Mac Version of Overwatch

There may be indirect “hotlinking prevention” from that site. Basically, they don’t want their images loading on sites other than their own.

Well, here’s an alternate without the text:

(Trash can on left, Mac Pro on right)

might be bugged bc i didnt see it either, had to click on it

Nothing like a little Mac and cheese for dinner.

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Like I said, it’s more for work then anything else.

Apple hasn’t created an OpenGL 5.0 / Vulkan library.

Macs have been on OpenGL 3.1 since 2011 because Apple refuses to port the graphics API over.

Furthermore they’ve created their own graphics API, Metal, that is still based on OpenGL 3.1 libraries.

How ignorant.


Macs represent a massive point of marketshare for the prime demographic of college students that would play this game.

Virtually every single creative in art schools across the world are already familiar with the Overwatch franchise.

Thank you, someone who actually knows what they’re talking about.

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That’s irrelevant. Microwavess are also a massive point of marketshare for the prime demographic of people that play the game. Doesn’t mean Overwatch is going to run on it.

“Insert your money into the hole on the top and think you for buying an overpriced mid-tier PC”

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Read the next couple of sections, smart one.



For the trendy gamer

I play overwatch at starbucks only


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Nah. If they wanted it on Mac it already would have been. :woman_shrugging:

What part of…

… did you not understand?

The graphics API that Overwatch requires, literally DOESN’T exist on the Apple platforms.

OpenGL as an API has been 8 years behind because Apple hasn’t ported it to their platform.

Metal is just a slightly updated version of OpenGL 3.1.

Do you not understand? Lemme try harder.


Fun fact, i make indie games as a hobby and dont bother with mac for the reasons mentioned lol


Stop speaking in absurd absolutes like …

… if you’re too lazy to understand.

You can’t run your leg of a relay if the baton hasn’t been handed to you.


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You got crabby over a general statement that has been correct for decades, and then even more so over a joke. Get over yourself dude.

Ah, I see you too are a man of culture

Bet they wont do it.

Like others on the replies have said so that macs arent meant for gaming.

Specially if its laptop which my lil brother used to play league of legends back in like 2013 on both laptop/computer but complained always how poorly it worked in there, etc.

If you really wanna play ow you should buy windows or something else which runs it.

Just because you don’t like a brand that you’ve never associated with, doesn’t give you the right to be an antagonizing jerk towards anyone and everyone that does associate with it…

You literally did not have to comment, and you shouldn’t have, since you literally know nothing about the actual developmental state of making a game on a Mac.

You commented solely just to roast OP/people that own Macs.

This has literally been a joke for like 10 years now. You’re getting way too worked up about it.

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