Main Thread - Agent Went to Sleep

i cant even start the game via the .exe


Having the same problem too. (US EAST)
I tried all the methods to fix it but the Blizzard Agent Update is now stuck at 50%.
Trying to launch Overwatch through a shortcut rather then through the main launcher doesn’t work either. A window will popup saying “Starting” but the progress bar doesn’t even fill. This is extremely frustrating.


I’m glad I am not alone. Im in the southeast US if that is relevant to anything. Just yesterday I played day one of the Archives event just fine. Then today when I clicked on launcher I had this issue so I tried to reinstall blizzard launcher.

I just made my problems worse because all my games say “install” even though they’re already installed.

Scanning for games or pointing them to the correct folder doesn’t work. Literally uninstalling the game then trying to reinstall doesn’t work, it stays on “waiting…” forever

I cannot play ANY Blizzard game for the time being, it sucks when I’m paying for WOW classic subscription but can’t use it

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so when will this get better

Saying Game Server Connection Failed… Retrying. This is me bypassing the app. T_T

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I was Nervous about this since my methods didnt work, my client wont wake up. Seems like its a this morning thing since thats when everyone is posting.

Same here. Connection Failed

Mine worked until 11:00 (Europe). When I came back at 14:00 it was dead

Check out @BlizzardCS on Twitter. They are doing updates on the situation.

windows 10 had a very recent update. maybe it is related


i was trying to install cod mw but then woke up and i wanted to pause the download for a bit to watch a video on youtube but when i wanted to continue the download it stopped working

Same issue as everyone, if i delete the ProgramaData folder when i open the client can’t exe any games.

Gotta wait…

If i am in middle of a game installation will i have to reinstall from the beginning?? Reply or tag me if you have an answer

Time to wait bois.
Surely we all have other non-Blizzard games installed?
I will be playing Black Desert on steam in the meantime

Even geduld , het komt wel terug in orde

Go straight to Overwatch launcher and not the blizzard agent.
Just entered the game.

Game Server Connection Failed… Retrying.

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That doesn’t work for a lot of people, myself included

i think waiting is better

Looks like the issue is resolved now. My BNET client went from “went to sleep” screen to the game list, and OW update started.