Luck, matchmaking and losing streaks

For people that finds losing streak frustrating and unfair.

If somebody ever tries to be wise and smart after your losing streak with statements: it is your fault, you tilted or git gud I would like you to ask them few questions.

This is a statement from Scott Mercer in January:

“Sometimes a player does have a bad streak of losses, and that’s actually pretty natural. You might be temporarily distracted by something outside the game, you’re learning a new hero, or you are just simply unlucky for a time.”

What has luck to do with it? Hmm? It is always my fault right? So when are you unlucky and why in a working matchmaking you should be depending on luck?



There are many cases that the matchmaker can’t account for ie;

You are unlucky when you get that mercy main who just got done being boosted by their friends and now is deranking back to where they belong solo.
You are unlucky when you get two dps who main the same garbage tier heroes like Junkrat.
You are unlucky when you get two dps mains or offtank mains while the enemy has an actual main tank.

That you are stuck in any given rank? Yes
If you are better than your current rank this won’t matter in the long run.

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Only thing that should bother you is improvement, thinking about luck in competitive game will not help you at all. Thinking about what could’ve you done better in all scenarios means “git gud and your fault” accept winers mindset and you will climb. Every unwinable scenario could be win if you do something beyond, think about that, and this beyond will climb you up.

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Listen I agree to a certain degree with what are you saying.

But you and me are not Buddha. You will not persuade me thinking that you never felt frustrated. Thinking always that it is “your fault” and “every scenario is winnable” is good only on paper but we both know that there comes a point when you say “listen Blizz I did my job it is time to do yours”.

This why I started this topic. The problem is not that you cannot climb it is just that luck factor is too big.

They should limit the luck factor to a minimum because if this is minimum then someone is not doing his job. You say is me and I say it is both, matchmaking and me.

So I will try to fix my issues but when will they fix theirs?

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What is your job in your opinion? Depending on whom you play, what do you consider to be your job? When do you think that you did your job?

What do you do in your games that tells you “I did my job, now it is up to you to do yours my fellow teammates”?

And what elo are we talking about here?

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I don’t know if it is intentional trolling or you genuinely don’t know what I am talking about. This is a common thing I noticed from your posts.

If you seriously don’t know what is meant by “my job” then I can tell you. Playing as good as you can, looking at your mistakes and try to improve. It seems you didn’t read the post I replied to. I think it is pretty clear from the context of my reply.

Second what is my ELO is irrelevant apart from you having a tool to construct a straw man from that. I may be masters or bronze the notion of losing streaks is present in both. See asking me about my elo is making me believe that you are genuinely trying to do a gotcha move.

If it was luck related, how come better players consistently get to higher ranks? If luck held folks back, how come a Gold can make it out of Bronze or Silver? Does their luck run out when they get to Gold again?

To quote The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion’s description on the Attribute Luck: “Luck has an effect on everything you do, but governs no skills.”

You can always blame luck but we ALL deal with the same bull(bleep). Better players waded through the same obstacles and got to where they are. Your luck is not somehow worse and even if it was, what good would bemoaning it do you?

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Dam you also don’t read posts before replying? I never said that you cannot climb .

Jesus are really trying to show me the wisdom of a videogame author? :laughing: Buddy my life is complete now. Sure it is true but what now? Which part of my post are you replying to?

I find it kinda creepy the fact that “you know my posts”, but nonetheless, no I am not trying to do any strawman, or gotcha moves or whatever you think is happening here.

I asked about your elo just for me and everyone else who sees this topic to “get the hang of things”, basically to know what elo you are complaining about. Not to flame you for anything or make you look bad or whatever you expect “ppl like me to say”, just so you yourself could flame us to prove your point.

Flaming me or anyone else is most definitely not going to get your point across and (nor it will make you play any better or worse) most definitely will not help you to deal with the problem you are currently having. If you posted this topic just in order to get “fuel” to flame me or people like me is going to direct your topic in a way that it should not be directed plus it makes you look sad.

If you did not try to do any of what I wrote then no need be snippy, and you could actually answer the question I posed and then maybe somebody better than you or me might actually reply to it and might actually help you. Whether you believe me or not does not matter, I did not mean any kind of sarcasm whatsoever in the questions I asked you. And I also do not consider the problem that you are having to be a miniscule one.

On the other hand if you simply made up this topic just to spite some of the forum members (who indeed should, honestly, not be your focus in this game, screw the fact whether someone agrees with you or not, will not influence your gameplay or your games in general), than that is even more sad on your part.

If you truly do have a problem then I do not see why you have a problem answering what I asked. And I was neither being mean nor sarcastic.

And considering my questions directed to you as “trolling” says more about than it does about me.


No, you indirectly stated otherwise. You are implying luck has a big effect on matchmaker so it is holding you back hence the losing streaks. If I’m mistaken in that assumption, by all means correct me please as to what

meant otherwise. It reads like blaming bad luck holding you back while skirting around those exact words.

As for what my reply on luck was to: the above quote and

That. You there are saying luck is a factor holding you back. Otherwise how come better players break through these brackets to higher ones?

As for mocking a quotation: personally I think wisdom can come through any number of sources. It’s a nice observation imo from one of my favorite games. I don’t think wisdom is relegated solely to approved tomes on the topic. But you do you do.

I find it a little weird typing this on a forum.
You are posting a lot if you didn’t notice and also, this is a public space.

No I am not flaming anyone but if I would it would be only you nobody else. I am explicitly replying to your post. Then try to not troll and understand what the op meant and stop asking questions that are self explanatory.

You should also look at your posts and see why it seems you always start to heat things up. Just look the amount of text you used to reply just to my remark.

So let me repeat it to you just in case you are wondering why I think you purposely heat things up:
No I didn’t say anything about teammates, no you don’t need to know my elo and yes I said about developers responsibility to make mm less luck dependent.

… and yes sorry I don’t find anything useful from your posts.

I did not know that it was forbidden or looked down upon if “you post a lot”, but I am certain that it is looked down upon if you post things that people like you do not agree with it. I am fine with it.

You make it seem like I am posting things to get people to like me, lol.

I did not think that this was a problem, tbh, me posting a lot. Unless you are bothered by it. I am starting to think that you do not like me :smiley:

And why would you flame me? What did I ever do to influence your own gameplay?

I mean me posting things you do not agree with is fine, it is called being an adult and being able to filter what one likes or does not like. You having the urge to call me out on it says more about you than it does about me. You want for everyone to see how much you do not like me. I sincerely doubt that anyone on this forum cares. They care neither about you or me.

But I guess you payed more attention to me than anyone else with whom I’ve discussed things and I have had more healthy discussions with I disagree with than people I agree with.

Your problem with me is that you disagree with my stance of “one needs to improve”. I get that, unlike you, I have no problem with what you want to believe in. The difference between you and me is I am not bothered by what you believe in, and your beliefs are not going to influence my games.

And if I knew that you were either waiting for me to reply to this topic, or waiting to tell me how much you dislike my posts on this forum, I personally never would have posted here. The problem you described is a problem that many players are having.

Me actually asking about it in a non sarcastic or bad way made your topic completely obsolete. If you are so much bothered by me replying to it, I will have no problem whatsoever in deleting my posts and never again replying to it if it would actually mean that the problem you posed is going to be addressed accordingly.

I guess some people are most interested in what certain forum members write than their own gameplay. Also, I am sorry I will delete my forum posts on your topic.

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You see? Don’t you see how dishonest you are :slight_smile: I think you need to do a lot on yourself first before suggesting anything to me. I find it funny though since anybody can just scroll few pages up and see what I said about that.

Oh your ego. :rofl: Yes I was only waiting for you to reply to my post.
We are done here replying to your posts is really not productive.

If replying to my posts was so unproductive, I personally would never reply to them. Hell I would even avoid them. I never replied to so many people that replied to my posts, because I did not find them to be constructive. Only tells me more about how you personally do not have a problem per se, but rather wanted to start up a conversation with people you do not agree with on this forum.
There are people in real life for that, people who have studied to perfect that craft and who get paid to listen.

But then again next time go through my agent if you want to hate me more. We are both on a clock.

No I find it frustrating and so are a lot of people. My op has nothing to do with me not being able to climb and yes in some ways it is holding me back.

I am pretty sure less luck in a matchmaking is a good thing and if they are saying that a big part of a losing streak could be luck then, yes they should minimize that.

Players on the other hand should try to fix their gameplay.

See? This is where I draw the line. LichQueen is one of the nicest people here and one of the few you can have an amicable conversation where both parties disagree. You stopped replying to me when I showed the holes in your ‘logic.’ There isn’t any but because you learned some fancy-pants words (not their definitions but who cares about that part?) you have this aura of condescension.

Newsflash: disagreeing with you is not a strawman. Rewording you is not a strawman. A strawman is an opponent presenting an argument the other side never made that is far weaker/fallacious so they can rebut it instead of the point made.

Ad Hominem: an attack to the arguer rather than the argument kinda like the part I quoted above. Anyone can read LichQueen’s history and learn about a humble, average player trying to improve on her own and hoping others can too.

Mkay then are you also a “creep” because you read their posts?

You showed me nothing. I dont need your gotcha moment I already wrote that. :slight_smile:

You showed just that you like to start arguments and heat up the debate without reason. Both of you just look where we are and why?

Because I said that matchmaking should rely less on luck. Heh. Look in the mirror and ask yourself who started this unproductive discussion completely derailing the discussion.

Edit: If you marry please DONT invite me. :slight_smile:

The saddest part of it all being, people who are actually experiencing what he wrote are going to be disregarded just because he posted it only to start up an argument with the forum people he does not like. He could not have picked up a post of mine or yours on another topic or started it up from there or actually posted a new one where he really wanted to argue.

His topic has nothing to do with OW itself or its problems, it has to do with him arguing with people he does not personally like. I never knew that this forum is about liking someone or disliking someone.

His post was never about a specific problem per se, his post was to start a topic about people like me, and I most inadvertently may have fallen into his trap.

He seems to be more and more an alt account of some people who might have gotten silenced due to “inappropriate language” or whatever mods seem to find inappropriate these day so he just “had to get it out” in one way or another.

I just find it particularly sad to hate on another forum member, like they are going to get them to a higher SR. The more you hate the more SR you gain.

And I was personally never the one to hate on anyone on this forum, even if I disagreed with them. I mostly write how I personally am bad in this game.

But disregard all of that, he is actually minimizing all the issues or problems other ppl might be having with this game. He is actually minimizing low elo experience of ppl who are in those elos by simply hating on certain forum members. Who the hell cares what a non important forum member has to say? Who?

It will neither you give you or take away any SR you might gain or lose. It will only prevent other people asking for help.

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Newsflash: you don’t disagree with me you disagree with something that I didn’t say. Good?

You dont even know what ad hominem is. You misuse it like a large part of population just to sound smart.

If I say “you’re wrong, and you’re an id0t” this is not ad hominem this is simple an insult (I dont know where I insulted someone?).
If I say “You’re wrong because you’re an idi=t” that is ad hominem.

You are not helping anyone you are only helping yourself. Your ego and your dishonest attacks are really appalling.

His post was never about a specific problem per se?
I am minimizing low elo experience ?
He seems to be more and more an alt account of some people who might have gotten silenced due to “inappropriate language”?

… and you go on and on…this is actually pretty disgusting but you actually never look at your posts right? It is always about others (but not in an ow game :rofl: ).

How am I helping myself? In what way? I neither gained nor lost any SR due to this topic. And I am certain to say, neither has anyone else.

How is my ego and me being appalling helped or hindered anyone’s gameplay right here and right now? Or in general, since you follow my posts.