[Main Thread] Applying Update

Been playing Unranked for a few days for the first time since the first week of OW2 launch. Played a few Ranked games with a buddy. Went to solo que for the first time in a long time.

Slammed right into this bug and now I finding myself wondering why I even gave this game another try.

This has happened to me twice tonight, 15 mins the first time and now im sitting on a 1 hour ban.

I paid for the battle pass but now im nervous to queue. Please we need some type of update, something in the works, an upcoming hotfix in the near future, anything other than “we’re looking into it,” please.

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Take a break since your next bans will be 8 hrs, 20 hrs, then 2 months. SR/MMR loss for disconnects is increased in season 4 to punish leavers severely and for future seasons no clean slate on penalties.

well since i have 15 minutes to spare, heres another reply to put this thread at the top. I know this has already been addressed but its a serious issue that needs to be highly prioritized.
Now what will i do with my other 14 minutes? Maybe get off Overwatch and go spend money in another game… yea that sounds nice.

Activision investors will hear about this, good luck for the future if you don’t fix this Blibli.

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it’s a shame, I’m banned from the season because of a mistake that came from you… and all you have to say is that you’re helpless… shame on you!


Kinda funny how this bug appears more frequentlly the season where the penalties for leaving are increased. And how they don’t care if you’ve been banned because of them

They’re just lazy and don’t want to make something that will detect it

Still no fix to this issue, it has almost been a month, thousands of players have been incorrectly banned from competitive. Get on this faster, this is a game breaking bug that is severely hurting the community. This is Paladins levels of incompetence.

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i just got 8hs, 3 times in 3 days. Incredible.

I have also been affect by the Ban and beacuse of the loading update i got banned for 1 day of comp because i thought it would fix it if i just reque when the cool down is over

Same issue here: “applying update”… so frustrating to lose SR because of this bug.
Fix your game

Just got banned because of this, good job , multi billion dollar company btw

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there fix is FOR US to enter practice range every time we boot the game to check if we have the error. Sounds like some medieval king answer, “sire our subjects don’t have enough food”, “tell them to grow more its not MY problem”

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This is absolutely insane to me. We get punished for their issues and they penalize us with no attempt to correct the issue?? I’m sorry that’s not okay, they absolutely need to find a way to revert penalties when these kinds of errors occur. I never made it into the game, how am I suppose to prevent this when the problem and the solution are both things you have to search for. I should not have to solve a puzzle to know the issues that may result in me having a permanent ban on my account.

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Oh no, Blizzard is just a small indie company. Give them time to fix this very complex issue. :heart:

Why isn’t this an announcement in the launcher, on twitter, or in the game itself?

You can make announcements for the new season and when the shop updates but not important things like this?

A short pop up in the launcher or even in the text chat of the game would do wonders for stopping confusion and the damage to whatever relationship us as users have with you.

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What makes me angry the most is the fact that according to Customer Service penalties won’t be reverted. I’m sorry but… this is literally not my fault the game is buggy? I love Overwatch, I’ve been playing it for years and it’s a fun experience, but it’s simply unacceptable that players can get banned for something they never did and we are expected to be satisfied with it and live with it. There must be changes. There must be penalty removals for those who were disconnected before the game even started. You can’t consider leaving a competitive match after minutes have passed to (forcefully) leaving a match before first heroes were even selected, especially since the latter doesn’t cause any problems to other players because the match gets terminated after 10 seconds.


How to appeal from ban due to “Applying Update” issue?

Another game where I get screwed by a stupid little bug… Thanks Blizzard