Make hack a hitscan

You get the aim heads to settle down, you get the flankers to agree because it’ll now be a skill shot, and you add more depth her play style if you make it an infinite range hit scan. Possibly better stats, since those are important I guess (laughs in Fitzy). Keep hack traditional on tanks tho, for obvious reasons.


One thing that always confused me about people’s proposed changes for Sombra(when they’re not actively trying to make her outright terrible) is they always do changes that just make her even more infuriating to play against than currently

like there’s this idea that infinite range hack from an invisible target that can access any ground is better than her having to be close and channel

then there’s the other suggestions like buffing her damage so you can have someone who’s invisible but has the DPS of a Tracer

like why are you people doing this to yourself


I’d rather it be a projectile with a wind up similar to sleep dart


I’d be happy if the tolerance for the lock on during channeling was similar to the tolerance of Moira’s primary attack.

Should she lose focus- the beam would break and she’d have to start again.

In exchange, no more 1 point of damage setting it on a 2 second cooldown.

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I mean I’m pretty aim intensive, but I even I know it would be a hard thing to pull off. This invis target still has to get out of invis and land the shot on a non tank target. It would make it strong since the hack would be instantanious, but the draw back is she’d have to be close like her traditional play style to do the damage her self and she’d have to land the shot. Imagine being McCree and landing a single shot that couldn’t miss on a moving target. It wouldn’t be easy, and any long distant hack would only benefit a team play, like hacking a widow from a distance and telling a flanker to go in with her hook down while sombra can maintain a presence on the point/payload to hack a tank with her traditional hack (this idea letting them be two separate abilities). You make it hard to hack squishies, but now powerful by making it instant, if you miss you maintain safety with trans and try again in 8 seconds. This is more about taking away the things that make her easy and replacing it with something harder that adds more depth to her

I’m sure everyone has seen me peddling my silly Sombra idea by now but I’ll pitch it again.

Right-click fires purple hacking bullets that inflict hack status while also doing damage. Hack speed increases with accuracy, and weapon spread prevents long-distance hacks naturally.

Hack is not interrupted by Sombra taking damage, but hack status buildup resets after a certain period of losing LOS.

This alt fire would need to have a CD of some sort and be limited to one to two magazines per use.

I’d also like to see Sombra have two or three translocator charges so she can use them for mobility in a fight, however they would now only work within a limited range.

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Agreed. It almost seems like no one on the forums considers the ramifications of the things for which they ask.

You have so much time to react to it I don’t see the problem

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She already has more dps than Tracer, and more range, and more ammo. Seriously, people act like her gun is garbage, but it’s one of the best in the game

Tracer has 240 dps
Sombra 160 dps

Tracer has 10-20m falloff but can blink in and out extreamly fast
Sombra has 15-35m but needs to tl away from the fight every time

Sombra’s spread is a little better but the same reasonings as above count here to.

Sombra has the longer reload too btw while tracers is way Faster.

Sombra’s gun is worst then Tracers and many others ingame but its all she needs.


You’re right actually, Tracer’s gun fires 2 bullets at once. Still tho, it’s way stronger than what people give it credit for

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True but it is on the weaker side but thats all she needs so its fine. Buffing it would be stupit we don’t want a invisible tracer. And making hack a skill shot would also cause problems because it probably would need to become a hard cc to make up for it.

I’m convinced

Sombra should dual wield guns

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Instant hack with infinite range. What could go wrong? Hack is fine as it is.

I don’t feel like Sombra needs any change on her hacking system. If anything, she’d need a secondary fire or another DPS ability.

Just my opinion though ^^

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I am down with that, as long as they removed the damage interruption, I see why not.

I just know people are going complaining about it no matter what so.

Hitscan is instant. You cant interrupt it.

Knowing Blizzard, they will probably have it function something like Symmetra, where as you have to ramp it up that way it has some form of cast time.

She’s hard to learn, and even harder to master. I think that’s the main reason people tend to think she’s weaker.

Agreed. I’d definitely be down for her to have another DPS ability. Her hacking abilities are fine for now.

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doomfist need seismic slam buff
20m 87dmg.