Mac Version of Overwatch

Not everything is bullying dude, get over it.

Blizzard has a very strong track record of porting and supporting their games on Mac. I think of almost every video game company out there, they are easily one of the best for guaging the potential success if they were to do the work to port it.

It’s more like there’s only a few desktop engineers in Apple’s development team. Rumors have been going on that the development team for desktop at Apple is tiny compared to mobile, and if that were the case – given a choice between putting their advancements to Metal on the backburner to fully update the whole API so developers can leverage games properly, versus consistently releasing new “exciting” features with annual releases of Metal because shareholders demand it, they’re obviously going to go with the latter.

And to that I again say, this means it’s not their priority. If gaming was a core priority for Apple, they would hire additional developers.

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A lot of sass in this thread but no real good answers, so I’ll try. Macs are fine and there are plenty of macs out there that can run overwatch. The hardware is not the issue though. The issue is that when you look at the market share that the client would appeal to it is so minuscule that it makes no sense for them to go to the effort of porting, optimizing, and maintaining that client.

Apple’s market share in the pc space is tiny, then you have to subtract all the ones that aren’t gamers. And then all the ones that aren’t too lazy to bootcamp. Finally you’re left with those who would want this client, which is like 5 people.


Meanwhile every single job I’ve ever had uses PC’s

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Install VM, install windows, install overwatch, done.

I play OW on my macbook (sometimes, mostly I play on xbox) using parallels desktop and it works well, most games don’t work as well on mac, like I play this other old game and it won’t even open on my mac and when I switch to the windows partition it runs perfectly lol.

This topic should have ended with my first post…

If you’re referring to desktops, then I can sympathize with your argument…

But in 2014 I tried playing WoW on my MacBook Pro at the time, and it was literally about as hot as a low-end stove, and still couldn’t run on high+ graphics.

Macs are better for professional use or for editing photos/videos, and general use like browsing YouTube and using social media.