Health: Changed from 150 to 200
[As the intention is to have Brigitte actively participating in the fight at close range, with her large hitbox and slow speed, she’s going to need more HP.]
- Radius reduced from 20m to 15m
- Self-Heal is now reduced to 80% (12 hps)
[When Brigitte’s health got nerfed to 150, her self-healing also went up quite a bit. Then, when they tried giving +25 health back to her in October, they didn’t adjust her self-healing accordingly, which I think is one of the reasons why it went wrong. Here, her self-healing has been reduced to just a bit higher than what it was before the nerf (which was 10.8333… hps).
Additionally, I’ve lowered the radius, hopefully preventing her from healing so much of her team at once and forcing her to move around a little more.]
Repair Pack–
- Charges reduced from 3 to 1
- Range reduced from 30m to 20m
- Healing changed from 110 over 2 seconds to 150 instant burst
- Can now provide 75 armor overheal lasting for 2 seconds
- Armor does not stack over Rally’s armor cap
- Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
[Repair Pack is a controversial ability, so I’ve changed a lot here. I’ve kind of reverted it to how it was before the addition of extra charges, but with a longer cooldown and shorter range. My intention here was to prevent Brigitte from enabling flankers/divers, but still give her a good single-target emergency healing and/or protection option. For the cooldown, I used Zarya’s Projected Barrier as reference.]
Whip Shot–
- Now procs Inspire for half the duration (3 seconds)
[The idea behind this change is to make it impossible for Brig to just keep her distance and keep Inspire up constantly with Whip alone. Now there’s always going to be a small gap in the healing if only Whip is used.]
Barrier Shield–
- Health increased from 250 to 300
[With a little more HP on her shield, I hope that Brigitte can actually use it to shield an ally more often. She’s probably going to need it for her own protection on the front lines, too.]
Shield Bash–
- Damage increased from 5 to 10
[The damage increase doesn’t look like much, but I had a specific combo in mind with it: two strikes from Brigitte’s primary, Bash, then Whip. Currently, that combo does 145 damage, but with this change, it will do exactly 150, becoming lethal to Tracer if it succeeds.]
- Duration decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
- Rally armor’s maximum duration decreased from 30 seconds to 15 seconds
- Hacking Brigitte during Rally now stops armor from being given to Brigitte or her allies for the duration of the hack
[I have heard that Rally is considered to be one of the strongest ults in the game, so I’ve tried to tone down the duration a bit. I’ve also added in some important counterplay with the Hack interaction.]