[Main Thread] AUS players on High Latency Servers - May 2023

Still going even after the latest patch! So much for hoping that Blizzard were going to fix it without acknowledgement, now it just looks like they’re not going to fix or acknowledge it. Just had 3 consecutive QP games of us being put into a Singapore server. It’s also happened previously in comp, so now we literally cannot participate in competitive mode because we can’t be sure if we’ll be put on a Singapore server.


Yeah it is.

No response a blue either. It’s clear they are deliberately avoiding the topic.

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It’s great motivation to never buy any Overwatch coins!


They will tell us it’s our routing issues again and do nothing about it, remember every time this happens it happens for a block of time. Like during the entire OW2 Beta. It’s the Benjamin’s which are talking.

Turn down server capacity their internet is so bad we can gaslight them to contact their ISP’s. - Blizz

I suspect this is an issue that will keep coming back because it wreaks of penny pinching.


Getting punished for pulling out of laggy servers is also getting pretty lame.


Yeah I was gonna give it like a week or two but it’s been longer than that and still not fixed :frowning:


This has recently started happening to me as well. At least every 2 or 3 games, I get put in Singapore server. Even worse since I get 153ms latency from switch. Normally I’d get ~ 53ms if I’m connected to Sydney server.


While these threads about AU/NZ getting 125ms Singapore servers get ignored others are getting answered around the issue.

Ultimately it’s going to keep coming back as an issue, and it doesn’t seem like they accept it as a really harmful thing to the game because they’ve decided that those games are still “playable”.

Basically anyone playing in these servers are making them think it’s acceptable and that we are being unreasonable.

The best thing to do is to either not play those servers or leave the game and let their statistics figure it out after the fact.

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At this point it seems that Blizzard really doesn’t give a crap, not until we get at least some kind of official response or any form of acknowledgement.


This has been going on for easily over two weeks now. It’s not playable, and very frustrating. Can we please just have this fixed so Australian players stay on Australian servers?


Also been getting this at least every other game all season, friends have pretty much stopped playing :frowning:


This bug not being addressed is really messing with the OCE ecosystem, people are leaving all the time, comp is a nightmare. This is honestly not acceptable when it’s clear this doesnt have to be an issue.

Edit: Out of 12 games I played tonight, 9 have been on 120ms, quintuple my usual ping. This is the 2nd week in a row of this and I’m baffled on why blizzard isn’t even acknowledging this is happening.


All these posts and not one…not one single response from Blizzard.

What is the point of these forums?


same here! And ive tried to log a support ticket and get told to post on the forums. Really useful place to post things.

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This has been happening to me alot since the starwatch update, 2 out of every 3 games is on singapore. Now I leave but am getting and XP penalty for leaving so many games. That is how often I have to leave because of ping.

This needs to be fixed as I wont play a game with no server support for much longer

This is sooo not fun!!!

QP and Comp is avg 115-120ms, barely unplayable.
Please fix this asap!!

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Still happening. Got comp banned because Singapore IPs are blocked but I’d rather that than play 120ms ping.

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Same here, feels to be about 1/3 games in the day and 2/3 in peak hours

Today it has gotten worse. Two competitive games in a row, I got put in a Singapore server with 160+ ping. This is starting to get ridiculous. I’m an aussie and I want to be able to play in server that’s located in Australia. It’s not too much to ask.

Does anyone know a way to prevent the client from routing me to SG server? Tips/suggestion would be appreciated. Since it doesn’t look like this problem is going to get fixed anytime soon.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been playing in high pings servers from Australian servers, it was fine before the lifeweaver control updates. my internet speed is fine. I just can’t figure it out why I am facing such high pings. been missing the 30 pings servers but not the 130 plus pings.