Luck, matchmaking and losing streaks

:slight_smile: Unbelievable. Just a post before you built my whole character (from forum posts) even though nothing of that will solve anyone’s gameplay and just troll me more.

Now you are asking ME how telling you that you have a big ego will solve gameplay issues?
It will not. :slight_smile:

Edit: I just read it again and I misunderstood what you meant but you did too with your statement so whatever
what I said is still true.

I don’t misuse it. I know what an insult is and, yes, there can be an aside in an argument but you’re not doing that. Your rebuttal is succinctly put as attacking those who disagree with you. You haven’t rebutted mine or LichQueen’s argument just said things about us. I have better things to do so I’ma bounce. Good job proving once again your unmerited condescension in action.

If I schooled you about correct usage of logical fallacies don’t feel threatened. You wanted to teach me something?
About my unmerited condescension: The pot calling the kettle black.

I can see it, that is true tbh, clear point, but unfortunately it is a human factor than game factor, ppl are just stupid and game is very complicated to work as intended with such a behaviour. On top of that blizzard implements flexQ which provides more throw matches in favour of shorten q, and now normal Q becomes even 30% bigger for dps role, and that is just sad design by devs.
I would recomend to play 2-4 stack with your friends on tanks, cause tank role is a mess rn for all, stacking is the only way to stabilize game for your self and decreas mm randomness.

so you are saying that lose streak matchmaking is not a thing in overwatch. (just want to mention that it was confirmed in other games like league). i will have to disagree with you, forced losing is for sure a thing in overwatch as it is in other games, why would you just give players the rank and teammates they deserve when you can tease them and force them to play more and have shorter q times. My example: after 36 games with winrate 73% i was just 7 sr to rankup and “totaly fair” matchmaking system just started shlting on me with griefers, leavers, people that dont even speak or understand english and other dogshlt. and “very suddenly” when i droped 150 sr it was all good again, and you know what, i got back to almost rankup with 100% winrate in those 6 games or so and that shlt happend again in total 5 times now. i am very tilted and i will most probably just take a help from roommate (top500 player) to get over this nonsence.

This happened to me too, when I need 1 or 2 games for GM I drop like a rock happened 5 times now aswell, I just dont uderstand. I really dont.

I support this thread. There is no such thing as “luck” in ranked competitive play when every match is being handicapped with MMR. More information in my thread on the subject:

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Further to this, the patents we know are in ATVI games:

Rigging at the Laddering level:
US20200114268A1 - Rigged matchmaking so you grind and feel engaged instead of progressing too quickly.

Rigging at the match-level:
US20160001186A1 - Handicapping teams and rigging balance to make games “fun”. This one forces 50/50 outcome estimates.

Rigging literally mid-match, dynamically, during fights:
US10857468B2 - In-game rigging i.e. dda/hitbox scaling so people think their hanzo actually landed 4 headshots in a row. Also scales stuff like ult charge% passives to tip the scales suddenly. Helps with content, excitement, and viewers.

Imagine thinking you’re good (or bad) at a rigged game.


Forced losing streaks are real. And so are forced winning streak. It seems to be random, but what I know for a fact is that whenever you start to climb, the matchmaker will do it’s best to stack odds completely against you, unless it knows who you are.

My theory is that they do it by matching you with people who have recently been reported for gameplay sabotage or abusive chat multiple times, people who have suicided multiple times in their recent games, and generally people who are currently performing poorly and are more prone to throwing and being abusive. At the same time, it will match you against people who are performing exceptionally well for their SR and do not have a recent history of problematic behaviour. It doesn’t always get it right tho, probably on purpose, so even in a losing streak you will squeeze in a win or two, and a forced win streak will have some losses.

Why am I saying this? I hit my highest ever SR today, 3142 on support. Now, a few hours later, I’ve dropped all the way to 2950 and after getting a bit tired of support, I went from 3034 to 2936 on tank.

Why do I believe it’s forced? Because of the people I’m being matched with and the fact that they very rarely appear on the enemy team. I’ve seen people throw before, I’ve seen people being exceptionally toxic, but never in such quantity and so many in a row as today, the day I hit my career high.

Why do I believe it’s not just me playing poorly? Because no matter how well I’d play these games, no matter how much I’d heal, no matter how much I’d help secure kills, it wouldn’t matter, because these people were making sure that the game would be a loss or they simply didn’t care. So unless I went full #1 Baptiste insane aim mode and just killed everybody by myself, it would be a loss. I also don’t tilt that easily, so It’s not just tilt-losing. I only started being really frustrated when a certain duo decided to harass me a throw my game, more on that below.

Just today, I’ve had:

  • Multiple players repeatedly throwing themselves off the map
  • Multiple Reinhardts constantly charging right into the enemy team and dying, often trashtalking while at it
  • Multiple terrible Reddit LĂșcio wannabes
  • DPS leaving voice once asked to counter a Pharmercy that was freely farming us supports, completely uncontested the entire game
  • A team half of which died literally within seconds of the round, before I even finished a WB rollout. From then, they would just keep trickling in and dying before any action even began until we lost.
  • A “smurf” DPS who would just trashtalk everybody while only getting about 4 picks in the entire game himself.
  • And finally, the cherry on the top, a DPS/tank duo who began the game by screeching into the mic as loud as possible, suggested ridiculous things like frontlining as Bastion (which they did), bragged about doing drugs at the moment, and then falsely accused me of calling them the n word and asking the enemy to report me.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten some. There’s too many to remember. It’s just not a coincidence this happened the very same day I reached my all time high SR. It’s not a coincidence such things happen consistently every single time I start climbing. It’s not a coincidence when it happens in such ridiculous streaks. It’s simply not possible that this is all by chance. And it’s not only happening to me.

Most “unranked to GM” are just as rigged. These players are using the same PC, same network connection, a completely fresh account and they’re streaming it live. Blizzard know who they are the moment they make that account and will always give them more favorable matches. ML7 does unranked to GM with only support heroes, one at a time, and he avoids using his mechanical skill to his advantage while doing it. The overwhelming majority of his games, his team is simply better than the enemy and he doesn’t even have to do that much. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he’s just riding along, he’s doing a lot of work and playing very well, but very rarely do these players get unwinnable matches with people actively throwing their game or being overly toxic.

In this game, it’s not enough to be better than the enemy, you also need to be good enough to make up for people actively trying to drag you down. You need to be better than everybody and not just slightly, you need to be light years better than everyone around you to even begin to dream of climbing legitimately by yourself.

Until I see exactly how the matchmaker works from a reputable source, I won’t believe it’s chance. Until I see a better player than myself climb on my account, on my setup, as support, without abusing their much superior mechanical skill (at which point they might as well play DPS), I won’t believe climbing isn’t actively being prevented.

I’m telling you Blizzard does some funny stuff.

Hmmm. New accounts could be given “cleaner” matchmaking to
Can’t think of a better word here than: TRICK them into getting hooked on the game on false grounds. That would explain why so many of them find themsleves teamed up with me - an established player that doesn’t knowingly throw games and generaly tries to play intelligently. Makes it fun for them, and trashes the quality of games for me

That’s just one type of luck:

  • Getting a noob in team
  • Getting a placer in team (unstable rank, extra fun if combined with above
  • Toxic person triggered off his gourd
  • Toxic group, out to bully the first fool that talks in voice
  • Kid just derping around on his sisters account.
  • People that “play a game before work/school”
  • Actually mentally chalenged people (I assume it happens).
  • Derankers
  • Trolls
  • Leavers
  • Fragile people who get set off if you as much suggest they swap off whatever they are playing.
  • Chronic feeders that just can’t stop going in alone (Possibly because they are mentally challenged idk)
  • Low ELO people that try to pull off high skill heroes and can’t
  • Boosters
  • Boosted
  • Flex que dps mains that can’t.

Some of these you can sort of pull a win out of, others you can’t unless your other teammates are very good.

These games make up about 50% off all games in gold and it’s a shame because many of these things could be avoided by designing a better matchmaker

Thanks for providing these patent codes, I am making a note of them in my file. Is there any other info you can share on this?