Made my own role based sr

Such an insane differences, more than 1000 SR, and yet it understandable.

I think it insanity that player literately chose a whole class which skill with them are 1000SR less of it’s main, and that is the main reason i’m advocating of 2-2-2 role lock, with role base SR(unless there is another way of doing role base SR).

I don’t blame they players tho, sometimes they are doing it for the sake of the team composition, and some even can’t know exactly by how much they are worse with X heroes or class compare to their main.

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Hammond’s a main tank tho

off tanks are primarily for peeling and providing that extra amount of close range damage while main tanks create and hold space

hog peels with hook and has close range damage peels with matrix and flying back to help protect the backline and has high damage
zarya peels with bubble usage and has high damage

rein & orisa push with their shields and hold that position
winston & hammond dive into the enemy team drawing attention towards them and off their team while holding that space

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How about, instead of rolebased sr, they do this:

✅ [Account Merging] Better than RoleBasedSR

Hammond can be used as a main tank, as an off tank, and as a dive tank.

Emongg and Harbleu are off tank players that I really like, and they’ve both been picking up hammond. That’s been my inspiration for playing hammond on my off tank account. Also in my hammond playstyle (I admit it’s probably the wrong way to play hammond) I peel for supports and help out the main tank like an off tank would.

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or they could make it so playing the game as intended and flexing didnt ruin your sr , but they prob prefer selling multiple accounts. they should allow spawn screen account switching so you dont have to throw games by 1 tricking.

Nice work! :grinning::grinning::grinning:


This is fair tbh!

I’ve… Never heard of this though TBH. Especially because all of my main DPS picks are projectile heroes just because that’s my preferred playstyle lmao


It’s typically an owl thing (although it’s hard to tell in goats meta) an example would be surefour as main dps and hydration as flex dps. Surefour plays hitscans and hydration plays genji etc.


Oh that makes more sense, thank you !

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Yes and no. Mobility makes him very versatile, and your other tank defines how u’ll use him by a lot (if there is one). But on the other hand if you pick hammond without creating space or spreading chaos when they push in mind, idk if its gonna end well.

He can be considered a main tank. He can create more space than any tank in the game.

No wonder your trust level went down, you know nothinf

Jeff himself said he likes this idea and wants to implement it.

reported for trolling for actually not knowing anything