Mac Version of Overwatch

I mean, I think you’re overreacting a bit. It’s a joke about the type of computer someone uses.

They obviously dont care since they think the appropriate response to a joke is to be vitriolic.

And? Macs still arent meant for gaming.

And this was ages ago too you know. After that I gave my brother my older gaming setup (windows) which works pretty well still after these years.

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It’s not. It’s useless chaff that doesn’t deserve to be in a thread that’s a request for a game that’s in high demand on a platform that doesn’t have it.

The response is the exact same response I would give to the people that roast Nintendo Switch owners posting request threads for a Switch port.

But no, I’m somehow the @@@#ole because you opted to do the lowest-common denominator version of “stop liking what I don’t like”.

OW isn’t coming to Switch because it isn’t meant for OW either sooo. Some things jsut aren’t built for certain things dude.

Throwing money in the fire?

It’s literally just a graphics API incompatibility issue. For both Switch and Mac.

They literally have the exact hardware necessary for gaming, including i7 and i9 quad and hexacore processors, and AMD cards that are way above the minimum specs for many games.

Also, Windows can be installed for free through Bootcamp.


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I mean to be fair, it sounds a lot more like you’re giving them a really hard time for being apathetic about something you do like. I don’t think PezLex really gives a care in the world whether the Overwatch devs make a Mac port based on what they’ve said.

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Yeah not really. If they want to put in resources they will, if not they won’t. I honestly couldn’t care less.

LMAO!!! I’m with ya bud. Im a console player and I always laugh when Mac users are like, well it doesnt work for me!! Thats kinda what happens when you get suckered by a company thats supposedly on the leading of technology that only is compatible with itself and needs $800+ dollars to upgrade every year.

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I don’t like Mac any more than Windows.

What I like, is having a higher population count in Overwatch so that queues go faster, of which 5-11 million new users could breathe new life into the game.

But all of this circular “OP has a mac, point and laugh” goes against that. It gives Blizzard a false impression that there isn’t demand, and that there won’t be any return on investment, when the exact opposite is true.

I really doubt that making a joke about gaming on Macs is fueling some kind of secret suppression of gaming exploding in popularity on Macs. Like most stereotypical jokes, it’s rooted in a grain of truth - if Apple cared heavily about gaming on Mac then they would have made a larger push now to update the availability of OpenGL and Vulkan on their platform.

If you wanted to play PC games, you shouldn’t have bought a Mac

They’re literally spearheading AR/VR development on mobile by creating wrappers for all of the necessary OpenGL/Vulkan components to a compatible OpenGL 3.1 base in Metal.

They just refuse to port the full API itself. All of the backporting is just retrofitting.

I’m pretty sure this only reinforces my point. AR/VR is not the same as gaming.

That is probably one of the most unintelligent things I’ve heard. What, is Blizzard too stupid to figure out that Macs would make money? Seriously? It’s because of people like me making jokes that a business that is older than Valve is that Blizzard won’t know there is a market to expand to?

Excuse me?

AR/VR uses the same technologies as gaming. So clearly they’re not opposed to it, they just don’t want to undo all of the progress they’ve made in Metal because they’ve invested 3-ish whole versions of it.

I understand that, but actions speak for themselves. If they port 90% of an API to support one scenario and don’t bother for the remaining 10%, it’s because it’s not their priority. The two (AR/VR and gaming) may share very common functionality under the hood, but they can also be used for very different business reasons.

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It’s called bullying, have you heard of it?

When you have a vocal minority of people that get such an antagonizing response such as 10 instant replies saying “you bought a Mac, Mac isn’t for gaming”, that vocal minority of people stops demanding for it.

If they stop demanding for it, then there’s no incentive to actually invest time and resources into it.

Demand has to be consistent and ongoing. Else they’ll do what they did with the SC FPS that got cancelled for Overwatch 2.