Make Mercy Rez Instant

Let her have control of her Rez. Pressing E and release it instantly makes Rez instant but revived teammate is only with 25% of their max HP. The longer she holds her E the longer the cast and more HP the revived person end up with. Additional 0.5 second adds 25% of their max HP. Max cast time is 1.5 second now down from 1.75 second.

For example, rezzing a tank with 600hp, instant Rez makes them revive at 150hp, however, casting it for 1 second adds additional 50%,so 75% which is 450hp.

5v5 is too fast paced and with one less tank to protect Mercy from rezzing. Her current Rez is too weak for OW2.



I don’t rez that much anyway. Not sure a change would make me use it more, aside from an extra tank.

Or better positioning. Which can only be learned by playing the game.

My opinion. Not a bad idea, but I wouldn’t notice a difference.


I don’t understand why a mobile hero like mercy has to cast 1.75 to Rez a person. That’s not fluid and fun at all. Instant rez makes her gameplay more smooth.


My biggest problem with rez nowadays is its opportunity cost. While I’m busy rezzing, somebody else is pretty much guaranteed to die. Rezzing with non-full health won’t really shift that cost around.


Yeah, current rez is contradicting. No other support has to leave the fight to bring utility to the team.


If they are gonna make Rez instant, they might as well just make that the Ult, and make MiniValk be the ability.


Yes please. Fast charging solo rez as an ult and valk for more mobility. Maybe remove the chains but let both beams apply at the same time or such thing. That would give her a good change of pace.


I like the idea of it still, because it at least allows the Mercy player to have more agency with it (being able to cancel the cast time early is a huge deal, it makes Resurrect no longer a self-CC), and if the res was a mistake, then it will feed less ult charge.

It means the opportunity cost does not come at the expense of Mercy herself (or her ability to do things) anymore.

Self CC is anti fun. Is mercy the only one that does that?


Just chatting here…

It would be overpowered, IMHO, and annoy people more than it already does.

I would just insta-rez people who were generally safe, and then gain the extra ult charge healing them up. It would make pocketing Ashe/Widow/Phara even easier. Heck, if I was speedy enough I could rez Phara before she hit the ground.

Her rez is a strong ability that has all its drawbacks to balance it IMHO. It is a high risk, high reward ability. Can I get to the target, can I rez them there, are they worth resurrecting, do they have an ult we need, will I die in the process and is it worth the sacrifice, might they die in the process, who else might die while I cast, is my other support handling things? Etc etc.

IMHO, I don’t want resurrect to be faster, or simpler, or have the ability to bring up more people, or from a greater distance. I find it one of the most balanced abilities in the game. Again, high risk, high reward, made even stronger in a 5v5 environment.

Again, that’s just this Mercy 1-trick’s take. I’m not saying it’s “the” truth, but it is certainly “my” truth. I love the ability and use it to great effect.


It doesn’t have to provide ult charge. Healers don’t get ult charge from healing self-inflicted damage. Perhaps this kind of damage could work the same way.

Ashe, Widowmaker, and Pharah are already heroes that are prioritized with her current Resurrect. Ashe and Widowmaker are more likely to die in safe positions so that Resurrect’s cast time isn’t a problem. Also, Mercy can already Resurrect Pharah before she hits the ground.

The problem that people have with it is not its balance state. It is the fact that the locked-in cast time for Resurrect strips away agency from the Mercy player and makes Resurrect’s success (or lack thereof) dependent on everyone else in the game instead.

The only agency Mercy can exercise is in whether she uses the ability at all, because every single other factor — when she is able to use it, where she is able to use it, what happens when she uses it — is not actually in her control. For the most part, on Mercy’s end, the amount of skill involved in using it is less than the amount of skill involved in looking both ways before crossing the street. It’s not her ability, it’s everyone else’s ability. She doesn’t get to choose what her ability actually does, she doesn’t get to own whether or not it is successful.

There is no other ability in Overwatch that is designed like this — for a good reason.

This is why it’s being suggested that she could resurrect teammates with only partial HP, because it’s a way of giving a compensation nerf to Resurrect while removing the thing that strips away control from the Mercy player (the cast time, the self-CC).

IMHO, this would only make sense to me if you’re the kind of person that enjoys gambling. Because that’s “high risk, high reward” too. But you have no control over the outcome, just as you have no control over Resurrect’s outcome.

Good for you.

But I still think that Rez really needs help right now with 5v5. Yes it is high risk high reward, but compare to Bap and Kiriko’s no risk but high value ability, it is something to consider.

I actually really like your idea, and would be open to testing it out if it were an actual thing. More flexibility and control over cast time in 5v5 is something that I definitely want.

So… I agree with the premise behind your suggestion but not the suggestion itself.

Mercy’s 1.75s self silence and self snare should 100% get binned. It isn’t fun, and it moves most of the decision making out of Mercy’s hands and it sucks.

However… how much would it suck to be on the receiving end of a bad Mercy Res? You stand up briefly at 25% hp and just get bursted down again. That’d be undersandably frustrating and will 100% get Mercy players flamed.

So… yes, make it instant. It needs it badly, but the downside needs to be something that Mercy bears. After all, she’s the one who decided to go for the Res.

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It always comes back to this idea. So, after a long time of charging her ult, she gets to rez one person who might die against seconds later. And instead she has a worse version of valk on a button ability.

I do not know how that could possibly be good for Mercy. I’d argue Mercy now is stronger than Mercy with that set up. She can rez more often, and valk doesn’t have to be watered down.

I was thinking the same thing. Its a worse change using an ultimate for 1 person rez.

I do like the idea of the OP

You don’t see how

  1. A Heal boost
  2. A Mobility boost
  3. A DPS boost
  4. Active Mid-Combat Regen (On a character with no ability selfheals)

On an 8-12ish sec cooldown would be helpful?

Or how the ability to Rez very safely during an objective fight, has benefits over a Rez that’s basically worthless beyond the “poke phase” of the fight.


That’s part of the counter play for an instant Rez.

they did all that stuff in OW1 you need an opportunity to shut it down.


That would feel bad for like all parties involved I feel like.