Mac Version of Overwatch

With the latest Wine and Vulkan and EGPU’s available for the mac there is no excuses please release the Mac version that we know you already compiled Blizzard.

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I’m normally pretty inclusive … But Mac can like… Enjoy whatever it is Mac people like… Money I guess


More like spending money on a logo


Macs just aren’t made for gaming. I’m sure you new that when you went with that brand since only a small portion actually run on them.


macs are not designed for gaming and i doubt apple will allow a game like overwatch to be ran on there equipment as apple is pretty darn stingy as it is and usually people using wine get instatn banned

Overwatch does run on a Mac, for the record. You just have to boot into Windows on it.

Not to say it runs well (it’s still Mac hardware), but it runs.


man you should have just bought windows … mac is terrible


Macs aren’t meant for gaming. They’re for business and work. And music. Pretty much everything except gaming.

Apple is removing 32bit support AND removing all game api in order to force game devs to use their metal api. These two things alone pose a huge set of problems for game devs.


Nope, they do shred cheese well though.


It seems like a waste to have such a nice screen and then not have games on it

True… Guess Mac can buy overwatch for a console they don’t have? :woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5: Lol


Their other models make great trash cans as well.

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Your image link is not loading… for me anyways.

He linked the website not the image itself.

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Odd… I linked the PNG, and it displays correctly here for me.

I think my phone has a nice screen…

Not loading for me either.

There may be indirect “hotlinking prevention” from that site. Basically, they don’t want their images loading on sites other than their own.

Well, here’s an alternate without the text:

(Trash can on left, Mac Pro on right)