Make a Bloody Decision Already!

Either force 2-2-2 comps or don’t. Do not make your diminishing player base that is sick and tired of your little dev updates and make a bloody decision.

I am so sick and tired of waiting. March is here and where is your big March update that you get everyone so worked up about it. Now I am definitely not a perfect player. Not even close to it. But there are huge amount of heroes in the roster that does not fit to your manual about how everyone should play the bloody game.

First thing you need to do is forget the idea of niche heroes. That is not working. Second rework - redesign each hero so they can fit 2-2-2 comps. But do it in the framework and knowledge that each hero can interact with each other. You keep preaching about that this is a team game but keep buffing and nerfing heroes individually. IF this is a team based game than act accordingly.
Third, your community no longer has the patience nor the will for the wait another 3 months so pull yourself together and speed things up.

Do you have any idea how it feels to play your game where the heroes don’t work. No Seriously i double dare you put another fireplace video. Go ahead do it.


Please don’t enforce 2-2-2, ugh limits are so limited…


2-2-2 would solve many problems.
Downside is that DPS have longer ques which isn’t a bad thing.
We wont know if they wont even test it.
It could have many downsides as-well, but yeah.


I really dont think 2-2-2 will work.


simple really just make 2-2-2 a gamemode in the ptr for a while and see how it plays out

While there might be some benefits, I fear it will blow up in their face big time if they force 2-2-2.

They gotta figure out how, you know. It isn’t easy.

Updates as large as 2-2-2 are not worth rushing.

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Or, hear me out, we as a community stop rushing decisions that are to be made by devs and simply give them time to find a direction and work out the kinks on their own. I wouldn’t want to listen to my community either if the majority were anything like most of the posts and content found here.


This please.

It just doesn’t work with some heroes. I mean, which slot should Mei, Brigitte and Roadhog take?


2-2-2 would give the opportunity to completely re-do many heroes.
Much easier to balance (jeff said this not me)

Which is not needed imo.
Heroes like Mei are pretty balanced and not in need of changes.

But I do see his point though.

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dps support tank i dont see whats so complicated about this

If you want a certain team comp to play this team based game in.

Google discord and download that. Invite in game friends that you play well with to your server or join theirs. Practice together / play comp together. get accused of smurfing. It’s great.

Don’t expect bliz to hold your hand and pick the perfect teammate for you, At the very least you could use lfg and talk to people before you queue.

This 2-2-2 thing doesn’t guarantee anything. Oh look torb and sym mains on dps for junkertown… Hey I got a Winston and a Zarya main. What do you know, two Moira mains…


Well, current Brigitte doesn’t always fill a support slot and Mei doesn’t always fill a dps slot.

They perform sometimes better in those slots. If you trade a support for Brigitte then you might not get the best performances with the hero.

… But I guess this is why balancing is easy then.

Alright. I get it now.

just because their play styles can vary doesn’t mean that they don’t count as what they’re classified as

to OP

decision made: don’t

Force 2-2-2 in competitive and a new mode that is basically unranked competitive. Then leave QP as it is so people can run around and faff all day long to their heart’s content without destroying the enjoyment for others.

But that would mean caring about the casual market, and that’s beyond Blizzard’s scope with Overwatch.

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Baptiste is coming on the 19th, along with most or all of the PTR balance changes.

“Off-meta” heroes can be great in the hands of people who bother to learn them.

Spoken like a true “I don’t really understand how this game works” individual.

This may surprise you, but we’re not all fussy children with no patience.

They’re working fine for me.

Hmm, yeah, you’re no older than 15, aren’t you?

Adding another hero into the mix while the game dissolves in front of the eyes of the many with ptr changes or not will change nothing. I am aware Baptiste is coming with ptr changes i read the changes and simply is not going to fix the game.

Well if they are why then the natural solution to the Goats meta we have in our hands came in the form of AoE damage projectile heroes. If the term of niche is being used to justify some heroes can only work on some maps and/or certain group compositions then that is a failed design. That is coming from a guy who put enough time to Pharah and Reaper.

Yeah i don’t know the game. Like, they nerf armor to nerf Goats right and mainly presence of Brigitte. In the hopes of that tanky heroes will receive more damage and the damage cannot be out healed right and that will force players to choose heavy dps comps. Well it actually worked exact opposite because by doing so they made solo tanking a chore, solo healing a chore so tanks began grouping up even more. So Nerfing brigitte as an individual hero on the armor department with out giving any thought what that might do to solo or quad tanking did more harm then good.

My question is why do you take all the offence? Like I did not degrade i just right there my frustration and you go all offensive did you passed your bed time again or didnt you get breast feeded and missed all your vitamins.

Well great then. They are working fine for you. Lets pack our complaints everyone. Because apparently 1 guy/girl/appache helicopter says the heroes are working find for him/her/appace helicopter. This is vaccination all over again. There are million voices and videos and jeff himself admiting in 2-2-2 most of the heroes might need rework but 1 guy says no it does not. He does not even have the courtesy to show any facts.

No i am 30 years old. Have a job 2 house a car 3 kids and things are looking up except that i am becoming slowly blind. And it was a quote from Pulp Fiction you uncultured _ _ _ _ _ . Fill the blank to your hearts content.

Next time Patjwi before you get your snowflake existence offended by a piece of writing and start getting someone else’s nerves i want you to really read. I mean really focus and read. If it is really really about you. Far be it for me to say how to life your life but take this as an advice.

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