[Main Thread] AUS players on High Latency Servers - May 2023

Care to give us any feedback? This issue is still ongoing.

Just give us the option to select a server, I’d happily wait an extra 5 minutes to play on acceptable ping since you guys can’t afford more servers somehow


This is still an ongoing issue impacting the OCE servers. It’s been over a month. Either fix it or tell us it wont be fixed.


It’s STILL happening!

Still happening in NZ (uses AU servers ideally).
Typicially 60ms but every 3 or so games nets 170ms.

Issue is still ongoing. :expressionless:

Multiple games with 150+ ping tonight!

Stiiiiiill happening. Probably our fault though right? :roll_eyes:

Still happening, fix your game.

Still happening regularly, most games.

I enjoy the continued silence from Blizzard on this post, or their inevitable gaslighting of us by telling us all its an issue with our ISPs or something dumb

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Have had this happen for a couple of season too.

From what I can tell asking people in the lobby, nobody is actually -in- SEA when we connect to their servers. If it was a client/ISP issue you’d see 1 or 2 people jumping into SEA games, not full OCE lobby on their servers.

This kind of stuff should be limited to quick play, trying to hitscan on 150-200ms ping is something I haven’t dealt with since 90’s dialup.


31 posts were split to a new topic: [Main Thread] AUS server unavailable / high latency

April 27 was the First post of this issue. Over 2 months ago… how is that even possible?!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] AUS server instability / routing issues

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