Make Characters Harder

When the super “hard” characters are easily being countered by the “easier” characters, then what is the point of learning them.

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Why do you think this game is geared more towards casuals then competitive…

90% of the heroes in the game don’t take much skill to use :frowning:

Mcree… widow… that’s kinda it.

Everything else has a blast radius or some kinda huge AOE attack range.


Again, maybe I was confusing. For the future, I would like for the new heroes to be a bit more difficult. According to the pattern of new heroes, I do not want easier heroes to take over the meta compared to more difficult heroes. But, yes, you are right. “People that are good with their heroes, do stand out.”

Because you’re not always going to be up against them? Not everyone’s going to want to play Moira or Brigitte. Not every team is going to want to be more tanky then a dive team. All that’s happened in the past few releases is that the support/healer category has gotten more options and come up to parity with the dps catagory.


That’s why alot of people dont enjoy watching OWL… there is 0 diversity every match.

This is blizzards fault.


They are trying to fix the meta, and I fully understand that. I just don’t want the future of overwatch heroes to be low skill cap heroes.

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" Why are you guys so bad!! I have 60 elims as Moira !!!"

This is also part of the problem lol.


I doubt we will keep getting “easier” characters but from a design standpoint, what else can they add to this game? We have plenty of hitscan heroes. We have nearly every standard gun in FPS history (What are we missing? That type of cannon gun those heavy covenant enemies used in Halo? That rifle that shoots 3 burst bullets?) Blizzard wants heroes to feel unique and there are only so many weapons you can include until you have to get Ratchet and Clank levels of crazy. And the crazy guns tend to either not work or work really well to compensate their issues (damage ramp up on Sym’s gun, Moira’s weak weapon not requiring ammo, Zarya having to charge her weapon before it is viable, Winston autoaiming groups of enemies but doing low damage, Lucio’s innate survivability offsetting his weapon)

In this FPS, most of the classic gun heroes have already been created because they were easy enough to copy over (Pharah was a flying rocket launcher dude - they knew how she’d play before they knew her identity) so at this point, now they are thinking of what the game needs and creative ideas that can help it get there (Maybe Sym can teleport people around the map more aggressively/other crazy ideas) which is why these new heroes may seem like a nonstop batch of ability focused heroes, rather than just mechanically skilled ones.

I wouldn’t mind getting creative skill based heroes! I have no idea what weapon is even left though… but hey! I love heroes like Ana who changed up how Snipers felt but you feel like trash if you don’t play her at 100. (The idea of healing sniper also seems to be a funny mix with her. I think she should have a native cloak passive when she stays still for a while so she can set up and watch over her team until a flanker spots her bullet trails/cloak flicker and dives her and maybe a smoke grenade to lower visibility-- but maybe those ideas wouldn’t fit in the rhythm of this game)

In the end though, I think there are just more unused ability based ideas vs. classic gun based ones… unless they start rehashing hitscan heroes into projectile ones. (Projectile Autorifle hero with abilities that allows him to compete with Soldier but we know he really can’t because hitscan will always be king in this game coughs in Hanzo )


ALSO, I’m not going to be one of those stubborn people who are 100% against anything new. If I see a good argument, ill switch sides on the opinion.


If Blizzard don’t add these easier (not no-skill) counterplays to the “hardest” heroes in the game (like Tracer), then do you know what is left? Nerfs, that’s what.

So as someone who mains those same hard heroes you’re talking about, I would rather have “easier to play” counter heroes like Moira and Brigitte, than receive unjustified nerfs just because players in low tiers keep complaining that Tracer is too good in GM.

And please stop saying no skill, it’s an illogical way to discuss gaming and shows you’re out of touch. Even a game of pong requires skill and hand to eye coordination.


So what is “an easy” hero then?

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Heroes that take little game sense, not much aim. I understand that Moira and Brigitte are both mechanically gifted, but it doesn’t make up for the loss of game sense and aim. (Btw, I think my main focus is Moira, but Brigitte is also easy to pick up.)

Notice anything the hard characters have in common?


I don’t think they’ll make this game better. Cause like it stands… They got OWL, a pro scene milking money and as far as this thing is big everything will be rolling. They can afford to drop the game’s quality by a lot at this point given, in order to satisfy the average guy, get more casuals rolling and so on.

For example, watching a junks tire deciding a professional level match’s outcome might be a bad joke, but for people that are not hardcore playing its one and same with watching a 150ms reaction tracer Pogger. They might even prefer the tire tbh cause they’re watching tracer a lot.

I believe its a product of conscious decision making to add the latest heroes. I doubt they made them to feed the need of pros, cause supports “were vunerable” and u see Zen’s deleting half teams. That’s a pile of bs, every good support that wasn’t mercy main can confirm

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Moira is acc my favorite healer to play lol. I honestly don’t care if some supports don’t require pin point sniper like aim, so what? The beauty of OW is we have such a wide variety of heroes to play, there’s a little something for everyone :slight_smile:


I understand where you are coming with this. The point I was trying to make the whole time is that I don’t want blizzard to ruin their game by adding heroes (in the future) that don’t take much brain power. (I might be a little moira hater tho. I mean what do you expect I’m a f***ing genji main ffs)

What’s with the sudden spike in “mUH skIlLz!” threads??


If hero does not require a lot of aim skill it does not mean that the hero does not require any skill at all.


There is more to a hero than aim in Overwatch, less aim requirement doesn’t necessarily mean less skill. Moira per example is very tricky to manage well due to her necessity to weave between damage and healing. She’s not as easy to play as people make it out to be, especially during heavy fire. Her healing only lasts for 9 seconds and have a 45 second recharge (or 9 if you damage) so weaving healing and damage is the skill part of Moira. It’s extremely easy to spot a Moira that doesn’t know what she’s doing.

In a traditional FPS, aim would be a key factor, but in Overwatch it isn’t. There are many nuances. While I don’t like Hanzo per example, a good one is easy to spot due to less aim required. Same goes with a good Moira, Mercy or any other nontraditional FPS heroes. Doesn’t mean they’re less challenging or “easy”.


Notice a trend here? Genji, tracer, widow trying to get his willy wet by saying how he can aim.

You realize you’re in the wrong game, right? If you want an aiming contest go play counterstrike. if you want an RPG moba this is your game