Thats what i said, most people cannot even get the tokens they love to advertise so much, they dont acknowledge that flaw.
Its not a global League and by far not for everyone, things like this make it clear. Just dont know why people needed a Lucio emote to realize what i and many others said when they started OWL.
We said its going to fail because the majority dont care: They showed us number of the opening day how successful it was and how many people watched it, the numbers decreased day by day since then and rapidly,what did they do?
Implemented a system which gives tokens for watching,and the launcher starts the stream whether you want it or not, apparently afk viewers are good to keep up appearance.
Then it became clear,that its still not enough,what did they do? They started releasing event info between matches (at first they told exactly when its going to happen,after that they dont even tell the exact time,but only its going to happen sometimes during the stream).
The final nail is the All-Access not selling well so they do this,(The pink Mercy was testing ground,they even admitted it,this is the next step and definitely not the last) sure OWL is a huge success and have no negative effect on the game whatsoever. We can only thank the Mercy rework,the rework and the Sombra nerf just to mention a few, and the slow game updates.
And dont think i forget the day when the OWL skins got released, we had the Blizzard world and the basic lootbox drop pool extension planned for that week, which got delayed because Torbjörn could place a turret where he should not or whatever weak excuse it was for a delay, such a coincidence the OWL skins were ready for that week.
(for the record i bought the all access pass way before this whole emote thing,because I KNEW they will pull off something like this, and believe me ,this isnt over with this emote. Just wait until they announce that you will get random OWL skin drops for watching the finals live or something like that)