Make Brigitte Fun Again

But that doesn’t fix anything? Lower ranks play double barrier with a variety of heroes including lucio and mercy.

This isn’t fixing anything beyond your idea that double barrier and rein exist because of matrix existing. But a

No one hero should be a crucial factor to the balance of the game. If defense matrix is the sole thing keeping things in check then that’s a whole other issue. Going to things beyond peel abilities

The factors you claim are an issue in low ranks isn’t consistent because low ranks are social factors. Not brig related or any ability related.

Brig , baptiste and mei could be gone…and rein still dominates. We know this. Because rein has dominated sans brig and baptiste existing and mei at low picks.

So rein jail isn’t ability based. Double barrier isn’t ability based. So none of the factors are going to offer to any problems because they aren’t related and they aren’t a problem any more than any meta is a problem.

Bot has such a terrible sound to it don’t you think? I mean if you are timing WS against the right targets while balancing healing its not boring at all…

It allows devs to buff SingleBarrier Orisa and SingleBarrier Sigma to be equivalent to SingleBarrier Reinhardt for ELOs where coordinated Dive is unlikely.

iirc he’s said in the past that the only heroes that should have anti-dive peel are tanks, which…I don’t agree with. Dunno if that’s still his stance but regardless it’s still an extremely bad take imo.

But a stronger barrier orisa already existed…and people were still in rein jail…

Again, I don’t see how that is related to any new heroes nor applies to your other logic of a more dps friendly tank line up

I agree; I feel like the reasoning behind the changes in my own recent Brig thread were quite similar to yours (though my take on the Repair Pack was particularly different)

To start some discussion, how do you feel about burst healing on RP in comparison to the heal-over-time? I opted for burst healing in mine mainly because that way, the armor won’t be regenerating while it takes damage. My Pack adds a higher armor amount lasting for a shorter duration, though (75 for 2 seconds)

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By use to be fun u mean utterly unbearable and easily the best character in the game?

Yea no.

Ideas like this they should put on the testing card we got… If the feedback from people is good they should really test out what stuff in should and shouldn´t work due to balances from bronze to gm!

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Once they make them equivalent effectiveness, then that’s just a matter of balancing the fun of the heroes.

The heal-over-time I think is weaker than a burst of healing. You don’t get instantly healed, meaning the target being healed can be taken out before they receieve all of the healing. The armor being regenerated while taking damage I don’t think will come into play way too much since a heal-over-time means the target being healed can keep taking damage before they even get the extra armor.

There are pros and cons to have it over-time verses instant healing, but I think heal-over-time is just worse since you don’t get all of the healing instantly. The lower Repair Pack range means you don’t have to worry as much about flankers benefiting too much from Repair Pack as opposed to other heroes in the Overwatch cast.

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Definitely. Its the whole point of this thread (even though some people are going on tangents about meta or whatever). Its making Brigitte fun again. It would make her tanky again.

I, and most Brig mains, don’t want to make her OP. We just want her old playstyle back. Even if her peel and RP abilities are reduced.


? So which is it. Barrier strength? Or effectiveness?

Again… Orisa has NEVER even at her strongest… Competed with rein in a serious competition for low ranks.


So I struggle to see again, where your focus relies on either

A brig

Or b anything.

I’m fine with your changes as a concept. It’s a choice. It’s a direction. Do that.

But it’s not a solution to any problems you suggest it for.

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Barrier strength is a necessary starting point.

Then you just need to start stacking in fun mechanics.

Like this

Well come on now I want to be equally as viable as the pew pew hero’s with only having to input a tenth of the effort.


Yeah, the experimental card isn’t really used for experimenting anymore and is just used as a PTR for small numbers changes.
I wish they could test out several versions of Brig (and other heroes) to find one that is both balanced and super fun!


Yeah three years of her negatively impacting balance and enjoyment

She only JUST became non-oppressive when she got her 200 HP nerf

But to OP: Agreed, rework her to be more fun for Brig mains and less strong in GM and better in low ranks

The issue is player feedback is NOT helpful regarding her

Remember when these forums said she was dead and needed an HP buff? So she got an HP buff, despite all the top players warning Blizz, and became immediately meta/oppressive again just with +25 HP?

And then they reverted it back and she’s still super strong when everyone said she’d suck?

They should get someone like Violet and other top support players to get together and brainstorm ideas for her

I am assuming the March Exp Pro card will have changes for her, though

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But… Did that make orisa compete with rein before?

Cuz … I don’t see it. So I don’t see where the line of logic is.

  • Orisa is not popular with a stronger barrier.

  • Brig doesn’t make or relate to double barrier.

  • rein felt mandatory even when orisa was meta in high ranks

  • barrier intensive heroes are unpopular.

I don’t see where your ideas relate to any of these points let alone the op of make brig appeal to the initial 2% of people who like her anyway.

Most people do not even play Brigitte anyway except as anti-dive. That was her whole desire for existing. It was the largest reason people pick her and even now I never see people pull out Brigitte except for annoying flankers such as tanks and dps.

I see people pull her out over Moira all the time. If Brigitte goes away people will just default to something like Moira again more in the hopes they don’t die instantly for getting jumped because she has fade and self heal orb.

As a result, I highly doubt the anti-dive aspect will ever truly go away and only slightly get nerfed.

1 decent pack would be fine (no armor), but slightly better heals, and give her a 300hp barrier, and she can be brawly again. Cause she’s not anymore