Make false flagging punishable

Absolutely not. Mercy required a mega thread their were so many. 2 isn’t spam. Read what it says when I looked at the spam flag. Advertisement or vandalism. Neither of those occurred. It’s a false report. Stop doing this!


Did they seriously false flag this post too? Really? What the heck is going on?


Just make it so posts aren’t automatically hidden. If a post gets hidden it was because a moderator forced it to be

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Apparently this post got “false” flagged.

Actually, it’s creating multiple threads of the same topic while others are still active. Those two things are the important parts of the definition.

The official definition of spam on the forums is:

“This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.”

Another Blizzard/overwatch team countermeasure for toxicity that got exploited? Who would have ever knew

According to the message I got that is not what it really means:

spam : the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected.

(I just realized someone already said this)


lol, ironic that this got flagged

This is out of control at this point, mods do something


I agree with you and find it extremely ironic that you were flagged.

clown white flag clown white flag clown white flag?