[Main Thread] Can't merge console account

Ive had the same issue, loaded up my account after connecting battlenet to my xbox account and its as if i never played the game despite me having put time in and having achievements for it

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Yeah exact same thing for me. Used to play OW1 on my Xbox 1, but couldn’t anymore when I upgraded to the series S because I had it on disk. Downloaded overwatch 2 from the store and after waiting an hour to get into the game I was forced into the new player experience, having to do the training and not having all the heroes


Logged on to realise that 6 years worth of progress was wiped in an instant, I hope there’s a fix to this soon.


Same with me on PS5, just thought I’d ask to see if it’s been resolved yet or anything has been mentioned about this glitch by the dev team?

Thank you please keep us updated this is immensely Annoying especially being a OW1. Vet


It’s all good and well you Asking us to relax, However YOU have your content we DO NOT!!! :thinking:


Yes! This for me as well!

I saw that post. Missing a few cosmetics , etc is one thing. Having an entire account wiped is another. I feel like id be less frantic if it was just a few things missing. :frowning:


I really preorder the game years ago for every thing to not be there smh so much gone. manifesting a solution tho

Completely lost years worth of work due to this problem blizzard please fix it

Ya I’m having the same problem, my account just got wiped

PS5 owner here who bought Overwatch on PS4 day one. Nothing carried over except two skins acknowledging I bought the original game.

Incredibly disappointing and will stop me from purchasing or playing any blizzard/Activision games until fixed with acknowledgement

Same here but on PS4, I opened overwatch 2 on my console and none of my tings carried over

Yeah none of my stuff on Xbox carried over. Luckily I just unlocked Roadhog though

Same like I had so many skins and emotes and everything now it’s a empty profile and my account is auto linked so I don’t know why I am not getting my overwatch one stuff

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Like everyone else here, I am having the same issue. I’m on xbox, and when i loaded up it asked me to link my battle.net account I did. However, none of my skins from the forst game were transferred. I really hope they fix this.

Staff has fully addressed this now:


Same for me the only skins i have is the ones where i played for a bit on pc, for genji

Read the announcement linked above.

Same here, almost 400 hours of playtime on xbox but none of it transferred over on overwatch 2, worst part is all the gameplay data from overwatch 1 seems to just already be logged on overwatch 2