Make Characters Harder

I just want to know where all these low skill t500 heroes/players are at? Cause last I checked there’s quite the variety of heroes from all categories with all levels of skill…


I must be espeically bad since I play a lot of ‘no skill’ hereos and im still in plat.

Why aren’t my brain dead skilless heroes bringing me to top 500 like everyone keeps claimnig


I think it’s fine as it is, because IMO when a “bad player” playing an “easy ( or “low risk” ) hero” duels a “good player” playing a “difficult hero”, the fight would be more or less balanced. That must be difficult to achieve as a game developper and I’m glad they try.

The game actually gets more diffcult to learn since you need to learn more match ups. Adding 1 or 2 low skill heroes to make the entry a bit easier for new players isnt that bad. Also Brigitte is a needed counter to dive.

Lol Winston is easier to play than either Moira or Brigetye.

The issue is not that these heroes are easy, the issue is that without mechanical skill, gamesense or positioning, these heroes still manage to be viable. You can literally play heroes like Orisa, Brigitte and Moira and have impact by being effectively Easy A.I.

What would even things up would be if it weren’t so easy to have impact with very little in the way of prowess for a hero. In the higher tiers you will see players locking heroes like Moira because of their ease and not her map/composition viability because of Moira’s utility without the requirement of much from the player. Moira can lack positioning and be saved by Fade, your life-steal or your heal/damage orbs. You can lack mechnics and still hit targets with somewhat RNG orb launching and soft-lock M2. There really is very, very little between a top, top tier Moira and a somewhat decent Moira and THAT is what is upsetting for the game, and THAT is the direction Brigitte will no-doubt end up in.

People will like her because you can literally crap on others with almost no brain power and the counter play to you is mostly to avoid you much like Moira is (when she has cooldowns). People love feeling good at the game and being rewarded with SR for it especially. The sad part is that players can put thousands of hours into Zarya, Ana, Rein, Mei, Widow, McCree, Genji, Tracer and their in-game value will be much, much harder to see - Unlike Brigitte and Moira, if you aren’t doing anything on heroes like Ana, or even Reinhardt, your team is going to suffer. Hold buttons on Blizzards new heroes? Great job. You’re “Playing Overwatch” apparently. Just make the value be more relative to some level of skill, please. New heroes are wonderful but stop making them braindead-easy.

yeah we have a few hard characters to play with and yeah no one likes them in there group. Ask any honzo and widow main how much fun they are having being hard char to play with.

I agree, make genji hard to play please blizz

Can’t wait for your climb top top 500 vod using these easy heroes. You don’t climb by being bad at the game no matter who you play.

“Improving the community”, coming from a Genji that complains about how easy and unskilled playing support is…Predictable.
I hate you already, like the majority of Genjis - which are often the worst ingame group of DPS players, so arrogant and pompous with their “muh skill”.

Note: you don’t have to check my profile: I dropped competitive few months ago. Try another angle.

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Before the nerfs he was really easy though. Blizzard just don’t bother making him more user friendly apparently.

Genji and Tracer mains are outraged that they are going to have to start playing the same game everyone else has been playing, you know, with actual counters and stuff. That’s apparently terribly unfair to them.


They made Hanzo, junkrat, and tracer harder to play with the upcoming patch emphasizing on landing difficult to hit shots to get maximum value :man_shrugging:t5:

They also made genji harder to play. The changes to sombra make her take more skill to play. Oh and the dva nerfs also increases the skill required to play her.

I’ve watched almost every game in the OWL, and I’ve rarely seen moira.
Most of the time I’ve seen her, it’s a near overtime switch to help get to the point and contest quickly.
So far, the OWL has been nothing but Winston, Dva, Tracer, Genji / Widow / or the rare soldier or Mcree, Zen, and Mercy or Lucio. Very rarely, you see it change from this, and even then, it’s usually only for junkertown to run pirate ship.

The OWL is boring, a friend of mine actually went to the blizzard arena about a week or 2 ago. He said, there wasn’t really that much people there. I think most people who “watch from home”, just run it on mute in the background to farm the tokens for skins.
One of the perks of living / working in a small rural town in the middle of nowhere, is I can watch it at work.

And basically this. While I consider myself a tank main, I have moved over to support these days because: Tanks no longer feel like tanks. They feel more like weaker, but less squishy DPS. and 2, I think I play support better than tanks.
Because dual flankers are basically the most common DPS set up currently, we really don’t get help that often and end up feeling like flanker fodder.

And like what was said, the flankers often have tiny hitboxes (hard to hit), they are super powerful, and highly mobile. They basically had no counters / weaknesses. It would have either come down to: Nerfing the flankers, or getting these easier to play heroes. Most of the flanker mains think they are balanced, I guess blizzard agreed for the most part (other than the lack of counters, and for wanting to make more strats viable), which is probably why they didn’t nerf them; that and no one likes it when their hero is nerfed.

Personally, I think teamwork and strategy should be what the deciding factor is. Obviously, people with mechanical skill will still do better, but I see OW more like chess: with each piece having their own unique thing; and in chess, even a pawn can take down a king / queen if played right.

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Yea, I think that’s more of a problem with Ana than Moira though. With sleep dart and nade she has the potential to be very rewarding and can make big plays. Her survivablity is just in the toilet.

I will never understand these make “harder” heroes threads.

3/6 of the new heroes have been hard to play heroes.

(4/6 depending on how you see orisa)

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I mean what makes Moira and Brigitte easy? The common consensus seems to be their low aim requirements, which is fair.

But those heroes were designed to counter high mobility heroes, and any reasonably mobility counter HAS to be easy to land, else it ends up like Flash Bang or Sleep Dart, and far more effective on immobile heroes since mobile heroes have the tools to juke it easily.


The problem isn’t characters that are easy to pick up.

The problem is more in the realm of lowering skill ceilings across the board, the continuous removal of interesting exploits, and a lack of incentive or viability for interesting team compositions to form outside of metas.

i like braindead characters… i cant aim or hit anything and play this game just to have fun

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