maybe remove chain heal and give something like ubercharge? overheal? idk. just a thought.
Or how about not making her more of a pocket healer?
How about making Mercy less of a pocket healer, by rearranging her kit so she can be played as a primary healer whose responsibility is to the entire team, not just one teammate.
You know, like she used to be.
I like this…
A really nice thing about playing Mercy is that you have to prioritise targets and that’s taken away somewhat when you ult, as you heal everyone equally which makes it more brain dead. What could also work is that while you ult, your primary target gets healed more than the secondary targets. This would at least provide some benefit to prioritising targets.
But ya, ideally removing the AoE would be best. Mercy is supposed to be a single target healer/support. I’d say this is different to “pocketing”… Good Mercy play is more like spinning plates.
I just want to know what Ubercharge is
we’re ignoring the real important things here
Ăśbercharge is the Medics Special in TF2 the normal one features 8 seconds of invulnerability for the Medic and the person he heals.
Idea sounds interesting… but would definitly break the game… just imagine a Pocketed DPS ult maybe with a Nano on top and absolutely no counterplay possible.
Chain Beams can go to hell tho… rather make her main beam a bit more stronger during ult.
Throw in an invulnerability field for an additional 8 seconds… loooooooool no thanks!
there is types of ubercharge. not only invincibility. they can bring something balanced.
What would you rather?
Kritzkrieg : 8 Seconds of 300% Dmg Boost? (Put that on any DPS ult and likely nothing will be able to counter)
Quick-Fix : 8 Seconds of 300% Healing Output, affecting Both the healtarget and Mercy as well as giving CC resistance. (This one might work but just thinking of it I can hear people moaning about not being able to kill Mercy during that with anything but a Sniper)
Vaccinator : 4 charges à 2 seconds of 75% resistance to a certain dmg type to both Mercy and Heal Target (which goes with the Vacc’s pocket capability and the passive of always being able to grant dmg resistance to the HT all the time during healing.
TF2 is a very differently balanced game than Overwatch is… Übercharge is made to be an absolute gamechanger… being the only real “Ultimate” in the game, which allows it to be incredibly strong at any moment since you can’t combo it with the HT’s… to implement them into OW they’d either have to water them down so much they’d be pretty useless or have people complain why Mercy is suddenly OP again (in the most likely scenario)
You realize that would mean at least 180 hp/s of a single target lock on beam and probably 50-60% damage buff to not be a complete nerf? There’s a reason it is split healing like that.
im not saying just copy uber. they can bring balanced version of that.
A lot of Mercy players would even take a nerf there if it made Mercy more exciting to use again in that regard… even if it was just compensated with like 70HP/s and maybe 40% Dmg boost.
The chain beams are one of the big reasons why Valk is largely regarded as “Gloryfied Spectator Mode”
Exactly. I don’t think people realize that with her current chain beams, she can output 4,500 healing over the course of her ultimate. (She can only do 750 healing outside of Valk in the same time frame).
If they kept Valk at 15 seconds and made it single target, she’d have to do 300 HPS for it to be the same overall healing output as it is now. That’s…busted.
Hah, hardcore Mercy main here, no thanks.
Chain beams allow me to support my team in ways that beam juggling never will. It’s my ULT, I don’t need to work incredibly hard during it, I worked incredibly hard to GET IT in the first place. Zen’s ult is AOE, Moira’s ult is AOE, Lucio’s ult is AOE, Brig’s ult is AOE. It’s ok if Mercy’s it too.
If you think Valk is spectator mode, you are using it wrong, plain and simple.
You can hate it without thinking it is spectator mode though
I would rather they put a bullet in it - they nerfed her healing to fit it and new rez in.
I’d rather have the better healing myself.
False. Mercy’s gameplay has not changed. She always had a penchant for pocketing. It’s been the case since day 1, except back then there was no alternative to her in the throughput support slot.
People want to bring single target rez ult with charges and stuff but by sacrificing valkyrie which is a pretty bad trade imo.
I’d say rez should have a 45 sec timer which is reduced by 1 second for every 100 healing. Average would be the same 30 sec (she could lower it by 10 seconds every 20 seconds) but in Valk it would be actually more beneficial to mass heal than to go pew-pew the Widow.
People like to forget the game launched with 3 healers. It’s not hard to be the absolute best out of 3, a lot harder to do that out of 7
yea same here ignore the idea of changing mercy what Ubbbacharge?
It’s from TF2, it’s an ability the healer can do.
As for OP, I’d rather Mercy didn’t become an even more braindead pocket hero. She should be there for her team, not just mainly one person.
Of which only three are main healers (Mercy supposedly is one of those three but Ana and Moira deliver much more for their team overall at the moment). I don’t know if Baptiste is necessarily a main healer, or even a viable option, as I haven’t played Overwatch since near the end of last year so I’m not potentially including that hero.