Make Overwatch a 25% slower game?

Slower or not the game will always be harder for new players who doesn’t have a clue what does what, roles, countering and positioning.

If we exclude steamrolls, the game is already too slow thanks to the insane healing. The game already has a fairly long TTK as it is.

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solder before the buff was horrible hero cuz of long TTK need to do something under this healing values,
they gonna nerf heal in OW2

thats a harassing for no reason , suits your ranked profile i guess

after 5 years same people does not know about alternative routes on 80% of all maps and just tunnl vision press W to die.
what we are talkin about

Either way, speed is not the issue. The lack of knowledge is.

this bothers me…at season 1 or 2 it was heavily Rein dependent cuz of nanoboost and the fact the shields prevent dmg and Ult charge

I’d fall asleep during matches if it was any slower than this.

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Slower? No, but all damage should be reduced by 25% and health increased by 25-50%.

Tank damage should be reduced by 75%.

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:rofl: twenty five characters

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LOL so rein and monkey get no range and no damage go play league, its more your speed

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welcomes to OW forums where people instead of overcoming challenges want the challenges to become easier


To be fair, not everyone on this forum agrees with this!

and yet they make OW2 5v5 to slow down the tempo and resolve tanks balance problem

IMO the game speed isn’t really an issue, it’s more that it can be hard to keep track of the sheer amount of stuff that’s going on at any given moment. It’s kind of crazy, considering how newbie-friendly they seemed to be trying to make it.

You should become a professional coach!

I want a fast game but I don’t want the TTK that every other shooter has, that ruins the whole point of playing Overwatch…

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Hardest to master lol even a low bronze player can kill with them.

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So everyone will just ignore Tanks until the teamfight is over and then proceed to stagger them before granting them the generosity of dealing the final blow? :joy:

Sure…if that bronze player has a good aim, but lacks things like game sense and positioning.
Some people don´t get it, that aim is something, that you have to either work hard for, or you are natural with it.

What’s the difficulty in a PvP game? If something becomes easier for you, then it’d be easier for others too. Can we call it easier in pvp? No.

But I’m not against your suggestion for a different reason. Slower pace may give people more time to think/calculate, and it could make a difference.(But not slower movement/firerate. Just toning down overall damage/healing will work well.)

exactly, but i dont know how to do so. maybe in 5v5 it will become less caotic and more punishing,
if 1 of 5 dies, its pretty over and you must retreat

They call that OW 2. I mean seriously, slowing it down for viewer interest is part of the plan.