Make mercy even more pocket healer?

They ARE going to make her more of a pocket healer and they will buff Damage boost to do so.

And none of them offers what Mercy does. Mercy is extremely strong in multiple dps comps, she’s strong with mobility tanks that require less healing, and she’s very good at solo healing (not because of her output, but because of her SELF sustain, which is unparalleled in the support category).

Indeed, she’s strong at helping ‘damage’ comps and mobilising around mobility tanks that don’t require healing, but when those tanks require healing then she tends to fall behind compared to the other main healers (especially Ana). Compare that to Ana and Moira and Ana alone certainly delivers more utility and survivability for her team, especially in the right hands. Biotic Grenade and sniping her teammates. Mercy’s strength is indeed her own survival, mobility and pocketing a teammate (particularly for damage boost), however she has more severe weaknesses than major strengths at the moment, in my opinion, making Ana and Moira the preferred choices.

Anyway I’m going to end my input here as I’ve said my opinion on Mercy becoming even more of a pocket healer and I feel that this is now starting to go off-topic. I would go more in depth but as I say, likely would be off-topic. Nice chatting!

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EDIT: You misunderstood my reply. I wasn’t saying Moira offered more utility, but she does offer more influence than just Mercy being primarily a pocket. Ana offers much more utility though and is the better option than Mercy or Moira, though I’d rather have Moira or Ana on my team.

As for the second reply, GM is a different ballpark compared to most of the playerbase down at say… gold or platinum. In GM you can rely on your teammates much more than you can in gold or platinum, and therefore be more reliable in supporting too (as Mercy).

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I can’t believe you un-ironically used these two words in the same sentence.

That would certainly be a novel way to put it on a meter, and it would be a pleasant change of pace. Frustratingly, however, Blizzard has responded to similar ideas with statements in the vein of “doing so would be too difficult to implement”. It’d be difficult for a smaller company, sure, but Blizzard has monumental amounts of everything a game company could want and even throwing resources at straightening out Rez wouldn’t dent any of the other things they’re doing with Overwatch.


How difficult is it to implement this algorithm:

healing_temp = 0
if healing_temp == 200 then {
healing_temp = 0, resurrect_timer = resurrect_timer-1 }

or something like that? Or does Overwatch run on spaghetti code as LoL where they admitted they programmed everything, even walls like it was stationary minions? That would be funny.

For some reason people seem to think it’s a really bad ult. I’d take it over Moira’s any day.


It really is funny how half the forums basically goes back and forth between Moira and Mercy being the worst supports

You’re actually giving up your only mobility spell for 10 seconds or so with Moira which is a death sentence against any competent team. Too bad most people just run when they see a Moira ulting while she’s not even difficult to kill.

They might be the weakest SUPPORTS but they are one of the best healers.

I tend to accidentally use the two interchangeably

My favorite thing about Moira’s ult is I think it’s the only ult in total mayhem that’s 100% useless

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She also has fantastic synergy with Baptiste, since Baptiste covers her “weakness” of being an off-healer, in that she doesn’t have an ult as busted as Transcendence or Sound Barrier, but Immortality Field can cover that in a pinch.

Personally I was really impressed by watching the Baptiste/Mercy comps in OWL. It’s a playstyle that’s much more different than other healer combos, since it doesn’t have any huge ultimates either team has to play around, but it has a LOT of tools to swing the “tempo” in a fight, by either preventing, or reversing a pick that other Healer duos/trios couldn’t do.

I’m not sure it will be the meta when the dust settles, outside comps like the Pirate Ships on Junkertown, but I would not be upset if it did. It’s an incredibly fun and skillful healer setup to watch.

The problem with this argument is that you’re massively overvaluing how powerful raw throughput actually is.

Sure, if your Reinhardt is being hammered by a Reaper, there’s no better healer for keeping him alive than a Moira or Ana, but in a coordinated team, you’d have someone like a Dva to mitigate the damage that Reaper does, long enough for the other teammates to deal with him.

Mercy’s actual throughput isn’t even that bad though, with Mercy being neck and neck with Baptiste and Ana (in GM) this week in raw healing. (Moira beats everyone, but that’s to be expected).

She just trades the potential that Ana/Baptiste have for consistency, which in a DPS orientated meta is definitely a huge plus.

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She used to be like that, but never intended so.

They should give Mercy a new ability called “Pocket” where she shrinks down and hops into the pocket of a teammate.

The Mercy player is then free to just hold M1.

Killing the host will cause Mercy to pop out and revert to her normal size.

So, an ability that normally takes a butt-long time to charge on it’s own, but can be charged faster through good gameplay…

Dude, you’re talking about an ult. Why even keep up with the charade that rez can be anything else?

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ubercharge isn’t a game changer and TF2 has nothing as strong as an ult in overwatch. Ubers exist to break really fortified positions or break an offensive line. It can also be denied by anyone with skill. Basically the complete opposite of ults but yeah I’m kinda biased.

I see nothing wrong with having an uber beam with valk. Spectator mode then actually makes sense as you can have a birds’ eye view of your teammates’ hp pools.

They could do this easy, if they made Mercy drop ult charge on death.

Imagine an ultimate that you lose the charge for when you die. There’s different types, but the main/best one is 8 seconds of invulnerability on you and your target.

Junk doesn’t have pockets per se but ya get my drift
