Make Brigitte Fun Again

Double barrier is no more an issue than any meta. Meta is a problem. Flat. People just complained about dive getting ball nerfed.

Meta sucks. Not brig or any one hero

You’re smarter than this.

If they ever are going to fix “Rein or Lose”, especially for the bottom 95%.

They aren’t going to be able to maintain this giant barrierhp difference between Rein, versus Orisa, Sigma.

If they fixed that by giving them comparable SingleBarrier capabilities.

We’d be instantly in a DoubleBarrier meta.

Facts only go so far with some people. So don’t worry about it.

For example, on Live, Brigitte does the least amount of healing besides Zen. She doesn’t heal more than Lucio, on average, and is firmly in that off-healer role.

As a person that wants a brawly Brigitte, that’s fine. Considering this post isn’t even about balance to begin with. Its about fun. I’ll take a low healing, less peel Brigitte if I have the tanky brawler again.

Again… We have had metas sans brig.

Brig can be wholesale removed and still we would have rein jail.

Social factors are not meta factors and meta factors are not inherently tied to any hero

I think you’re kind of ignoring that I’m looking for a solution for the +95% of the playerbase.

Where you keep repeating that the top 5% often runs different compositions.

To me, solving the roadblock are high tier, is just a hurdle to get to a solution for medium/low tier.

95% of the playbase don’t see brig. And have been in rein jail before brig. So your solution is a non sequitur for me.

Brig isn’t a problem for lower ranks. As meta is not an issue for lower ranks.

If she’s a roadblock preventing +95% of the playerbase from having good alternatives to Rein, then she’s a problem for that +95% of the playerbase.

I would see where these changes leave Brigitte and go from there; the idea of these changes is to make her peel worse and make her front line presence stronger:


  • Base health increased from 150 to 200

Repair Pack

  • Number of charges reduced from 3 to 1
  • HPS increased from 55 to 75 (total healing from 110 to 150)
  • Now grants up to 25 armor over-heal; armor max duration is 6 seconds
  • Max range reduced from 30 to 20 meters

Whip Shot

  • Knockback reduced by 10%
  • Damage reduced from 70 to 60

Barrier Shield

  • Regeneration rate increased from 85 to 90 health per second
  • Cooldown when destroyed reduced from 5 to 4 seconds

Shield Bash

  • Damage increased from 5 to 20


  • Max armor duration reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
  • Ultimate cost reduced from 2800 to 2500 points

Syncing up Brigitte’s Repair Pack range with her Whip-shot & Inspire range I think is important. You want Brigitte to have to be within 20 meters to do anything at all so that you can’t use her so easily in dive with 30 meter Repair Pack range and peel for a teammate from so far away. Just making this change allows them to buff her stats some so she can survive better in a brawl. For the number of Repair Pack charges, you could make it 2 instead of 1 and weaken the healing to something less than 150 so that you can use it to heal up the lower health heroes on your team easier; I think 3 Repair Packs is too much and causes you to have to turn too much when you wanna be on the front-line. Again, the goal of these changes is to weaker her peel & strengthen her sustain to let her stay on the front-line better.


Again… She’s not!

She isn’t creating double barrier as we have seen.

If double barrier exists without brig

And rein is being used without brig

And rein was being used before brig

Then there is no connection to brig.


I get the feeling either for can’t understand what I’m saying, or you’re just being deliberately dishonest.

Give me a reduction to the movement speed penalty with her barrier and I’ll take it!

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Yup. We just had ball/tracer/echo dive. Last season of owl was mostly winston/zarya/reaper/sombra/moira/lucio. Brig hasn’t killed dive.

This sounds really reasonable to me, too; I would definitely be willing to give that a shot


Well please. I can’t figure it out.

Lower ranks had rein jail before brig.

Lower ranks have rein jail when brig doesn’t exist.

Double barrier exists without brig…

So where does brig factor in? If a meta is orisa sigma baptiste zen… Where does even giving brig haters their dream of removal … Fix that?

If lower ranks aren’t using brig… Where does changing brig at all fix anything for them?

I’m not seeing a connection

That or make her barrier even a little more tanky than what I had it at.

Those numbers aren’t exactly finalized, but I think something like it would be great to fix Brigitte’s role in the game. :smiley:


How about I keep it simple.

If they increased Sigma and Orisa barriers strength/regen to how strong it was in October 2019
(I.e. Around 900 Orisa barrier on 8sec cooldown, and 1200 Sigma barrier with higher regen.)
Would the game be in a DoubleBarrier meta, yes or no?

If they did the above changes, but for the sake of discussion Brig was moved to the Tank role, Mei was moved to the Tank role, Accretion didn’t stun, Immortality Field didn’t block close range damage from within the field, and knockbacks were reverted to how they were in 2018.
Would the game be in a DoubleBarrier meta, yes or no?

Again, this is equally assessed with wholesale removal. A much easier way to look at matters without accounting for various factors

If I net removed brig and baptiste and even mei… All LOW USE HEROES for lower ranks, will that make the meta of double shield go away just because sigma loses accretion?

No. I think it won’t. Those changes do nothing. You don’t fix double barrier for low ranks by removal. And moving them as you argue either doesn’t remove it per my earlier point or you just spawn a potentially new meta that just like any meta before with ‘new heroes’

The point being, that almost all sources of “Unmatrixable AntiDive” would be removed from play (That DoubleBarrier has access to).

Making it so that even if there’s a ton of Barrier HP, it wouldn’t matter, if the enemy just ignores the barriers, and moves past it.

Back then brig wasn’t used in double barrier, and she was stronger back then than she is now. Back then used lucio/moira with reaper/mei or reaper/doomfist to bypass the barriers. One team tried running brig against reaper/doomfist and they got destroyed. They had to swap to moira. That was when brig had 200 health and 50 armor too.

Yup, Mei was used instead.

Same issue, different hero.

And you’re talking to the guy who suggested the specifics of almost all the Mei nerfs.