Main vs Off Tank Separate Role Q

Considering there’s only one main tank? Bad idea.

Yeah I know that’s why I was asking :wink:

But you made arcade 7 modes instead of 5…

The arcade was expanded to 7 cards instead of 5 to facilitate QPC and MH having permanent cards while still allowing 5 cards for modes on rotation. Since QPC and MH do not have role queue I fail to understand how expanding the arcade to 7 cards specifically to accommodate those 2 modes has any impact on queue times related to role queue.

He is free to answer or not, I’m not going to hesitate to ask.

Are you talking about the Wrecking Ball nerf or did I miss something? Just checking because they’ve been super nerf happy lately.

I believe this is the best possible option rn, as a tank main, in 90% of my games i HAVE TO pick MT or sigma not because i like it. I like to play Wrecking ball, but i play rein or orisa or sigma or wiston, simple cuz second tank already locked hog or dva at my game starting screen.

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I personally hate RQ but if it stays I wouldn’t mind throwing some variety into at least QP. I kind of like trying to figure out heros to pick based off of strategy of the composition. Like maybe a random one thrown in every now and then. QP games are so lopsided anyway, I don’t think 222 RQ really changed much in that respect so a more diverse option couldn’t hurt especially since both teams would be subject to them in game. It might cut down on DPS queue times but maybe they don’t want to do that.

Nerfing Sigma and Orisa to the point where they’re now completely unplayable and throw picks alienates 1/4 of the Tankbase players (which is already the bottleneck causing your HIGH dps queue times). But yeah, keep telling yourself that!

I’d better not hear you complain ONCE about the queue times

The tags for heroes should list if a hero is a tech/utility hero. Rein, Orisa, Winstion, Sig = Shield Tank. Zar, D.Va, Hog, Ball = Tech/utility tank. Although Hog and Ball shouldn’t be in the tank slot at all given they don’t perform the basic functions of a tank. Yes yes, “They make space reeeeeeee” I know. That’s great. How many times have you seen your tanks insta select hog and ball, and your team win? “It’s happened plenty!” Uh huh, yes yes. I am sure it can and does happen. But the overall trend for the majority of players is a solid loss.


Role Q is painfully long in this game. I play DPS characters because I never was good at healing or tanking in video games.

I know people have statements of “its easy to do healing” but it isn’t. A person has to be aware of their surroundings and have a 3rd eye to what is going to happen. Which falls back onto players wanting Mass Rez back, BUT with stipulations that don’t break the game. So fights feel “fair”.

I’d side with the fact that in competitive play it needed 1 locked role of a tank, 1 locked role of a healer, while the rest can drop into whatever characters are available to play.

I know this narrowing of metas is important. But it has really strayed away from the spirit of the original game design even more now than ever. Plus this 2 locking stuff becomes even more difficult to deal with. Especially with match maker blending in newb accounts heavily. It puts a person into a position That someone cannot swap to help out, to what those new accounts cannot grasp. While the rest of the team suffers.

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Tank-Roles will continue having fast queue times dont worry.

Main-Tanks should be Rein, Sigma, Orisa, Winston
Off-Tanks Dva, hammond, zarya, hog

I play mostly tank, my queue times are great :wink:

We have more tank variety now than we did when Origma was the dominant meta. Did they tune them down perfectly? Probably not. Wouldn’t be surprised if they see some buffs in the future. But let’s not pretend it was okay to have them so dominant that every other tank was a throw pick. That alienates the other 3/4th of the tank players.

Main tank is the least dedicated-role in the playerbase. If you want to improve queue times, that’s the last role you want on a dedicated card. You could make a 1-5 role-queue (1 main tank and 5 anything) and it would still result in longer queues than currently.

All the main tank mains are already queueing for tank. You won’t suddenly see more main tanks.

Sure it would improve the quality of games always having a main tank, but we’ve already seen the consequences of two tanks (which currently means you get two off-tanks, one of whom might off-role and flex onto main tank).