have to do is walk through it. There is literally no detriment for them doing so, and this is silly. There should be some detrimental effect tied to the shield wall that will discourage the enemy team from walking through it.

The only ‘rework’ of the rework I would accept is if she was turned into a healer. Otherwise, I just want her primary fixed so that it isn’t garbage, her teleporter deployment time reduced by half, and 250 effective hp. Another turret in pocket wouldn’t hurt either, but I’d take the first 3 as priority.


Even as a support she still didn’t feel like one. She was as much a support as Torb is. I think she could use a buff potentially but arbitrarily swapping her back to support isn’t the answer


Stop assuming things, I’ve played all characters before.

Sym’s worth playing now for me.

Now shoo.


She was never a real support to begin with. She was a low-DPS DPS with a support Ult.



God I miss SG


I’d be interested to hear your source for this.


Overbuff and Masteroverwatch (which are the only real public metrics we can get) have shown her pick rates are down. Also I think the constant slew of complaints here about her is is fairly good evidence people just aren’t too happy about it. This might not be perfect evidence but it is about the best you can get.


I suppose that’s fair enough. Stats don’t lie, I guess.
However, using the forums as a basis for which heroes are liked and disliked in the community can easily be inaccurate. A large quantity of people don’t browse the forums.

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I agree but there really isn’t really a better place to create a real impression so I gotta just work with what I got unfortunately. She also won the competition for the worst hero on facebook the other week.

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Funny thing is she’s even more supportive then she ever was. I’ve saved zen and ana multiple times from winston dive with well timed tp, blocked earthshatters, bombs, highnoons and what not with my barrier. Her ult is still supportive in nature, while she’s finally given another form of supportive ability outside of her ult. At this point it might just be better to make her primary fire heal with ramp up and put her back in the support slot.


To rub insult to injury, it was still visible in the hero gallery for a while after it was removed.
I may have cried when loooking at it.


What do you mean “again”? She never was an actual support. She was more like a second torb than being able to replace a healer.