Make Mercy Rez Instant

as a biased Mercy player, YES PLS! I don’t really care about anything other than the iconic, swift animation it used to have when Rez was instant. I miss it so so much :sob:

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I’m aware.

I’m saying that the target should come back at full health and Mercy should have less max HP for a time. Or something like that.

No hero should have an ability that their teammates pay for.

do you not remember when she did have an instant res and you couldnt do anything to stop it?


With my proposal, this version of instant Rez still punishes bad Rez due to low health of revived teammate. (25%hp, only 50 hp for most squishies and 150-250 health for most tanks.

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This was also when she was able to get 4 off in a Valk along with it on a lower cooldown.

And no I don’t this it should be instant either, but I would like the the speed reduction gone or instead of at 75% maybe knocked down to 50/25%.

Nah it’s fine the way it is because you can punish a Mercy for just doing it.


Rez is just fine, it’s just that there are a lot of bad Mercy players and new Mercy players who rez anytime it’s off cool down. Even if they killed their ally right in front of them, a brain dead Mercy will still attempt to REZ.

Rez is fine.

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Crisp passerino from me. Rez is already quite strong.

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when they reworked her valkyrie used to make res instant, that was deemed too powerful so theyre probably never going to give her that again let alone out of ult, at this point no matter what they do to res people will call it overpowered, they call it overpowered now when mercy is just a free target for 1.75s, its not even fun to do, you just stand there, it should just be scrapped but blizzard doesnt care about suggestions on an ability that wont be as hated and will be more fun for the player to do

Mercy Rez still is the topic that never died since 2016, unlike our teammates


No, because as I said before, it would just be swapping two of Mercy’s abilities and watering them down. Besides that, Mercy’s mobility is already fine, and she doesn’t need some generic power up ability to be effective at her job.

Oh, and also

Why in the world do you want hyper mobile Mercy to have a mid combat healing ability and a mobility boost on a cooldown? That seems like something that’s just begging to be complained about. People can’t even handle Genji blocking, or Hanzo conventionally aiming, but Mercy getting a radical mobility boost and healing boost on a cooldown in addition to her already existing GA and having a worse ult for no reason is going to be fine?

Un-needed. The risk of rezzing is the same thing that keeps it balanced, and Mercy players thinking “deaths don’t matter because I can rez you” was already a huge issue before. Have we forgotten that? Making Rez an instant cast ultimate would just bring that mindset back because, in my opinion, Overwatch players are usually arrogant and feel they’re entitled to making bad plays.

I don’t agree that its worthless, and I don’t think its ever been adequately explained to me why its worthless. How is raising a character from the dead, which bypasses their respawn timer and walk back time, worthless?

My position is that the red team should have the opportunity to counter a rez

If it were instant, there’d be no counter

as such, I am opposed to instant rez


To balance the rez ability out by making it a more committed to action. If it was quicker to do she could just whip herself past the rez and pick someone up leaving barely an opening to stop her.

I felt like I was watching 21st century people in suits pretending to live in the early 20th century. I wasn’t immersed at all because of the lack of authenticity of the setting, names that didn’t match the people, clothes that didn’t match the people, it didn’t feel handcrafted.

That is extremely overpowered. Completely ludicrous suggestion.

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Because Mercy can’t duel flankers really well, and GAing away doesn’t help much of the flanker zips towards them and peppers with spam that prevents heals.

She doesn’t have to. Not every character needs do be some uber duelist who can solo flankers with ease; she’s designed to use her mobility to fly away from flankers, so why would she need to duel them.

The obsession with turning each and every character into a fighter has measurably made Overwatch worse, so personally I’m glad to see Mercy is still unique.

If I GA towards a teammate, that teammate should be able to help me. If they don’t that’s not a Mercy issue that’s an Overwatch players issue.

It would be. I love Mercy - she’s my second most played hero. But Rez is the one part of her kit that’s a game-changer. I hate going against enemy Mercys who are good at sneaky rezes.

She probably needs slightly more HPS, and some kind of defense capability. Though I also need to personally learn Superjump tech better, and I may not struggle so much against Genji. She definitely can feel like a sitting duck without proper ally placement to ping-pong around to, though.

Again, that could just be a positioning issue. I’ve went under the assumption that I just need to git gud. But anyway, yeah, if I had to give her something, it’d be that instead. Rez feels borderline OP’d as it is.

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Oh hell no. Her rez is annoying enough as is. Learn to judge your rezes better.


So the bottom 80% of players, Mercy isn’t allowed to be good, unless you get high tier peeling.

And the top 20% of players, Mercy isn’t worthwhile enough, OMG switch off of Mercy.

Seems like a lose lose situation.


I personally dont see either of these as a true reflection of what Mercy is

60K, ka-BOOM

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